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BOTANY MUSCI The mosses of Derbyshire have been to a large extent investigated, and results published by Mr. Whitehead in the Journal of Botany for 1896 (p. 193), and the Rev. A. Ley contributed a MS. list : these have been combined with some other records and published in the Naturalist (1899) by the Rev. W. H. Painter. Professor T. Barker, who has given me valuable assistance in the drawing up of this article, has added a list of his findings, and these, together with a few more from other sources or discovered by myself, bring up the total number of species to 324. There are a few which are of exceptional interest from their extreme rarity, notably Porotricbum angustifolium, Dixon, for which the locality in Cressbrook still remains the only known station. Other species of great rarity are : Seligeria tristicha, B. & S. ; Ditricbum tenuifolium, Lindb. ; Campylopus setifo/ius, Wils. ; Grimmia Stirtoni, Schimp. ; Pottia latifolia, C. M. ; Tortula brevirostris, B. & S. ; Weissia squarrosa, C. M. ; Pleurochcete squarrosa, Lindb. ; Zygodon Stirtoni, Schimp. ; Dis- celium nudum, Brid. ; Pbyscomitrella patens, B. & S., var. Lucasiana, Schimp. ; Physcomitrium spharicum, Brid. ; Amblyodon dealbatus, P.Beauv. ; Bryum uliginosum, B. & S. ; B. ajfine, Lindb. ; B, capillare, L., var. Fercbelii, B. & S. ; Fontinalis Dixoni, Cardot ; Eurhyncbium circinatum, B. & S. ; Amblystegium Sprucei, B. & S., and confervoides, B. & S. ; Hypnum cuspidatum, L., var. ccespiticium, Whiteh. There are some others which are notable as being rare in Derbyshire, though not so much so elsewhere, such as Andrecea petropbila, Ehrh. ; A. crassinervia, Bruch. ; Tetraphis Bro'wniana, Grev. ; Catharinea cra/w, James ; Diphysciumfoliosum, Mohr. ; Cynodontium Bruntoni, B. & S. ; Blindia acuta, B. & S. ; Dicrano- dontium longirostre, B. & S. ; Fissidens crassipes, Wils. ; Hedivigia ciliata, Ehrh. ; Pottia Starkeana, C. M. ; Tortula lamellata, Lindb. ; T. mutica, Lindb. ; Weissia tenuis, Schrad. ; Tricbostomum tenuirostre, Lindb. ; Ulota Drummondii, Brid. ; Orthotrichum Sprucei, Mont. ; O. tenellum, Bruch. ; Webera polymorpha, Schimp. ; Bryum murale, Wils. ; Mnium serratum, Schrad. ; Neckera pumila, Hedw. ; Antitrichia curtipendula, Brid. ; Cylin- drothecium concinnum, Schimp. ; Pylaisia polyantha, B. & S. ; Bracbythecium albicans, Neck. ; B. illecebrum, Schwgr. ; Eurbyncbium striatulum, Spruce ; E. megapo/itanum, Bland. ; Plagiotbecium pulcbellum, B. & S. ; Amblystegium varium, Lindb. ; A. irriguum, B. & S. ; Hypnum vernicosutn, Lindb. ; H. incurvatum, Schrad. It should be added that Webera cucullata, Schimp., published in the Handbook of British Mosses, is now considered by Messrs. Dixon and Barker to be only a form of W. nutans. Andreeea alpina and Webera polymorpha must also be withdrawn from the list, both records being probably erroneous. Limitation of habitat as a feature is more pronounced in the moss-flora than in the phanerogams of Derbyshire. Thus as many as 49 species are found on the limestone alone, 1 8 species on both limestone and Permian, one on Permian only, yielding a total of 68 limestone mosses, though it must be mentioned that some of these species are by no means restricted to limestone in England generally. 45