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INSECTS STAPHYLINIDAE (continued) STAPHYLINIDAE (continued} Stenus speculator, Er. providus, Er. var. rogeri, Kr. Land's End (Isabell) lustrator, Er. Millook (G. L. Allen) - buphthalmus, Grav. - melanopus, Marsh. - morio, Grav. Reported from the Penzance district by Marquand - canaliculatus, Gyll. - nitens, Steph. - pusillus, Er. - fuscipes, Grav. Land's End district - declaratus, Er. - crassus, Steph. - brunnipes, Steph. - subaeneus, Er. Penzance - ossium, Steph. - geniculatus, Grav. - impressus, Germ. - flavipes, Steph. - pubescens, Steph. - pallitarsis, Steph. Not uncom- mon in S. E. Cornwall - bifoveolatus, Gyll. - nitidmsculus, Steph. - picipennis, Er. - picipes, Steph. - cicindeloides, Grav. - similis, Herbst solutus, Er. Occurs sparingly about Netvquay, and has been taken at Padstow by Lamb - tarsalis, Ljun. paganus, Er. Whitsand Bay ; Looe - latifrons, Er. Land's End fornicatus, Steph. Millook (G. L. Allen) Oxyporus rufus, L. Bledius spectabilis, Kr. tricornis, Herbst - unicornis, Germ. - arenarius, Payk. Perranforth Platystethus arenarius, Fourc. cornutus, Gyll. Oxytelus rugosus, Grav. insecatus, Grav. sculptus, Grav. laqueatus, Marsh. piceus, L. Truro ; Falmouth ; Penzance ; under seaweed inustus, Grav. sculpturatus, Grav. maritimus, Thorns. In decay- ing seaweed on the shore at Whitsand Bay. The var. with testaceous elytra also occurs with the type (Keys). Mcvagissey ; Marazion nitidulus, Grav. complanatus, Er. tetracarinatus, Block Haploderus coelatus, Grav. Ancyrophorus omalinus, Er. Valley of the Lynher aureus, Fauv. Trogophlaeus bilineatus, Steph. elongatulus, Er. - fuliginosus, Grav. Mount Edg- cumbe (Keys) halophilus, Kies. Under stones below high tide on a muddy flat at South Down corticinus, Grav. - pusillus, Grav. tenellus, Er. One taken by Keys at Whitsand Bay anglicanus, Sharp. First taken by Keys at Whitsand Bay in April, 1900 ; may prove identical with T. unicolour, Steph. (E.M.M. Oct. 1900), p. 232) Syntomium aeneum, Mull. Lesteva longelytrata, Goeze. S. pubescens, Mann. In the wet moss of waterfalls, Trebartha sicula, Er. Olophrum piceum, Gyll. Lathrimaeum atrocephalum, Gyll. unicolor, Steph. Micralymma brevipenne, Gyll. Under stones below high tide, Mount Edgeumbe (Keys) ; Falmouth Philorhinum sordidum, Steph. Omalium rivulare, Payk. laeviusculum, Gyll. Whitsand Bay ; Mevagissey ; Scilly riparium, Thorns. Whitsand Bay ; Penzance ; St. Mary's, Scilly (Champion) oxyacanthae, Grav. Millook - excavatum, Steph. caesum, Grav. pusillum, Grav. punctipenne, Thorns. Under ash bark Trebartha rufipes, Fourc. vile, Er. iopterum, Steph. E. Corn- wall planum, Payk. E. Cormca'l concinnum, Marsh. - deplanatum, Gyll. Tregantle ; Penzance striatum, Grav. Anthobium minutum, F. opthalmicum, Payk. torquatum, Marsh. sorbi, Gyll. Proteinus ovaiis, Steph. brachypterus, F. macropterus, Gyll. atomarius, Er. Beyond Altar- nun Megarthrus denticollis, Beck affinis, Mill. depressus, Lac. sinuatocollis, Lac. - hemipterus, 111. '93 STAPHYLINIDAE (continued) Phloeobium cly pea turn, Mall. At roots, Whitsand Bay east Phloeocharis subtilissima, Mann. Prognatha quadricornis, Lac. Un- der the bark of ash trees, Bodmin PSELAPHIDAE Pselaphus heisei, Herbst Tychus niger, Payk. Bythinus glabratus, Rye puncticollis, Denny validus, Aub6 bulbifer, Reich curtisi, Denny securiger, Reich. Taken several times in the Penzance district burrelli, Denny. Near Eude Batrisus venustus, Reich. Penzance district (Marquand) Bybaxis sanguinea, L. Bryaxis fossulata, Reich haematica, Reich. Associated with ants, Newjuay juncorum, Leach Trichonyx mSrkeli, Aube sulcicollis, Reich Euplectus karsteni, Reich signatus, Reich. Falmouth (Fow- ler) nanus, Reich sanguineus, Denny Claviger testaceus, Preyss. In nests, of Lasius flavus near Launces- ton SCYDMAENIDAE Neuraphes elongatulus, Milll. One at roots of grass, Whitsand Bay (Keys) sparshalli, Denny Scydmaenus collaris, Mall. pusillus, Mull. Launceston (Peter) Euconnus fimetarius, Chaud. Eutheia scydmaenoides, Steph. Cephennium thoracicum, Mall. LEPTINIDAE Leptinus testaceus, Mull. Valley of the Lynher SILPHIDAE Calyptomerus dubius, Marsh. Clambus armadillo, De G. Under cut rushes, LosKuithiel minutus, Sturm. Haystack bottoms near Stratton Agathidium nigripenne, Kug Un- der bark, Doublebois, and Bishop's Wood, Two atrum, Payk. Under damp straw, Neu>fuay 25