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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE Trent by Mr. Edwin Brown, pp. 140-163 of The Natural History of Tutbury, by Sir O. Mosley ; together with The Fauna and Flora of the District surrounding Tutbury and Eurton-on-Trent, by E. Brown (J. van Voorst), 1863. I have been able to supplement this a little from a list of ' Coleoptera collected in the Neighbourhood of Burton,' by H. W. Bates, in the Zoologist, 1848, p. 1997. ^ fancy that in many cases the Burton and Repton records overlap, and even in some cases refer to identical captures. The only other localities that have been much worked are Little Eaton by Mr. J. Hill and Mr. G. Pullen, the Matlock district by Canon Fowler and myself, and the Derby district by Mr. G. Pullen. I am glad to say that Mr. J. Kidson Taylor of Buxton is just beginning to collect vigorously in his district, and I am already able to add a few species to the list on his authority. The following abbreviations have been used : R. = Repton, E. or L. = Little Eaton, B. = Burton, M. = Matlock, D. = Derby. Where no authority for the record is given, it is to be understood that it stands on the authority of Mr. Garneys (R.), Mr. Hill (L.), Mr. Pullen (E. and D.), Mr. Brown (B.), or myself (M.). Otherwise the author's name is invariably given. Species whose occurrence in the county seems, for various reasons, to need confirmation are enclosed in square brackets []. Absence of locality points to general distribution in the case of any particular species. Finally I may note that Derbyshire is so far the only known British habitat of at least two species, viz. Euplectus minutissi- mus, and Macronycbus ^.-tuberculatus. ClCINDELIDJE Cicindela campestris, L. Scarce, M., R., L. CARABID.S Cychrus rostratus, L. Carabus granulatus, L. monilis, F. R., L., B., D. catenulatus, Scop. arvensis, F. Derbyshire moors (Fow- ler) nemoralis, Moll. glabratus, Payk. E. violaceus, L. Notiophilus biguttatus, F. substriatus, Wat. Rare, R. aquaticus, L. palustris, Duft. R., E. Leistus spinibarbis, F. fulvibarbis, Dej. ferrugineus, L. rufescens, F. Nebria brevicollis, F. gyllenhalli, Sch. L., M. (Ellis) Pelophila borealis, Payk. Very rare, R. Blethisa multipunctata, L. R. Elaphrus riparius, L. cupreus, Duft. uliginosus, F. R. CARABID.S: (continued) Loricera pilicornis, F. Clivina fossor, L. collaris, Herbst. R., L., B. Dyschirius globosus, Herbst. Miscodera arctica, Payk. Derbyshire (Fow- ler) Broscus cephalotes, L. ' Once in Repton street ' Badister bipustulatus, F. sodalis, Duft. R., rare Licinus depressus, Payk. Dovedale (Brown) Chlasnius vestitus, Payk. nigricornis, F. R., Doveside and Eggln- ton (Brown) [ holosericeus, F. R., one doubtful specimen] Oodes helopioides, F. R., B., E. Acupalpus exiguus, Dej. R., E. var. luridus, Dej. R. meridianus, L. R., E. dorsalis, F. E. Bradycellus placidus, Gyll. L. cognatus, Gyll. M., . distinctus, Dej. R. verbasci, Duft. R. harpalinus, Dej. similis, Dej. E. 62