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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE LARENTIIDJE (continued] Eupithecia vulgata, Haw. Common and general albipunctata, Haw. Repton and Bread- sail districts absinthiata, Clerck. Willington, Bar- row, Breadsall, etc. minutata, Gn. Breadsall Moors, com- mon ; Repton - assimilata, Gn. Occurs over greater part of county - tenuiata, Hb. Dovedale (H.C., 1853), Breadsall Moors ; once, Repton Shrubs lariciata, Frr. Occurs in fair numbers throughout county abbreviata, St. Burton and Repton dis- tricts ; Ashbourne (F.J.) exiguata, Hb. Little Eaton and south Derbyshire generally sobrinata, Hb. Breadsall (in 1853), Derby; Melbourne (abundant 1880, now absent, H.H.C.) ; Burton pumilata, Hb. Breadsall Moor (W.G.S.), Derby rectangulata, L. Common in southern half of county Collix sparsata, Hb. Willington (G.P.) Lobophora halterata, Hufn. Repton Shrubs Thera variata, Schiff. Bakewell, 1893 (R.H.F.); Breadsall Moors, com- mon ; once, Branstone Bridge firmata, Hb. Little Eaton (J.H., G.P.), Willington Hypsipetes ruberata, Frr. Once, Harts- horn ; Winshill Lane trifasciata, Bork. Breadsall, Trent Valley sordidata, Fb. Ashopton, black and striped var. (E.A.C.) ; Ashbourne (F.J.) ; Little Eaton, common throughout south Melanthia bicolorata, Hufn. South of the Trent; Kirk Langley (R.H.F.); Little Eaton, local (J.H.) ocellata, L. Bakewell (R.H.F.) ; Ash- bourne, Little Eaton, southern Derby- shire albicillata, L. Ambergate ; reported Lathkill Dale (R.H.F.) ; Ashbourne and the south Melanippe hastata, L. Little Eaton, Seal Wood tristata, L. Ashopton (E.A.C.) ; Bake- well and Eyam, fairly common (C.F.T.) sociata, Bork. Common throughout montanata, Bork. Common in southern Derbyshire galiata, Hb. Bamford (E.A.C.) ; one, Bakewell (R. H. F.) ; Dovedale (E.W.B.), Breadsall LARENTIID.S: (continued) Melanippe fluctuata, L. Common every- where Anticlea rubidata, Fb. Barrow badiata, Hb. Common mid and south Derbyshire nigrofasciaria, Goze. Generally dis- tributed Coremia designata, Hufn. Common in greater part of county ferrugata, Clerck. Occurs throughout the south unidentaria, Haw. Common in southern Derbyshire Camptogramma bilineata, L. Common everywhere fluviata, Hb. Willington ; Derby (Newm.) Phibalapteryx vittata, Bork. Has occurred at Little Eaton, Willington and Bur- ton Triphosa dubitata, L. Common in south ; also sparingly in limestone district Eucosmia certata, Hb. Bakewell, Kirk Langley, common (R.H.F.) ; Trent Valley, fairly common Scotosia rhamnata, Schiff. Dovedale Cidaria miata, L. Bakewell, Dovedale, Rep- ton, Burton corylata, Thnb. Common through- out southern Derbyshire truncata, Hufn. Ashopton to Baslow (E.A.C.), Little Eaton, common throughout south immanata, Haw. Common in southern half of county sufrumata, Hb. Occurs through south silaceata, Hb. Dovedale (E.W.B.) ; south of the Trent, common ; also Little Eaton (J.H.) prunata, L. Occurs over greater part of county testata, L. Ashopton to Baslow (E.A.C.), Breadsall, Barrow, etc. populata, L. Occurs everywhere fulvata, Forst. Also general dotata, L. Bakewell, common (R.H.F.); Dovedale, Little Eaton and the south associata, Bork. In gardens, especially in south ; also Bakewell (R.H.F.) Pelurga comitata, L. South and south-east EUBOLIID^ Eubolia cervinata, Schiff. Not uncommon in south ; twice, Little Eaton (J.H.) limitata, Scop. Generally distributed throughout county plumbaria, Fb. Dovedale, Breadsall Moors, Barrow, etc. bipunctaria, Schiff. Bakewell, Dove- dale, Little Eaton 88