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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL ' Opisthobranchiate Mollusca Found at Plymouth' in the Journ. Marine Blol, Assoc. (1890). 9. G. Fox Tregelles, 'The Marine Mollusca of Cornwall' (Journ. of Conchology, 1896). This is by far the most complete list of species with their distribution around the county that has yet appeared, and includes practically all the previous records. 10. J. T. Marshall, ' The Marine Shells of Scilly ' (Journ. of Conchology, 1897). This consists of an additional list of Scillonian species obtained by the author. 1 1. ' Plymouth Marine Invertebrate Fauna ' (Journ. Marine Bio I. Assoc. vii). This list includes all the more prominent forms of marine mollusca from the district, but is incomplete as regards the smaller and more critical species. In addition to the data from these various published papers the list that follows contains all the more important records of the Nature Study Society at the Technical Schools, Truro, during five years' ardent shore collecting by many of its members. A considerable amount of dredging has also been done on the south coast, but especially in Falmouth Bay and in 35 to 45 fathoms off the Dodman, and a great deal of attention given to trawl refuse wherever it has been available. Mr. A. Robinson has very kindly supplied the writer with a MS. list of his takings around Polperro, Mr. C. P. Richards of species obtained in the St. Austell district, Mr. J. H. James of those he has taken in the Truro, Falmouth and Helston districts as well as elsewhere in the county, Mr. Rupert Vallentin of those found by him around Falmouth, and Mr. F. W. Thelwell of those secured by him at Harlyn Bay, near Padstow. The collections of Cornish shells in the museum of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, of Mrs. Paull at Bosvigo, Truro, and of Mr. J. H. James, have been of great service in the preparation of this section of the work, and much labour has been saved to the writer through the kindness and thoughtfulness of Mr. G. F. Tregelles in lending him a carefully annotated copy of his 'Marine Mollusca of Cornwall.' The records of critical species and varieties in the following list are for the greater part limited to specimens that have been identi- fied by Mr. J. T. Marshall, the Rev. A. H. Cooke, and the late Mr. Robert Bell, so that their geographical distribution in the county is in many cases undoubtedly wider than the number of localities mentioned would suggest. Where there is uncertainty about any particular record the doubt is always indicated in the text. LIST OF CORNISH MARINE MOLLUSCA AMPHINEURA 1. Rhopalomfnla aglaophenla, Kov. & Mar. Occ. twined round the base of the stem of the hydroid Aglaophenia myriophyllum ; c. Eddystone and Rame-Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; off the Dodman ! in 35 fm. Falmouth B. ! 2. Myzomenia banyulensls, Pruvot. Often associated with the erect form of Lafoea dumosa ; Eddy- stone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; off" the Dodman ! 3. LeplJopleurtu cancellatus, G.B. Sow. Scarce at Fal- mouth and Helford ; St. Mary's S., Scilly (M.) 4. Hanleya hanleyt, Bean. Falmouth (Cocks) ; a per- fect example and several plates in St. Mary's S., Scilly (M.) 5. Tonicella rubra, Lowe. Falmouth (Cocks) ; Mount's B. (Pcnzance List) 6. Callochlton laevis, Mont. N. unc. under stones near 1. w - m., Plymouth S. ; Fowey, Fal- mouth, Helford, Mount's B., Land's End, and St. Mary's S., Scilly 7. CraspiJochilus onyx, Spengler. N. unc. along the S. coast and in places abund. from 1. w-m. to deepish water ; Hayle, Padstow, and n. unc. in the Menavawr dredgings at Scilly. var. rissoi Jeffreys, found at Scilly by Marshall 8. C. cinereus, Linn. Under loose stones between t-m. in Plymouth S. ; and at Fowey, Port- scatho, Falmouth, Mount's B. (Tregelles) and Scilly 9. C. albus, Linn. Under stones between t-m. on Porthpean beach, St. Austell (Richards) ; dredged in shallow water near Helford ! 10. Acanthochitcs fascicular'u, Linn. Under stones and among barnacles down to 1. s. t. ; probably all along the S. coast from Whitsand B. to Mouse- hole ; not recorded from the Lizard ; Fal- mouth and Scilly, r. . A. dlscrefans, Brown. Lantivet B. (J.C.), Fal- mouth, Helford and Mount's B. r. PELECYPODA 12 14. PROTOBRANCHIA fm. Nucula nucleus, Linn. Locally c. from 10 downwards round the coast ; shells cast up along S. and at Hayle, Perranporth, St. Minver, Bude ! live specs. Cawsand B. and Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.), off the Dodman, 40 fm. ! in Falmouth Harb. 1 5 fm. (V.) and at Scilly ; var. radiata, F. & H. Falmouth (Hockin) and in Mount's B. (Tregelles) N. nit'.Ja, G. B. Sow. Cawsand B. and ' outer ' trawling gnd. at the Eddystone (M.B.A.) ; 40 fm . off the Dodman ! I 5 fm. at Helford ! Falmouth (Cocks), Mount's B. (Penzance List), Porthcurnow! Wolf Rk. and Hayle (Miss Came) FlLIBRANCHIA Anomla ephippium, Linn. V. gen. dist. on S. coast and at Scilly, between t-m. down to 20 or 30 fm. on rocks, stones and shells ; Hayle, porth ! Harlyn B. (Thelwell) and Padstow B. ! var. sjuamula Linn. Land's End (Hockin) ; Scilly (S. & C.). var. aculeata Mall. Land's End (R.Q.C.) ; Scilly (S. & C.) 140