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INSECTS ACIDALIIDJE (continued) Acidalia aversata, L. Ashopton to Baslow (E.A.C.), Little Eaton ; common throughout south emarginata, L. Trent Valley Timandra amataria, L. Throughout south and south-west of county CABERID^E Cabera pusaria, L. Common all over county exanthemata, Scop. Common and general Bapta temerata, Hb. Repton, scarce MACARIID.S Macaria liturata, Clerck. Breadsall Moors and Seal Wood Halia vauaria, L. Common everywhere FIDONIIDJE Strenia clathrata, L. Chats-worth Park (R.H.F.) Panagra petraria, Hb. Bakewell ; Little Eaton, common ; and south of the Trent Numeria pulveraria, L. Once, Bake-well, 1892 (R.H.F.) ; Breadsall Moors; once, Bretby Scodiona belgiaria, Hb. Once, Ashopton ; Baslow district (E.A.C.) Ematurga atomaria, L. Common all over county Bupalis piniaria, L. Common almost everywhere var. flavescens, White. Breadsall, common ; Bakewell (R.H.F.) ZERENID^E Abraxas grossulariata, L. Common and general sylvata, Scop. Generally distributed Ligdia adustata, Schiff. Barrow (?) Lomaspilis marginata, L. Common HYBERNIID.S: Hybernia rupicapraria, Hb. Common and general leucophearia, Schiff. Common and general aurantiaria, Esp. Common and general marginaria, Bork. Common every- where defoliaria, Clerck. Common every- where Anisopteryx aescularia, Schiff. General L,ARENTIID.ffi Cheimatobia brumata, L. Common every- where boreata, Hb. Ashopton to Baslow (E.A.C.) ; Bakewell, Little Eaton, Repton Oporabia dilutata, Bork. Generally dis- tributed LARENTIID^E (continued) Oporabia filigrammaria, H.S. Ashopton and Bamford (E.A.C.) Larentia didymata, L. Common every- where multistrigaria, Haw. Ashopton (E.A.C.), Bakewell, Breadsall Moors caesiata, Lang. Ashopton to Baslow (E.A.C.) ; Eyam Moors (C.F.T.) ; also in north-east, common flavicinctata, Hb. Dovedale (E.W.B.) salicata, Hb. Bamford (E.A.C.) ; Bake- well, once olivata, Bork. Ashopton (E.A.C.) ; once, Dovedale viridaria, Fb. Common everywhere Emmelesia affinitata, St. Common alchemillata, L. Little Eaton and dis- trict south of the Trent albulata, Schiff. Common in mid and south Derbyshire decolorata, Hb. Little Eaton (G.P.) and the south taeniata, St. Dovedale Eupithecia venosata, St. Bakewell, Little Eaton, Repton, Burton linariata, Fb. Breadsall Moors, Barrow, Willington pulchellata, St. Breadsall Moors, Derby, Dove and Trent Valleys oblongata, Thnb. Burton, Repton, Derby succenturiata, L. Little Eaton subfulvata, Haw. Ashopton to Baslow (E.A.C.), Little Eaton, Trent Valley plumbeolata, Haw. Repton (i), Little Eaton isogrammaria, H.S. Once, Burton ; Derby, Breadsall pygmaeata, Hb. Bakewell, Lathkill Dale, Wirksworth castigata, Hb. Occurs throughout southern half of county trisignaria, H.S. Larvae, Little Eaton (J.H.) ; Repton, Barrow virgaureata, Dbl. Ashbourne (F.J.) fraxinata, Crewe. Originally described from Derbyshire specimens. Once, Bakewell, 1895 (R.H.F.) ; once, Monsal Dale ; Trent Valley, Derby pimpinellata, Hb. Derby, Little Eaton (J-H.) valerianata, Hb. Kedleston, Derby, Egginton, Repton, Willington, etc. innotata, Hufn. Repton (W.G.) indigata, Hb. Bakewell ; Breadsall Moors, common nanata, Hb. Ashopton to Baslow (E.A.C.); Breadsall Moors, common subnotata, Hb. Common in southern half of county