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A HISTORY OF HEREFORDSHIRE HYMENOMYCETAE {cont.) Agaricaceae {cont.) Omphalia fibula (Bull.), Fr. Haywood Forest, Holme Lacy, nr. Bel- mont, Eastnor, Brockhampton var. Swartzii, Fr. Whit- cliffe — integrella (Pers.), Fr. Nr. Brockhill, Brockhampton Pleurotus corticatus, Fr. Leomin- ster, Eastnor — dryinus (Pers.), Fr. Holme Lacy, Rotherwas, Whitfield, Brockhampton — ulmarius (Bull.), Fr. Hereford, nr. Stifford's Bridge — tessulatus (Bull.), Fr. Moccas — subpalmatus, Fr. Moorhampton, nr. Colwall, Moccas — lignatilis, Fr. Dinedor Camp — salignus (Pers.), Fr. Lugg Mills — ostreatus (Jacq.), Fr. Led- bury, Breinton, Eastnor ; nr. Bromyard — mitis (Pers.), Fr. Dinmore — tremulus, Fr. Holme Lacy

  • — acerosus, Fr. Haywood Forest,

Belmont, Downton, Aconbury Wood

  • — cyphellaeformis, Berk. Din-

more — applicatus (Batsch), Fr. Holme Lacy — hypnophilus. Berk. Haywood Forest — chioneus (Pers.), Fr. Dinmore Volvaria bombycina (Schaeff.), Fr. Brockhampton — Loveiana, Berk. Downton ' — gloiocephala (DC), Fr. Nr. Hereford — media (Schum.), Fr. Brock- hampton Pluteus cervinus (Schaeff.), Fr. Haywood, Dinmore, Holme Lacy,Eastnor,Whitcliffe,West Malvern var. patricius, Schulz. Dymock var.* Bullii, Berk. Here- ford Fungus Show var. petasatus, Fr. Stoke Edith — umbrosus (Pers.), Fr. Hay- wood Forest, Sufton Court — nanus (Pers.), Fr. Belmont, Moccas, Downton

  • — roseo-albus, Fr. Burghill Court
  • — leoninus (SchaefF.), Fr. Nr.

Hereford — chrysophaeus (SchaefF.), Fr. Dowards — phlebophorus (Dittm.), Fr. Sufton Court ^ The mycelium noted on Clitocybe nebularis ; Tram, PVoolbope Club (1877), p. 47. HYMENOMYCETAE {cont.) Agaricaceae {cont.)

  • Entoloma sinuatum, Fr. Haywood

Forest, Dinmore, Holme Lacy, Eastnor, Whitcliffe, Brock- hampton — lividum (Bull.), Fr. Nr. Dinedor Camp, Eastnor, Din- more

  • — prunuloides, Fr. Haywood

Forest — porphyrophaeum, Fr. Leint- wardine, Merryhill Common, Haywood Forest

  • — placenta (Batsch), Fr. Downton
  • — helodes, Fr. Nr. Hereford
  • — Bloxami, Berk. Merryhill

Common, Brockhampton, Deer- fold Forest, Rotherwas — ameides, B. & Br. Whitcliffe — Saundersii, Fr. Holme Lacy — jubatum, Fr. Nr. Belmont, Holme Lacy, Eastnor, Brock- hampton, Whitcliffe, nr. Gam- stone Park — clypeatum (Linn.), Fr. Down- ton, nr. Ledbury

  • — rhodopolium, Fr. Downton,

Whitcliffe, Eastnor, Sufton Court — costatum, Fr. Eastnor, Brock- hampton — sericeum (Bull.), Fr. Merry- hill Common, Holme Lacy, nr. Belmont, Eastnor, Brockhamp- ton — nidorosum, Fr. Haywood Forest,Rotherwas, Credenhill, Dinmore, Stoke Edith, Whit- cliffe, Brockhampton

  • — speculum, Fr. Dinedor
  • Clitopilus prunulus (Scop.), Fr.

Mynde Park, Dinedor, Green- crise,Pontrilas,Eastnor,Brock- hampton, Whitcliffe — orcella (Bull.), Fr. Mynde Park — popinalis, Fr. Holme Lacy

  • — cancrinus, Fr. Deerfold Forest,


  • Leptonia placida, Fr. Downton

— lampropa, Fr. Merryhill Common, nr. Belmont, Holme Lacy, Eastnor, Brockhamp- ton — aethiops, Fr. Eastnor, Brock- hampton — serrulata (Pers.), Fr. Nr. Bel- mont, Holme Lacy, Eastnor, Brockhampton — euchroa (Pers.), Fr. Eastnor Park, Dinmore, Downton, Shobdon Court, Dowards • — chalybea (Pers.), Fr. Down- ton, Haywood Common — sericella (Fr.),Quel. ^5/y5^rj««/, Dinmore, Holme I^acy, Stoke Edith, Brockhampton 60 HYMENOMYCETAE {cont.) Agaricaceae {cont.) •Leptonia incana, Fr. Btyngwyn, Moccas, Coney Green, nr. Ledbury, Dowards Nolanea pascua (Pers.), Fr. Bryn- gwyn, Merryhill Common, Dinedor, Holme Lacy, East- nor, Brockhampton

  • — pisciodora (Ces.), Fr. Whit-

cliffe Wood, Eastnor, Brock- hampton

  • — icterina, Fr. Nr. Hereford,

Holme Lacy Park

  • — picea, Kalchbr. Holme Lacy,

Rotherwas — infula, Fr. Dinmore, Eastnor — rubida. Berk. Holme Lacy Eccilia carneo-grisea, B. & Br. Seager Hill, Whitcliffe, nr. Woolhope — atrides (Lasch.), Fr. Hereford

  • — atropuncta (Pers.), Fr. Rother-

was, Stoke Edith, Brockhamp- ton, Dinmore, Sufton Court Claudopus variabilis (Pers.), Sm. Haywood, Dinmore, Whitfield, Eastnor, Whitcliffe, Brock- hampton — depluens (Batsch), Sm. East- nor Park, Whitcliffe

  • Pholiota aurea (Matt.), Fr. var.

Herefordensis Renny. Bel- mont

  • — terrigena, Fr. ( = Cookel, Fr.).

Dinmore; nr. Colwall,Oakky Park

  • — erebia, Fr. Credenhill, Brock-

hampton, Church Hill, Lelnt- wardlne, Sufton Court, Dovin- ton — togularis (Bull.), Fr. Ledbury, Credenhill, Dinmore, Whit- cliffe, Brockhampton; vs. Wool- hope

  • — praecox (Pars.), Fr. Nt. Bel-

mont, Eastnor, Stoke Edith, Vlnesend, Breinton

  • — radicosa (Bull.), Fr. Haywood

Forest, Credenhill, Dinmore, Downton, Brockhampton — pudica, Fr. Hagley Park

  • — heteroclita, Fr. Downton
  • — aurivella (Batsch), Fr. Cre-


  • — squarrosa (Mull.), Fr. Mynde

Park, Merryfield, and in orchards throughout the county — subsquarrosa, Fr. Hereford — spectabilis, Fr. Dinedor, Pon- trllas, Whitfield, Eastnor, Stoke Edith, Brockhampton — adiposa, Fr. Eastnor Park — mutabilis (Schaeff.), Fr. Led- bury, Luguiardlne, Dinmore — marginata (Batsch), Fr. Lei- bury, Rotherwas, Dinmore