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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE Elric, 300, 311, 338^, 3393, 340^, 345,7, 352(7. See also Alric Elsi [.Elfiige], 328, 337,7 Elsi, the son of Caschin, 328 Elvinc, 343^ Elvric, 337,7, 337*, 338(7, 345*. See also JEfik, Elfric Elwine, 345^. See also Elfin Elwold, 340(7 Erniet, 339(7 Ernui, 342^, 346^ Ernui (Earnwig), a thegn of the king, 307, 354^, 355* Ernuin, 352^, 3530 'Estori,' 304 ' Fenisc,' Ulf. See Ulf Ferrers, Earl Robert de, 301, 302 and note Ferrers, Earl William de, 301 Ferrers [Fereires, Ferieres, Ferrar, Ferrariis], Henry de, 297, 299, 300,301,302,303,304,305, 306,311,314,317,318,319, 321,322,323,325,327,328, 3294 33**, 333*, 335*, 336*1 338^, 342,7, 343,7, 344*, 344^, 345,7, 346,7, 347,7, notes 337*, 338", 339*, 34"> 34 2 *, 353" wife of, 303 Fitzherbert, family, note 3390 Fulc, the man of Roger de Busli, 353" Fulc, Fulk. See also Lusoris Gamel, 300, 337*, 337*, 344*. 345", 345* Gand, Gilbert de, 306, 322, 329^, 34 8 ", 35*35 I *>353" Geoffrey, 349*2. See also Alselin Gernebern, 346$ Gilbert, 35o<5. See also Gand Gladuin, a thegn of the king, 354* Goda, the Countess, 328. See also Godiva Gode. See Godiva Coded, 333^ Godeva, 3 5 3^. See also Godiva Godiva [Godeva, Gode], Coun- tess, 306, 321, 328, 329, 334^. See also Goda Godric, 296, 300, 319, 333,7, 337*. 339* S39* 34** 343*i 34$4, 35*4 35** 353* Godric, a thegn of the king, 353*. 354". note 355" Godwin, 337,7, 340^, 344(7, 344*, 345" Godwin the priest, 328 Gozelin, 299, 335^ Grentesmaisnil, Hugh de, 321 Gresley, family, 306, note 352*7 Grey, family, note 346^ Gulbert, 344(7 Hacon, 300, 34017, 3510 Hacon, a thegn of the king, 354" Hedul, 3423 Heginton, Anscelin de, 301. See also Azelin Henry. See Ferrers Henry I. (King), note 297 Herbert, 342^ Heriz, Robert de, 324, 336(7 and note Hugh, 301, 3404 Hundine, 346^ Hundulf, 330(7, 3470 Illinge, 328 Ingram, 353* John, Johannes, 301, 342^ Judith, Countess, 304 Ketel. See Chetel. Knights (unnamed), 3321$, 33 8, 343(7, 3473, 35KJ Ledmar, 339^, 345(7 Lenton Priory (Notts), 297, 304, 316, 325, note 336(7 Leofnoth. See Levenot Leofric, abbot of Burton. See Burton Leofric, earl of Mercia, 297 Leofric. See also Leuric, Levric Leofwine. See Lewin Lepsi, 311, 34O(7, 340^ Leuric (Leofric), 305. See also Levric Levenot (Levenoth, Leofnoth), 35 3*4 333", 333*, 338*, 339,7, 339^,341,7, 341^,346(7, 348,7, 348^, 349(7, 349*, 350,7, 350^. See also Sterre brother of, 305, 349^ Levenot, a thegn of the king, 355* Levinc, 333(7, 349^ Leving, 336^, 345(7, 346* Levric, 327, 337(7? 338(7, 344^, 345,7, 346,7, 346^, 349,7, 3493, 35", 35*- See also Leofric Levric, a thegn of the king, 353^ Lewin, 296, 319, 330,7, 340,7, 340^, 342^, 347,7, 353,5. See also Lewine Lewin cilt, 322, 339,7, 3534 Lewin the son of Alwin, Alewin, 322, 328 Lewin, a thegn of the king, 354<7, 355" son of, 355^ Lewine, 330,7, 346^, 353^ Ligulf, 322, 333,7, 333^, 337^, 353" Ligulfs, the two, 342/7 428 Lincoln [Lincolnia], Norman of, .327 Lincoln [Lincolnia], Robert Bloet, bishop of, note 312 Lusoris, Fulc, Fulk de, 322, 353" Malaterra, Geoffrey de, abbot of Burton. See Burton Malger, 3520 Mary, Queen, note 336,7 Montgomery, family of, note 339* Morcar, 353^ Morcar, Earl, 298, 299 Morcar, the thegn, 305, 306 Mortain, Count of, 304 Musard, Ascuit, Hascuith, 306, 329*, 351*, 351* Nicholas de Breleford. See Bre- leford Nigel, 338,7, 349^, note 3384. See also Albini, Stafford Norman of Lincoln. See Lin- coln Northumbria, Siward, earl of, 299, 3o 335* Odincar, Orm, 300, 301, 3420. See also Orme, Ormus t)rme, 3454 Ormer, 3394 ' Ormus,' 300. See also Orm Osmer, 3374 Osmer the priest, 327 Osmund, 344^, 351,7 Osmund, a thegn of the king, 307, 354*, 355" Osmund ' benz,' a thegn of the king, 307, 3543 Outi, 305 Owine, 346^ Peter, bishop of Chester. See Chester Peterborough, abbot of, 328 Peverel, Pevrel, William, 297, 303, 304, 3'6, 324, 225, 329"333", 333*, 336*, 34 6 ", 346^, note 297 Poitou, Roger of, 329,7, 33 5 J, 33" Ralf, 339*, 341* Ralf the son ofHubert, 305, 306, 315, 316, 319, 322, 327, 329*, 334", 345*, 348", 348*, 349", 349*, les 332*, 355* Ralf. See also Burun Raven, 336^, 343^ Raven, a thegn of the king, 354(7 Ravenchel, 344^