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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE ages ; Alopecurus fufous, Sm., only known for one station, where it is plentiful, though suitable habitats are numerous in the county. A remarkable and recent discovery is that of Rubia peregrina in Dovedale, at about 600 feet altitude, quite above its normal zone. CRYPTOGAMIA FILICES The variety of rocks as well as the considerable vertical range found in Derbyshire make it the home of a large number of species of ferns, 23 being known for the county. A list of them is appended, and where any species occurs only on one formation the name of the formation is added in brackets. Pteris aquilina, Linn. ; Lomaria spicant, Desv. ; Asplenium ruta-muraria, Linn. ; A, Tric&omanes, Linn. ; A. viride, Huds. (limestone) ; A. adiantum-nigrum, Linn. ; A. filix-fcemina, Bernh. ; A. ceterach. Linn, (mostly limestone) ; Scolopendrium vu/gare, Sm. ; Cys- topteris fragilis, Bernh. ; Aspidium acu/eatum, Sw., and var. lobatum, Sw. ; A. angu/are, Willd. ; Nephrodium filix-mas, Rich. ; N. dilatatum, Desv. ; N. spinulosum, Desv. ; N. oreopteris, Desv. ; Polypodium vu/gare, Linn. ; P. phegopteris, Linn. ; P. dryopteris, Linn. ; P. robertianum, Hoffm. (lime- stone) ; Osmunda rega/is, Linn. ; Opbioglossum vu/gatum, Linn. ; Botrychium lunaria, Sw. There is an old record of Aspidium lonchitis near Buxton, 1863, Darwin and Huish (Smith's Ferns of Derbyshire). Probably this was a form of A. lobatum, which was published under the former name for Derbyshire by Jewitt in 1811. EQUISETACE^ EQUISETUM, LINN. Five species of this genus are known for Derbyshire ; they are found equally on all formations, and are generally distributed through the county ; E. arvense, Linn. ; E. maximum, Lamk. ; E. si/vaticum, Linn. ; E. palustre. Linn. ; E. limosum, Linn. LYCOPODIACEjE Derbyshire produces five members of this order, mostly occurring on the moorland or remains of old heath, and none of them at all com- mon : Lycopodium c/avafum, Linn, (also rarely on limestone) ; L. alpinum, Linn. ; L. inundatum, Linn. ; L. se/ago, Linn, (also occasionally on lime- stone) ; Selaginella selaginoides, Gray. CHARACE^E This order is by no means well represented in the county, several species preferring a warmer situation apparently than is to be found here : Chara fragi/ts, Desv. ; C. bispida, Linn. ; C. vu/garis, Linn. ; Tolypella g/omerafa, Leonh. (one station only on the Permian) ; Nitella opaca, Agardh. 44