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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE HEMIPTERA HOMOPTERA CICADINA MEMBRACIDJE Centrotus cornutus, L. Woods on Leicester- shire borders (E.B.) Issus coleoptratus, Geoff. Dovedale (B. Cooke) ; near Burton, not common (E.B.) ClXIID^E Cixius pilosus, Ol., or nervosus, L. (?) (cynosbatis, Fb., of E.B.). Burton district DELPHACID^: [Several species said to be abundant in the Burton district by E. Brown. Mr. P. B. Mason of Burton has a speci- men ten of Stiroma borealis, J. Sahl., in his collection, but without locality] CERCOPID^E Triecphora vulnerata, Illig. Derbyshire (W. W. Fowler); Grange Wood (E.B.) Philaenus spumarius, L. Common L.EDRIDj'E Ledra aurita, L. Rare in woods (E.B.) PSYLLINA Trichopsylla centranthi, Vail. On Valeri- anella dentata at Bretby (T. Gibbs), E.M.M. xxx. 231 APHIDES Hardly any systematic observations have been made on this order with the exception of some articles by the late Sir O. Mosley in the early volumes of the Gardener's Chronicle and Mr. E. Brown's notes in his fauna of the Burton-on-Trent district (Natural History of Tutbury, p. 167). Phorodon humuli, Schr. The hop aphis Aphis amygdali, Fons. Schizoneura lanigera, Hausm. (Eriosoma mali, Mosl.). American blight Chermes abietis, L. On the spruce fir laricis, Htg. On the larch COCCID.*: Aspidiotus sp. Scale insects ; common in greenhouses Lecanium persicae, Burm. On plum and apricot trees near Burton ALEYRODIDJE Aleyrodes proletella, Wlk. Often found flying in lanes fragarias, Wlk. On the strawberry phillyreae, Hal. ' Common on phil- lyreas ' A species of Dactylopius (mealy bug of gardeners) is occasionally destructive to vines ARACHNIDA Spiders, etc. Thirty-one species of spiders only appear to have been recorded from this county, the majority of them by Mr. F. P. Smith. It should, judging from its physical characteristics, prove very wealthy Arachnida. ARANE^E in i. Harpactes hombergn (Scopoli) Derby (F. P. S.) 2. Drassodes lapidosus (Walckenaer) Derby (F. P. S.) ARACHNOMORPH& 3 Drassodes cupreus (Blackwall) Matlock (T. R. R. Stebbing) Clubiona corticalis, Walckenaer Calke Abbey (F. O. P.-C.) ; Derby (F. P. S.) 100