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INSECTS CHLOROPID.*: (continued} Chlorops cinctipes, Mg. Burton PHYTOMYZID.S: Napomyza lateralis, Fin. Burton BORBORID^ Borborus nitidus, Mg. Burton pedestris, Mg. Little Eaton (G.P.) equinus, Fin. Burton Sphasrocera subsultans, F. Burton Limosina sylvatica, Mg. ochripes, Mg. fungicola, Hal. PHORIDJE Phora rufipes, Mg. EPROBOSCIDEA HIPPOBOSCID^: [Hippobosca equina, L. Not found accord- ing to E. Brown (1863), but men- tioned by S. Glover (1829)] Ornithomyia avicularia, L. On owls, etc., at Burton Stenopteryx hirundinis, L. On martins and swallows Melophagus ovinus, L. Common on sheep NYCTERIBID^: Nycteribia (vespertilionis, L.).(?) On lesser horseshoe bat at Matlock (E.B.) HEMIPTERA The following somewhat scanty notes are based upon Mr. E. Brown's list of the fauna of the Burton-on -Trent district (Natural History of Tutbury, pp. 165, 169). This list was published in 1863, and a few records from Mr. E. Saunders' monograph of the Hemiptera Heteroptera of the British Islands and Mr. J. Edwardes' work on the Hemiptera Homoptera have been added. HEMIPTERA HETEROPTERA GYMNOCERATA HYDROMETRID.S Mesovelia furcata, Muls. and Rey. One from the River Trent, near Burton- on-Trent (E. Brown) ; see E.M.M. iv. 5 (1867) Hydrometra stagnorum, L. Common Velia currens, Fb. On the Trent Gerris paludum, Fb. Very common costae, H. Schff. Axe Edge, Buxton (W. W. Fowler) SALDIDJE Salda morio, Zett. On moors near Buxton (E. Saunders) c-album, Fieb. Matlock (Blatch) cincta, H. Schff. Repton (W. W. Fowler) CIMICIDJE Cimex lectularius, L. In slums, etc. Ceratocombus coleoptratus, Zett. Mat- lock, under bark (Blatch) [Piezostethus cursitans, Fin. Has been re- corded from Need-wood and Sherwood Forests (Blatch)] Anthocoris confusus, Reut. Bakewell (E. Saunders) gallarum ulmi, DeG. Bakewell, a small and brightly coloured variety (E. Saunders) CAPSIDJE Phytocoris longipennis, Flor. Matlock (Blatch) Calocoris sexguttatus, Fb. Repton (W. W. Fowler) alpestris, Mey. Burton (Brown fide Saunders) CRYPTOCERATA NAUCORIDJE Naucoris cimicoides, L. Locally on the Trent, etc. NEPID.S: Nepa cinerea, L. Common NOTONECTID^; Notonecta glauca, L. Common var. furcata and macu- lata (E. Brown) CORIXIDJE Corixa geoffroyi, Leach. Not uncommon atomaria, Illig. (affinis, Leach). Com- mon coleoptrata, Fb. Old Trent, Burton, Repton (W. W. Fowler) ; Matlock (E. Saunders) Sigara minutissima, L. Burton (W. W. Fowler) ; not uncommon in Trent at Burton (E. Brown) 99