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INDEX TO DOMESDAY Raynoward, 3483 Richmond, Count Alan of. See Alan Robert, Rotbert, 301, 334*7, 340*7, 340^, 342^, 343*;, 3453, 346(7, 3483, 349*7. See also Dun, St. Quintin Robert (Rotbertus fitz Sarle), 301 Robert, Rotbert, son of William, 3293, 353,5 Roger, 3373, 339*, 3413, 3453 Roger. See also Busli Rolleston, William de, 301. See also William St. Quintin, Robert de, 301. See also Robert Saleva, the son of, 328 Saswalo (Sewallus), 301, 301, 340*, 341*, 3453 Saulf, 324, 341*; Sberne, a thegn of the king, 3 54*7 Sedret, a thegn of the king, 354* Serlo, 3460, 349*; Sewallus. See Saswalo Seward. See Siward Shirley, family, 302 Sigefrith, 305 Siward, Seward (Barn), 300, 301, .322, 328, 3363, 337*, 338*, 34 1 *, 34 2 *, 343". 344". 34 6 " Siward, Earl. See Northumbria Spot, Wulfric, 299, 305, 306, 313, note 346*7 Sprot, 346^ Stafford [Stadford, Stafford], Nigel de, 302, 306, 319, 3293, 352*7, 3523, notes 302, 335*. 355* Stapleuine, 3333 Steinulf, 3353, 336,7, 3533 Steinulf, a thegn of the king, 354* Sterre, Levenot, 3423. See also Levenot Stori, 304, 328, 343*7 Suain, Suan, Suen, 3363, 347*7, 3473, notes 300, 328. See also Swegen Suain ' cilt,' 294, 304, 347*, 3473, note 328 Suan. See Suain Suen the son of Suave, 328 Suen. See also Suain Suin', 333.7 Swain, 353*7 Swegen, 300. See also Suain ' Sweni child,' 304 Teodric, 345** Tochi, the son of Outi, 299, 35, 327 328, 3383, 3473, 34817, note 338^ Tochi, a thegn of the king, 3 5 5*; Tolf, a thegn of the king, 3540, 355" Toli, a thegn of the king, 307, 321, 354* Tori, 340*;, note 328 Tostig, Earl, 304 Turgar, 351* Turgis, 300,311,340* Turgisle, a thegn of the king, 353* Tutbury Priory, 300, 301, 305 monks of, 302, 303, 3383 Ube, 3403 Uctebrand, 300, 334*;, 3450 Uctred, 3 3 63 Uctred, a thegn of the king, 3 5 33 Ulchel, Ulchil, 301, 337.7, 339/5, 3400,341,;, 3413, 342,7, 344*5, 3523 Ulchetel, 340*7, 3403 Ulestan, 344*7 Ulf, 340*5, 344*; Ulf 'fenisc,' 300, 322, 328, 329, Ulfar, 353*7 Ulfric cilt, 328 Ulfstan, 344*5 Ulmer, 311, 3 3 83, 3403 Ulsi, 296, 302, 319, 340*$, 344*7, 345/5, 3503, 353*;, 3533, * 355" Ulsius, 302. See also Ulsi Ulviet, 311, 337*7, 3393, 3403, 344", 345* Ulvric, 3383, 339*7, 3403, 341*7, 347" Unban, 340*7 Wade, 304, 347* Wallef, 342*7 Waltheof (Wallef), Earl, 300, 301, 340*; Warner, 3463 Wazelin, 340*; Wictric, 337*7 William, 301, 345*; William, King (the Conqueror), 297, 298, 300, 303, 307, 316, 318, 321, 329*7, 330*7, 3303,331*7,3313,332*7,3323. 333*, 334". 334*. 335". 336", 3443,347*7,354*7,3543,355*7, 3553, notes 299, 335", 355* -- firm of, 342*7 -- thegns of, 306, 307, 326, 329*, 353* William II. (King), note 3 1 2 Wodi, 3413 Woman, a certain old (vetula), 339" Wulfric. See Spot Wulfsige. See Ulsi, Ulsius York, Archbishop of, 306, 328, 3*9 PLACE NAMES Abney [Habenai], 347*7 and note ' Achetorpe.' See Oakthorpe ' Adelardestreu.' See Allestree ' ^Elfredingtune.' See Alfreton ' ^Elwoldestun.' See Alvaston ' .*Estun.' See Aston-on-Trent 'Aidele.' SeeEdale ' Aitone.' See Eaton, Long ' Aisseford.' See Ashford ' Aitun.' See Eaton on Dove ' Aiune.' See Eyam ' Alchementune.' SeeAlkmonton ' Alewoldestune.' See Elvaston Alfreton [Elstretune], 325, 3533 Alkmonton[Alchementune],3393 Allestree [Adelardestreu], 299, 335* Alsop le Dale [Elleshope], 296, 331" Alvaston [^Elwoldestun], 305, 316, 3473 Ambaston [Emboldestune], 3473 Aneisc. See Ash, One Appleby [Apleby] (Leic. and Derby), 299, 320, 321, 3 34^ Appletree [Apletreu], Wapen- take, 295, 299, 300, 315,328, notes 322, 3423 Arleston [Erlestune], 3443 429 Ash [Eisse], 301, 340*; Ash, One [Aneisc], 3323 Ashbourne [Esseburne], 296, 297, 300, 312, 316, 3303, 331*7, notes 312, 3413 Ashford [Aisseford], 297, 316, 319, ^zb,note 333*7 Ashover[Essovre], 306, 314, 349*7 Aston-on-Trent [^Estune, Es- tune], 3323, 334*7, 339*7, 345,7 Aston Coal [Estune], 354*7 Atlow [Etelawe], 295, 3373 Ault Hucknall. See Hucknall Ault Awstrey (Warw.), 30*