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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL 10. Forbesella tessellata, Forbes. Rame-Eddystone Gnds. ; a single spec. Eddystone Gnds. on fine gravel (M.B.A.) ; trawl refuse, Mevagissey ! Falmouth B. scarce ! in 25 fm. Mount's B. (Alder). [C. Kmacina, Forbes, from 25 fm. Mount's B. (Forbes and McAndrew) and from Scilly (Carus), may be a var. of this species] 11. Stye/of sis grossularia, van Beneden. Abund. on rocks between t-m. Mt. Edgcumbe, occ. in dredgings from Queen's Gnd., n. unc. particu- larly on Pecten shells on the gravels W. of Eddystone (M.B.A.) ; f. c. locally, Falmouth B. 12. Polycarpa rustica, L. N. unc. Falmouth B. ; Scilly (Carus) 13. P. pomparia, Savigny. Eddystone Gnds., on one occ. v. plentiful 4 m. WNW. of the Eddystone (M.B.A.) 1 4. Corella larvaeformis, Hancock. Off the Eddystone (M.B.A.) 15. C. parallelogramtna, Mull. Two specs. Devonshire side of Plymouth district (M.B.A.) ; Scilly (Carus) 1 6. Phallusia mamillata, Cuv. N. unc. Devonshire side of Plymouth district (M.B.A.); Polperro ! Gyllyngvase, Falmouth ! 1 7. Ascidtella venosa, Mull. Occ. specs, on the Eddy- stone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; Falmouth B. sparingly, 5 to 25 fm. ! 1 8. A. aspersa, Mull. Locally c. Plymouth S. (M.B.A.) ; Sennen Cove ! Scilly (Carus) 19. A. arachnoldea, Forbes. N. unc. on Cornish Coast (Alder) 20. A. scabra, Mull. Gen. present on Eddystone Gnds. but spec, abund. where Sertularella Gayi is plentiful; Rame-Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.) ; c. in about 40 fm. off the Dodman ! Falmouth B. ! Scilly (Carus) 21. A. clbida, A. & H. In trawl refuse from Fal- mouth Harb. (Cocks) ; Helford ! (May be a var. of the preceding species) 22. A. conchilega, Mall. N. unc. in Falmouth Harb. and not infrequently cast up in Falmouth B. during a storm 23. A.prunum, Mull. F. c. locally, Falmouth B. 24. A. mentula, Mull. Devonshire side of Plymouth district (M.B.A.) ; n. unc. Falmouth Harb. and B. ; Scilly (Carus) 25. A. depressa, Alder. Bolt Hd. (M.B.A.); n. unc. Falmouth B. (Cocks) 26. A. pmtulosa, Alder. Dredged by Alder in Fowey Harb. 27. A. elRptica, A. and H. Under stones at l.w-m., St. Mary's Chan. Scilly 28. A. pelluclda, A. & H. Under stones between t-m., Gorran ; at 1. s. t. Falmouth (Cocks) 29. A. sordida, A. & H. Attached to hydroids in shallow water, Polperro and Falmouth B. 30. A. vitrea, van Ben. Occ. Falmouth B. (Cocks) 3 1 . dona ean'ma, Mull. N. unc. Falmouth B. ; Scilly ! 32. C. intestinaRs, L. Comparatively r. in Plymouth district till 1901 when it became v. abund. in Millbay docks (M.B.A.) ; Fowey ! sometimes c. in Falmouth Harb. and B. ; plentiful New- quay, 1905 ! Scilly! 33. Diazona violacea, Sav. Eddystone Gnds. (M.B.A.); in 20 fm. off Helford ! Perophora banyuknsis, Lahille. Duke Rk. Plymouth (M.B.A.)] 34. P. listen, Wiegmann. Queen's Gnd., Asia shoal (M.B.A.) ; Polperro ! Fowey, on the fronds of fucus n. unc. Falmouth B. and Harb. ; Mount's B. 35. Pycnoclavella aurilucens, Garstang. Plymouth S. and at Mewstone (M.B.A.) 36. Clavelina kpadiformls, Mull. Occ. at extreme 1. t. Drake's Is., Queen's Gnd. Mt. Edgcumbe, rr. in 10 to 15 fm. off Penlee (M.B.A.) ; in shallow water, Polperro ! in Falmouth Harb. and B. ; Scilly 37. Distapelia rosea, Delia Valle. On stones and dead shells in the Plymouth district (M.B.A.) [Arckidlstoma aggregation, Garstang. V. abund. Duke Rk., Plymouth] 38. Distoma rubra, Sav. On stones, in pools, and on taminarian stems, Gyllyngvase, and Pennance (Cocks). 39. D. crystallinum, Ren. Sennen B., Land's End ! 40. Aplidlum zostericola, Giard. Attached to stalks of Bowerbankia or Amathia, Plymouth (M.B.A.) 41. A. fallax, Johnst. Attached to rocks and the under surface of stones, Falmouth B. (Cocks) 42. A. ficus, Linn. Trawl refuse, Bream B. sands, Falmouth, r., Helford river, c. (Cocks) 43. A. nutans, Johnst. N. unc. on rocks and under- surface of stones, Falmouth B. (Cocks) 44. Amouroucium alblcans, Milne-Ed. OfF the Mew- stone, Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; on stems of young Fucus serratus and the under surface of stones, Falmouth (Cocks) 45. A. nordmanni, Milne-Ed. One spec. Church Reef, Wembury B., Plymouth (M.B.A.) ; c. in pools at Falmouth on stones and shelving rocks (Cocks) ; Falmouth (Alder) 46. A. proliferum, Milne-Ed. On stones and rock- sides in pools at l.w-m., Falmouth, c. (Cocks) ; n. unc. in Cornwall (Alder) [A. punctum, Giard. A single colony 3 m. S. of Mewstone (M.B.A.)] 47. Morchellium argus, Milne-Ed. C. everywhere in Plymouth district on rocks between t-m. (M.B.A.) ; Polperro ! Fowey ! c. at l.w-m. Falmouth and Mount's B. ; Sennen ! 48. Morchelhodes alderi, Herdman. On stones, shells, and roots of Laminaria, Asia shoal, Plymouth (M.B.A.) Fragarium elegant, Giard. Duke Rk., Plymouth, on stones (M.B.A.)] 158