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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL 78. Schizoporella auriculata, Hassall. From 1. s. t. to deep water, 60 fin. (H.); Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.); Mount's B. 5 fra. ; Scilly (McAndrew). Var. ochracea, Hincks, 30 fm. off the Cornish coast (H.) ; off the Dodman (P.) 79. S. cecilii, Audouin. Eddystone, 20 fm. (M. B. A.) ; coast of Cornwall, on stone, &c., from deep water (H.) 80. S. byalina, Linn. Gen. dist. and usually abund. along the coast from inshore to deep water on stones, shells, and sea-weed, from the smallest up to Laminaria saccbarlna ; Scilly 8 1. S. vulgaris, Moll. SW. of Polperro, 30 fm. (H.) 82. S.lineaiis, Hassall. Gen. dist. and abund. round coast, 1. w. to 60 fm. 83. S. sanguinea, Norman. On stones, Cornwall, deep water (H.) 84. S. spinifert, Johnst. N. unc. on Laminaria and stones along S. coast, but not recorded W. of Gorran Haven. 85. S. unlcomii, Johnst. Locally c. along coast from between t-m. to deep water ; abund. Fowey Harb., off the Dodman (P.), Falmouth B., and Mount's B. The form ansata occurs off Corn- wall, 30 1040 fm. (H.) 86. Mastigophora dutertrel, Audouin. Off the Dod- man, 60 fm. (H.) ; one spec, in the same locality (P.) 87. Schizothecajissa, Busk. Eddystone Gnds. (M.B. A.); off the Dodman, 30 to 40 fm. (H.) ; on a stone 5 m. off the Dodman (P.) 88. Celkpora avicularis, Hincks. Locally c. from moderate to very deep water on Sertulariae, Gorgoniae, &c. ; Eddystone Gnds. (M.B. A.) ; off the Dodman (P.) ; W. of Menavawr, Scilly ! 89. C. costazii, Audouin. N. unc. on S. coast from the laminarian zone downwards ; Cawsand B., Polperro, Gorran Haven, Helford, Mount's B. 90. C. armata, Hincks. On shell probably from deep water, Cornwall (H.) 91. C. dlchotoma, Hincks. In 20 to 30 fm. at the Eddy- stone (M.B. A.) ; off Polperro, 30 fm. (H.) ; off the Dodman (P.) ; Padstow ! 92. C. pumicosa, Linn. N. unc. from 1. s. t. to deep water along the S. coast ; St. Ives, Padstow, and Scilly ! 93. C. rarnu/osa,L,'mn. N. unc. on corallines, stones, &c., from deepish water along S. coast ; New- quay and Padstow ! 94. Criiia acuhata, Hassall. N. unc. at 1. s. t. on red sea weed in Falmouth B. ! 95. C. cornuta, Linn. F. c. from between t-m. downwards apparently all round coast and at Scilly on seaweeds, zoophytes and the Cor- wich crab 96. C. denticulata, Lamarck. N. unc. along coast and at Scilly from 1. w-m. to the laminarian zone 97. C. eburnea, Linn. C. round coast and at Scilly, from between t-m. downwards chiefly on red sea-weeds, Sertulariae and the Cor- wich crab 98. 99- 100. IOI, 102. 103. 104. IOS. I 06. 107. 108. 109. 1 10. in. I 12. "3- 114. 115. 116. 117, US. unc. deep water Scilly ; Newquay, Crisia ratnosa, S. F. Harmer. V. c. Plymouth district, 4 to 30 fm. gen. on stones, but also on shells, red sea-weeds, &c. (M.B. A.); Falmouth B. Dlastopora obella, Johnst. Gen. dist. round coast shallow to deep water ; specs, exposed at 1. s. t., Falmouth B. D. patina, Lamarck. N. along S. coast and at Padstow ! D. samiensis, Norman. Rame-Eddystone and Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; 40 fm. off Polperro (H.) ; Lantivet B. on Isocardla cor. (P.) D. suborbicularis, Hincks. Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) Entalophora clavata, Busk. Wolf Rk. (P) ; Porthgwarra (Magor) Idmonea serpens, Linn. Locally c. along S. coast from between t-m. downwards. Var. radiata on Cornish Pinnae (H). Tubulipora liliacea, Pallas. N. unc. on shells, stones, hydroids, &c. S. of the Plymouth Break- water, 15 to 30 fm. ; Rame-Eddystone Gnds. ; Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; Falmouth B. T. phalangea, Couch. C. along coast from shallow water downwards on stones, shells, wicker-work of crab-pots and in the hollow ' bulbs ' of Laminaria bulbosa ; abund. Scilly T. plumosa, W. Thompson. Abund. Ply- mouth district on Cystoseira granulata and on Saccorhiza bulbosa (M.B.A.), Mevagissey ! Stomatopora granulata, Milne-Edwards. From deep water, Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.), off the Dodman, in Falmouth B. ! S.johnitoni, Heller. Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) S. major, Johnst. N. unc. locally on stones and shells in deep water ; Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; Polperro, Land's End (R.Q.C.) ; Falmouth B. ! S. incrassata, Smitt. On Pinna from deep water, Cornwall (H.) S. dejlexa, Couch. On shells from deep water ; Polperro, Mevagissey B. and off the Dodman (R.Q.C.) S. fungia, Couch. On shells and stones c. Eddystone to the Dodman (R.Q.C.) ; 40 fm. off Polperro (H.) ; Land's End (R.Q.C.) Lichenopora bispida, Fleming. C. deepish water all along S. coast Alcyonidium gelatinosum, Linn. N. unc. deep water, Plymouth to Land's End A. hirsutum, Fleming. On algae from between t-m. to shallow water ; one spec, from Cawsand B. (M.B.A.) ; Polperro, Mevagissey (R.Q.C.) ; n. unc. Pennance, Falmouth ! abund. Mount's B. (Magor), Padstow ! A. mytili, Dalyell. Plymouth (M.B.A.) and Mount's B. (H.) A. farasitiftim, Fleming. Plymouth on S. cuprcssina (M.B.A.) ; Fowey and Falmouth B. on S. abietina and Hydrallmannia fakata 138