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A HISTORY OF HERTFORDSHIRE 136. Neriene isabellina (C. L. Koch). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also as Neriene rubella, Blackwall. 137. Dicyphus cornutus (Blackwall). Hoddesdon and Lea Valley (F. M. C.). 138. Hypomma bituberculatum (Wider). Lea Valley (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Neriene. 139. Trachygnatha dentata (Wider). Lea Valley (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Neriene. 140. ALdothorax gibbosus (Blackwall). Lea Valley (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Neriene. 141. Mdothorax tuberosus (Blackwall). Lea Valley (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Neriene. 142. Stylothorax apicatus (Blackwall). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Found occasionally on iron railings. Known also under the name Neriene. 143. Kulczynskiellum fuscum (Blackwall). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Neriene. 1 44. Kulczynskiellum agreste (Blackwall). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Neriene. 145. Kulczymkiellum retusum (Westring). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Neriene. 146. Lophomma herbigradum (Blackwall). Box Wood (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Neriene. 147. Lophomma punctatum (Blackwall). Lea Valley and other marshy districts (F. M. C). Known also under the name Walckenaera. 148. Dicymbium nigrum (Blackwall). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Neriene. 149. Prosoponcus cristatus (Blackwall). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 150. PLefiocrarus permixtus (O. P. -Cam- bridge). Lea Valley (F. M. C.). Common in this and other marshy places. Known also under the name Walckenaera. 151. Pleesioc r&rus fus cipet (Blackwall). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Rare. Known also under the name Walckenaera. 152. Pltssiocrarus latifrons (O. P.-Cambridge). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Rare. Known also under the name Walckenaera. 153- Plfsiocrterus picinus (Blackwall). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 154. Tapinocyba beckii (O. P.-Cambridge). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 155. Savignia frontata, Blackwall. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Walckenaera. 156. Gongylidiellum vivum (O. P.-Cambridge). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Rare and local. Known under the name Neriene. 157. Entelecara erythropus (Westring). Roman road, Box Wood (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Walckenaera. 158. Entelecara trifrons(O. P.-Cambridge). Easneye (F. M. C.). A single male only found. 159. Entelecara altifrons (O. P.-Cambridge). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 1 60. Areoncm humilis (Blackwall). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Rare. Known also under the name Wal- ckenaera. 101. Troxochrus scabriculus (Westring). High Leigh (F. M. C.). Rare. Known also as Walckenaera aggerts, Blackwall. 162. Walckenaeria acuminata (Blackwall). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Not uncommon, but the males rare. Known also under the name Walckenaera. 163. Walckenaeria nudipalpis (Westring). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 164. Viderius anticus (Wider). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). A single male only. Known also under the name Walckenaera. 165. yiderius cucullatus (C. L. Koch). Lea Valley (F. M. C.). A single male only. 1 66. Lophocarenum para llelu m (Wider). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Rare. Known also under Walckenaera. I 7 8