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HYMENOMYCETAE {cont.) Agaricaceae {cont.) Pholiota unicolor (Fl. Dan.), Fr. Downton, Woolhope, Dinmore, Sufton Court

  • Inocybe hystrix, Fr. Nr. Here-

ford, Eastnor, Brockhamf- ton

  • — calamistrata, Fr. Ledbury,

Dotonton — hirsuta (Lasch), Fr. Foxley — lanuginosa (Bull.), Fr. Hay- wood Forest, Holme Lacy, Eastnor

  • — dulcamara (A. & S.), Fr.

Dinmore, Brockhampton, Dinedor — cincinnata, Fr. Eastnor, Brockhampton, Whitcllffe

  • — haemacta, B. & Cke. Creden-

hill, Downton — petiginosa (Fr.), Qu61. Dine- dor, Dinmore, Brockhampton, Whitcliffe

  • — pyriodora (Pers.), Fr. Cre-

denhill, Dinmore, Foxley, Whitcliffe, Brockhampton, Downton, Stoke Edith, East- nor

  • — incarnata, Bres. Dinmore,

Eastnor, Dinedor

  • — scabra, Fr, Whitcliffe

— flocculosa, Berk. Rotherwas, Eastnor, Brockhampton — mutica, Fr. Dinmore

  • — obscura (Pers.), Fr. Downton,

Dinmore, Sufton Court, Cre- denhill

  • — fastigiata (SchaefF.), Fr. Dine-

dor, Haywood Forest, Venn- wood, Foxley, Dinmore

  • — rimosa (Bull.), Fr. Dinedor,

Rotherwas, Croft Wood, Stoke Edith, Eastnor, Brockhamp- ton

  • — asterospora, Qu^l. Dinedor,

Haywood, Rotherwas, Din- more, Foxley, Sunny Gutter, Eastnor, Brockhampton

  • — eutheles, B. & Br. Nr. Here-

ford, Brockhampton — destricta, Fr. Stoke Edith, Ledbury — descissa, Fr. Whitcliffe — luclfuga, Fr. Dinmore

  • — geophylla (Sow.), Fr. Dine-

dor, Haywood, Rotherwas, Credenhill, Foxley, Whit- cliffe var. violacea, Pat. Din- more, Eastnor, Brockhampton — scabella, Fr. Haywood Forest, Holme Lacy, Brockhampton •— Rennyi, B. & Br. Dinedor Fir Wood Hebeloma fastibile, Fr. Haywood, Eastnor, Brockhampton, Whit- cliffe BOTANY HYMENOMYCETAE («»/.) Agaricaceae {cont.') •Hebeloma glutinosum (Lind.),Fr. ( = Flammula lenta (Pers.), Fr.). Haywood, Eastnor, Brockhampton, Sunny Gutter; nr. Ludlow, Whitcliffe — testaceum (Batsch), Fr. Brock- hampton

  • — mesophaeum, Fr. Dinmore ;

nr. Colwall,Whitcliffe, Brock- hampton

  • — sinapizans, Fr. Credenhill
  • — crustuliniforme (Bull.), Fr,

Belmont, Haywood Forest, Credenhill, Dinmore, Eastnor, Whitcliffe — elatum (Batsch), Fr. Colwall — longicaudum (Pers.), Fr. Dinmore, Brockhampton var. radicatum, Cke. Dinedor Camp — nudipes, Fr. Dinmore — nauseosum, Cke. Dinmore Flammula tricholoma (A. & S.), Karst. Nr. Colwall, Din- more — carbonaria, Fr. Sunny Gutter, Whitcliffe Wood, Dinmore; nr. Gamstone

  • — filia, Fr. Haywood Forest

— alnicola, Fr. Downton — flavida (Schaeff.), Fr. Din- more, Eastnor, Whitcliffe, Brockhampton — inopa, Fr. Dinmore, Eastnor, Whitcliffe, Brockhampton — hybrida, Fr. Dr. Bull's list, — sapinea, Fr. Eastnor, Brock- hampton — scamba, Fr. Stoke Edith

  • Naucoria cidaris, Fr. Rotherwas

— cucumis (Pers.), Fr. Holme Lacy, Dinmore: nr. Gamstone Park — innocua (Lasch), Fr. Sufton Court — melinoides, Fr. Nr. Belmont, Holme Lacy, Eastnor, Brock- hampton

  • — rubricata, B. & Br. Holme


  • — badipes (Pers.), Fr. Holme

Lacy, Eastnor, Brockhamp- ton — semiorbicularis (Bull.), Fr. Dinedor ; nr. Colwall, Stoke Edith

  • — temulenta, Fr. Cowarne Court

— sobria, Fr. Stoke Edith — erinacea, Fr. Dinmore

  • — conspersa (Pers.), Fr. Din-

more — escharoides, Fr. Dinmore, Brockhampton 10 Masaee says this is a Marasmius ; see Brit, Fung. Flora, iii, 164. 61 HYMENOMYCETAE {cont.) Agaricaceae {cont.)

  • Galera lateritia, Fr. Breinton

— tenera (SchaefF.), Fr. Dinedor, Haywood Forest, Holme Lacy, Stoke Edith, Brockhampton

  • — spartea, Fr. Haywood Forest,

Eastnor, Brockhampton — hypnorum (Batsch), Fr. Hay- wood, Dinmore, Moccas, Eastnor, Brockhampton,Whit- cliffe — mniophila (Lasch), Fr. Stoke Edith

  • Tubaria cupularis (Bull.), Sm.


  • — furfuracea (Pars.), Sm. Com-

mon everywhere

  • — autochthona (B. & Br.), Sm.


  • — crobula, Fr. Credenhill, Hay-

wood Forest; nr. Colwall, Brockhampton

  • — inquilina, Fr. Dinedor, Stoke

Edith Crepidotus mollis (SchaefF.), Fr. Downton, Dinmore, Holme Lacy, Eastnor, Brockhampton Agaricus arvensis (SchaefF.). Cre- denhill, Merry hill Common, Moccas, Eastnor, Brockhamp- ton var.* purpurascens, Cke. Deerfold Forest — xanthoderma, Genev. Stoke Edith, Ledbury, Brockhampton — campestris, Linn. Mynde Park, Dinedor, Dinmore, Eastnor, Brockhampton var. silvicola, Vitt. Din- more, Holme Lacy, Brock- hampton, Stoke Edith — silvaticus, Schaeff. Belmont, Rotherwas

  • — haemorrhoidarius, Schulz.

Ledbury, nr. Hereford, Cre- denhill, Holme Lacy — comtulus, Fr. Nr. Belmont, Holme Lacy, Eastnor, Brock- hampton Stropharia Percevali, B. & Br. Whitcliffe — aeruginosa (Curt.), Fr. Bel- mont, Haywood Forest, Din- more, Moccas, Holme Lacy, Eastnor — albocyanea (Desm.), Fr. Din- more, Belmont, Stoke Edith, Eastnor, Brockhampton

  • — inuncta, Fr. Nr. Whitecross,

Dinmore, Holme Lacy, nr. Belmont, Brockhampton — obturata, Fr. Brockhill Copse — coronilla (BuU.), Fr. Nr. Colwall — squamosa, Fr. Haywood Forest, Dinmore, Foxley, Rotherwas, Brockhampton