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INSECTS LOPHYRINA (continued] at Ashbourne about 1884 (FJ.) ; imago in pine woods, Little Eaton (G.P.) PAMPHILINA Pamphilus sylvaticus, L. Burton Cephus phthisicus, Fb. (pallipes, Htg.). Burton tabidus, Fb. Burton pygmaeus, L. SIRICID.E Sirex gigas, L. ? Not common, but occasionally occurs in some num- bers ; Drakelow, Gresley, 1 86 1 (E.B.); Ashbourne and Dove Valley (F.J.) ; Darky Dale (B. T.) ; Derby, Little Eaton, not common, $ very rare (G.P.) ; near Calke (H. H. Crewe) (continued) Sirex juvencus, L. Has occurred near Calke (H. H. Crewe) ; once in Derby about 1887 (G.P.); three taken in 1898 near Little Eaton (J.H.) CYNIPID^E Rhodites rosae, L. Hedgerows everywhere Andricus fecundatrix, Htg. On oaks, Little Eaton (G.P.) corticis, Htg. On oaks, Willington (G.P.) Cynips kollari, Htg. (lignicola, Marsh.). Common ; already naturalized in 1863 (E.B.) Biorhiza terminalis, Fb. Very common (F.J.) ; bred from galls, Willington (G.P.) Neuroterus numismatis, Oliv. On oaks, Willington (G.P.) HYMENOPTERA ENTOMOPHAGA [Mr. Edwin Brown (Nat. Hist, of Tutbury, p. 179) mentions five species of Chrysididae, but gives no account of the Ichneumonidae or Braconidae.] CHRYSIDID.S: Cleptes pallipes, St. F. (semiaurata, L.). Burton Elampus (hedychrum) auratus, L. Burton Chrysis cyanea, L. viridula, L. ignita, L. Burton ; Little Eaton, com- mon (G.P.) ; Ashbourne and Dove Galley (F.J.) ICHNEUMONIDJE

  • Ichneumon fabricator, Fb. Little Eaton


  • annulator, Fb. Little Eaton (G.P.)
  • Trogus lutorius, Fb.
  • Dicaslotus pumilus, Grav. Darley Dale,

1900 (B.T.)

  • Paniscus cephalotes, Holmgr. Little Eaton,

bred from Dicranura vinula,L.(G.P.) ICHNEUMONID.S (continued')

  • Campoplex sp.(?) Little Eaton (G.P.)
  • Exetastes osculatorius, Fb.
  • Banchus pictus, Fb.
  • Pimpla flavonotata, Holmg.
  • Lissonota sp. (?)
  • bellator, Grav. Darley Dale, 1900


  • Meniscus murinus, Grav. Little Eaton


  • Rhogas irregularis, Wesm. Darley Dale,

1900 (B.T.) Microgaster glomeratus. Burton

  • Zele testaceator, Curt. Little Eaton

(G.P.) COLEOPTERA The beetles of Derbyshire have been so little worked that it is impossible to generalize in any way from the subsequent list by the light of our present knowledge. By far the best work has been done in the Repton district by the late Mr. W. Garneys and Canon Fowler and embodied in Contributions to the Flora and Fauna of Repton and Neighbour- hood (Bemrose & Sons), 1881, for the guidance of naturalists at Repton School. There are also many valuable records in Fowler's British Cole- optera. Then there is a list in Fauna of the Neighbourhood of Burton-on- 61