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A HISTORY OF CORNWALL STAPHYLINIDAE (continued) STAPHYLINIDAE (continued) STAPHYLINIDAE (continued) Quedius picipes, Mann. nigriceps, Kr. fumatus, Steph. maurorufus, Grav. umbrinus, Er. Very local, but not uncommon where it does occur. Keys mentions seeing fourteen driven out of a little salt marsh near Mount Edgcumbe by the rising tide, surely a very unusual habitat ! scintillans, Grav. obliteratus, Er. This species, new to the British Isles, was taken in straw by Keys in Penke woods. (E. M. M. for 1902, p. 147) auricomus, Kies. Near Liskeard rufipes, Grav. attenuatus, Gyll. - semiaeneus, Gyll. boops, Grav. S. Creophilus maxillosus, L. S. Emus hirtus, L. First recorded from the county by A. H. Jenkin, who captured one at the Lizard in 1888. A second specimen was taken by one of the girl students in 1901 close to Falmouth station and brought alive in her handkerchief to Truro under the impression it was a bee! A few days later Waters took one on horse droppings near the same place, and another was cap- tured near Stvanpool that same year Leistotrophus nebulosus, F. murinus, L. Staphylinus pubescens, De G. stercorarius, Ol. Falmouth; Penzance erythropterus, L. caesareus, Ceder. Ocypus olens, Mull. S. similis, F. Found at Scilly by F. Holmes brunnipes, F. cupreus, Rossi. S. ater, Grav. Under stones in damp places near the shore, Mount Edgcumbe ; Loot ; Boscastle ; Padstow (Lamb) ; Land's End ; St. Mary's and St. Agnes, Scilly morio, Grav. compressus, Marsh. Land's End Philonthus splendens, F. S. intermedius, Boisd. laminatus, Creutz. aeneus, Rossi. S. proximus, Kr. Mawgan-in- Pydar ; Falmouth ; Land's End carbonarius, Gyll. Philonthus atratus, Grav. Padstow (Lamb) ; Penzance (Mar- quand) decorus, Grav. politus, F. S. lucens, Er. Under moss, Bis- hop's Wood, Truro varius, Gyll. S. marginatus, F. albipes, Grav. cephalotes, Grav. fimetarius, Grav. S. sordidus, Grav. ebeninus, Grav. fumigatus, Er. debilis, Grav. sanguinolentus, Grav. Land's End; St. Mary's, Scilly cruentatus, Gmel. S. longicornis, Steph. varians, Payk. S. agilis, Grav. ventralis, Grav. Whitsand Bay east (Fowler) ; Par discoideus, Grav. quisquiliarius, Gyll. var. dimidiatus, Er. Land's End; St. Mary's, Scilly (Champion) splendidulus, Grav. fumarius, Grav. micans, Grav. Muddy edges of a pond at mouth of the Seaton river (Keys) trossulus, Nord. S. fulvipes, F. Netvquay pullus, Nord. Has been re- corded by Marquand from the Penzance district, but possibly in error Cafius fucicola, Curt. In seaweed at Tregantle (Keys) ; Falmouth (Fowler) ; Padstow; St.Mary's and St. dgnes, Scilly xantholoma, Grav. S. var. variolosus, Sharp. Whitsand Bay (Keys) ; Falmouth (Fowler) ; St. Mary's and Tresco, Scilly sericeus, Holme. S. Actobius cinerascens, Grav. signaticornis, Rey. One speci- men near a trickle of water on the beach at Whitsand Bay (Keys) procerulus, Grav. Xantholinus fulgidus, F. Truro ; Penzance glabratus, Grav. punctulatus, Payk. ochraceus, Gyll. atratus, Heer. In the nest of Formica rufa, Bishop's Wood, Truro tricolor, F. Padstow; in de- caying seaweed, Forth Cressa, St. Mary's, Scilly linearis, Ol. S. I 9 2 Xantholinus longiventris, Heer. Leptacinus parumpunctatus, Gyll. batychrus, Gyll. linearis, Grav. formicetorum, Mark. In nests of Formica rufa, Bishop's Wood, Truro Baptolinus alternans, Grav. Othius fulvipennis, F. laeviusculus, Steph. melanocephalus, Grav. myrmecophilus, Kies. Tregantle; Loot ; in moss, Pennance, Falmouth Lathrobium elongatum, L. boreale, Hoch. fulvipenne, Grav. angustatum, Lac. brunnipes, F. longulum, Grav. quadratum, Payk. Banks of the Lynher terminatum, Grav. multipunctum, Grav. Swan- pool ; Land's End; Scilly (Holmes) Cryptobium glaberrimum, Herbst Stilicus rufipes, Germ. orbiculatus, Er. Land's End ; St. Martin's, Scilly similis, Er. affinis, Er. Scopaeus sulcicollis, Steph. Medon pocofer, Payk. brunneus, Er. fusculus, Mann. apicalis, Kr. propinquus, Bris. melanocephalus, F. Lithocharis ochracea, Grav. Sunius filifbrmis, Latr. Taken by J. J. Walker many years ago at Whitsand Bay, and found there lately at roots in sandy places by Keys angustatus, Payk. Paederus littoralis, Grav. riparius, L. fuscipes, Curt. Cotehele (Big- ' nell) ; TressiRan, Truro ; by the side of the Gannel, Ntte- quay ; St. Mary's and Bryher, Scilly Evaesthetus scaber, Thorns. Nevi- quay ruficapillus, Lac. laeviusculus, Mann. Dianous caerulescens, Gyll. In moss on the edges of a little stream running down to the shore at Whitsand Bay (Keys) ; bank of the Linnty, Altarnun Stenus biguttatus, L. bipunctatus, Er. guttula, Mflll. bimaculatus, Gyll. juno, F. S. guynemeri, Duv. Trebartba