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MARINE ZOOLOGY 420. Idalina eleg/ms, Leuckart. Recorded by Spence Bate for the Cornish coast 4*1. /. (IJaliella) asperia, A. & H. I spec, off Pen- lee Pt. (M. B. A.) 422. /. (IdaRella) pukhella, A. & H. 1 spec, dredged off St. Ives in 1853 (Barlee) 423. Ancula cristata, Alder. Cawsand B. (M. B. A.) ; under stones on Pentewan beach, n. nnc. Feb. 1901 ! several obtained at 1. s. t. off Tre- fusis Pt., Falmouth Harb. (V.) ; found by Cocks not infrequently on the Falmouth beaches PULMONATA 424. Otina otis, Turton. V. abund. and gregarious in roclc crevices in a cave under Rame Cliff Pt. (M. B. A.) ; Lizard and Tintagel (Cooke) ; Monsehole ; Land's End (Hockin) ; Piper's Hole, Tresco, c. (S. & C.). var. Candida Jeffreys, Sennen. var. alba Cooke, Newquay (Cooke) 425. Leucmla bidcntata, Mont. Local along the S. coast in crevices near h. w. m. and under stones between t-m. ; Hayle Towans (Hennell) ; Scilly, n. unc. 426. Alexia dcnfuulata, Mont. Mevagissey ! Fal- mouth (Cocks) ; Porthcurnow (Hennell) ; Scilly (Jordan), var. mjoiotis Drap., Truro (King) ; Penzance, Porthcurnow, and Whitsand B., Land's End (Hennell) ; dead shells at Scilly 427. Onciditlla celtica, Cuv. Whitsand B., E. (Spence Bate) ; Lantivet B. in crevices of the rocks a little above h. w. m., apparently feeding on Lichina pygmaea (Laughrin) CEPHALOPODA 428. Ommastrephes sagittatus, Lmk. I /lex co'mdeti, Verany. It is impossible to say to which of these two species the examples recorded by Laughrin from Polperro and by Cocks from Falmouth belong 429. Todaropsis eblanae, Ball, i spec, from the neigh- bourhood of Plymouth (M. B. A.) 430. Spirula perroni, Lmk. Dead shells not infre- quently cast ashore on the Cornish beaches from Pendower to Padstow and on Scilly 431. Loligo Jorbesi, Steenstrup. Evidently of gen. occ. along S. coast, but irregular in its appear- ance ; occ. some little way up the tidal rivers ; Scilly, July 1903,^! 432. L. media, Linn. St. John's Lake, Hamoaze ; Cawsand B. ; Whitsand B. (M. B. A.) ; Pol- perro ! Mevagissey ! Falmouth ; St. Ives ! St. Mary's S., Scilly, July 1903 ! 433. L. marmorae, Verany. One spec, off the Draystone, Plymouth (M.B.A.) 434. Sepia officinafis, Linn. Gen. dist. along S. coast and usually c. in bays and estuaries in July ; Scilly, c. 435. S. elegant, d'Orb. N. unc. at times along S. coast in trawl refuse ; one at Padstow, May 1900! [S. fOrbignyana, Ferussac. Twice reported from St. Austell B. but not confirmed] 436. Sepiola scandica, Steenstrup. A single spec. Plymouth S., Nov. 1887, and another off the Mewstone, Oct. 1899 (M.B.A.) 437. Roiiia macroioma, delle Chiaje. Two tpecs. Ply- mouth S., autumn 1892, and occ. taken on the trawling gnds. (M.B.A.), once, Mount's B. ! 438. Polypui vulgarii, Lmk. As a rule sparingly dist. along coast, but occ. abund. In 1900 abund. outside Falmouth Harb. and several caught at Malpas near Truro ! Scilly 439. Moichitet cirrosa, Lmk. Not infrequent on trawling gnds. and in lobster pott along S. coast and at Scilly; 2 near Widemouth B., July, >9S ! TUNICATA The Tunicates of the Cornish seas are usually abundant both in numbers and species, but the impossibility of identifying the majority of them greatly restricts the dimensions of the accom- panying list. Several very common compound ascidians in Falmouth Bay are known at Truro only by the names the students have invented. Fortunately the compound ascidians collected by Dr. Cocks in the neighbourhood of Falmouth were named by Milne-Edwards, otherwise the list would have been a great deal smaller than it is. The classification and nomenclature followed is that of Herdman in 'A revised Classification of the Tunicates' (Tram. Linn. Sac. 1891). 1 . Molgula oculata, Forbes. Eddyitone Gnds. (M.B.A.); n. unc. locally around Falmouth and in trawl refuse from Helford 2. M. limplex, Alder and Hancock. N. nnc. on Chaetopterui tube* on the Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) 3. M. citrina, A. & H. Occ. in Falmouth B. 6. 7- 8. 4. Cynthia Jura, Heller. One damaged spec, in 9. trawl refuse Mevagissey, showing the six branchial folds and the lanquets at the posterior end! '57 Cynthia mortis, Forbes. Fowey ; f. c. Pennance, Falmouth, May 1900! in 25 fm. Mount's B. (Forbes and McAndrew) ; Scilly (Cams) C. tquamuloia, Alder. Two specs. Scilly 1903, both showing the inner surface of the test white and soft ! C. quadrangularis, Forbes. Scilly (Cams) Pelmaia corrugata, Forbes. Occ. Falmouth B. P. glabra, Forbes. From trawl refuse, Helford river (Cocks). In Falmouth B. a smooth pilose brownish yellow form has been taken which evidently belongs to this species !