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MARINE ZOOLOGY 119. Flustrel/a hlsplda, Fab. V. abund. round coast 126. Hypophorella expanse, Ehlers. N. unc. Plymouth and at Scilly on foci between t-m. area on the tubes of Chaetopterus varkpedatus 1 20. Veslcukria sfinosa, Linn. Off the Dodman on ' corallines, r. (R.Q.C.) 127- Triticella boeckl, G. O. Sars. One spec, on Gonoflax rhomboldes on the Rame-Eddystone 121. Amathia lendigera, Linn. Locally n. unc. on Gnds. (M.B A ) fuel and corallines esp. about 1. s. t-m. ; Penlee-Rame Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; Polperro, Lan- Iz8 - ^alkeria uva, Linn. Often abund. on corallines tivet B. (R.Q.C.) ; Gorran Haven (P.) ; Fal- in rock P ols a'ng coast. The form uva mouth B., Mount's B. and Scilly ! locally v. c. The form cuscuta occurs on most beaches down to the laminarian zone 122. Bowerbtinkla Imbrlcata, Adams. On fuel about 1. w-m. ; Polperro, (R.Q.C.) ; Helford ! and I2 9- Mtmosclla gracilis, Hincks. Locally c. in g t j ves lammarian zone along S. coast ; Polperro, Gorran Haven (R.Q.C.) ; Falmouth B. ! 123. B. fustulosa, E. and S. On foci about 1. s. t. ; Mount's B. and elsewhere (P.) Plymouth v. c. (M.B.A.) ; Fowey Harb. and off Gorran Haven, rr. (P.) ; one dense '3- Pt^iOiM cernua, Pall. Gen. dist. and plentiful arborescent tuft at Pennance, Falmouth ! K of S - coast > but evidently scarce in the mid- dle and not recorded W. of Falmouth B. ; 124. Cy/inJroecium glganteum, Busk. On rocks near between t-m. to deepish water, more esp. on ]. w. off Gorran Haven and the Dodman (P.) hydroids, algae and other polyzoa 125. C. dllatatum, Hincks. Eddystone Gnds. 131. P. graclKs, Sars. On Laminaria at 1. t-m. near (M.B.A.) ; Falmouth (Mann) Zennor ! BRACHIOPODA i. Megathyrls decollata, Chemnitz. Dredged at Scilly 2. M. cestel/ula, S. V. Wood. Single valves dredged by the late Clifford Burkill about I m. NE. of at Scilly by Burkil lin 40 fm. ; obtained also Menavawr in 35 fm. He obtained 3 dead by Marshall, 30 fm. off the Eddystone specs, and 2 single valves MOLLUSCA From its geographical position, its variety of coast line and of littoral, its diversity of sea-bottom, and the relatively equable temperature of its waters, Cornwall is peculiarly rich in molluscan life. The local workers, too, have been numerous, and though the published lists have been few, the results of their observations are in most cases still preserved in the collections they have made. Among the earliest investigators in this fascinating field were Jonathan Couch, the famous naturalist surgeon of Polperro, W. P. Cocks of Falmouth, and Williams Hockin of Truro, all of whom published local lists of great value. Later on Miss Hannah Tyacke and Miss E. Carne of Penzance, Miss Hockin of Phillack, the Rev. R. N. Dennis of Penzance, and the Rev. W. Rogers collected assiduously and for many years in the west of the county, and their results, along with those of Mr. E. D. Marquand, Mr. W. E. Baily, and Mr. Theodore Brown, and those of the Rev. R. W. J. Smart among the Isles of Scilly, were brought together and considerably augmented by Mr. G. Fox Tregelles in his paper on ' The Marine Testaceous Mollusca of Cornwall ' (vide infra}. This list also contains a number of data by Mr. R. V. Tellam from the St. Minver district and Par, as well as many compiled from the records of older visiting naturalists, like Montagu, Barlee, Jeffreys, and McAndrew. In the early eighties the Rev. R. W. J. Smart and the Rev. A. H. Cooke gave a great deal of attention to the marine shells of Scilly, and much also has been done there and along the south coast of the county by Messrs. C. Burkill and J. T. Marshall. The more important papers on Cornish marine mollusca are as follows : I. Jonathan Couch, Cornish Fauna, 1841. As pioneer work this list is admirable. 2. W. P. Cocks, ' Fauna of Falmouth ' (Rep. Roy. Cornw. Polyt. Sac. 1849). 3- <List of Shells, Mount's Bay, 1855' (Trans. Penz. Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Sac. (old ser.), ii). This is evidently the work of several naturalists, but their names have not been preserved. In the accompanying list of county species it is referred to as the 'Penzance List.' 4. Williams Hockin, 'Cornish Marine Shells' (Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornw. 1866). 5. G. Fox Tregelles, ' Marine Testaceous Mollusca of Cornwall ' (Trans. Penz. Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Soc. (new ser.), ii, 1885). 6. The Rev. R. W. J. Smart, M.A., and the Rev. A. H. Cooke, M.A., ' Marine Shells of Scilly ' (Journ. of Concho/ogy, 1885 and 1886). This paper gives the results of four years' close shore hunting and a limited amount of dredging among the islands. It also contains a list of mollusca recorded from Scilly by the Rev. J. H. Jenkinson and his son Mr. F. Jenkinson, but not found by the authors. 7. C. Burkill and J. T. Marshall, ' Marine Shells of Scilly ' (Journ. of Concha logy, 1885 and 1886). These contain an account of species, previously unrecorded from the islands, obtained by Mr. C. Burkill and identified by Mr. J. T. Marshall. 8. W. Garstang, M.A..