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SPIDERS 167. Brachycentrum nemorale (Blackwall). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). A single male only. Known also under Walckenaera. 1 68. Minyriolus pusillus (Wider). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). A single male only. Known also under Walckenaera. 169. Pocadicnemis pumila (Blackwall). Box Wood (F. M. C.). Rare. Known also under Walckenaera. 170. Baryphyma pratensis (Blackwall). Lea Valley (F. M. C.). Rare. Known also as Walckenaera pra- tensis and W. meadii, O. P.-Cambridge. 171. Cornicularia unicornis (O. P.-Cambridge). Lea marshes (F. M. C.). Rare. Known also under Walckenaera. 172. Cornicularia vigilax (Blackwall). High Leigh (F. M. C.). A single male only. Known also under Neriene. 173. Maso sundevallii (Westring). Spittle Brook, Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Neriene. 174. Moebelia penicillata (Westring). Goose Green (F. M. C.). Under lichens occasionally. Known also under Neriene. 175. Panamomops bicuspis (O. P.-Cambridge). High Leigh (F. M. C.). Not uncommon on railings in April and May. Known also under Neriene. 176. Ceratinella brevipes (Westring). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Rare. Known also under Walckenaera. The members of this family have eight eyes, situated very much like those of the Argio- pidie ; but the mandibles are usually weak, the maxillae are inclined over the labium, and the posterior legs have a comb of stiff curved spines beneath the tarsi. The web consists of a tangle of crossing lines, and the spider often constructs a tent-like retreat wherein the egg-sac is hung up. The tarsal claws are three in number. 177. The ridion formosum (Clerck). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also as T. sisyphium, Blackwall. 178. Theridion tepidariorum, C. L. Koch. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 179. Theridion pictum (Walckenaer). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 1 80. Theridion sisyphium (Clerck). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also as T. nervosum, Blackwall. 1 8 1. Theridion denticulatum (Walckenaer). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 182. Theridion variant, Hahn. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 183. Theridion tinctum (Walckenaer). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 184. Theridion vittatum, C. L. Koch. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also as T. pulchellum (Walckenaer). 185. Theridion bimaculatum (Linnaeus). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also as T. caro/inum, Blackwall. 1 86. Theridion pal/ens, Blackwall. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). 187. Theridion ovatum (Clerck). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Phyllonethis lineata. 1 8 8. Eptstnus /ugubris, Simon. Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also as Theridion angutatum, Black- wall. 189. Pholcomma gibbum (Westring). Easneye, Ware (F. M. C.). A single specimen only. 190. Steatoda bipunctata (Linnaeus). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also as Theridion quadripunctatum, Blackwall. 191. Steatoda guttata (Wider). Box Wood (F. M. C.). Known also as Theridion guttatum, Black- wall. A single specimen only. 192. Pedanostethus lividus (Blackwall). Easneye, Ware (F. M. C.). 193. Pedanostethus clarkii (O. P.-Cambridge). Hoddesdon (F. M. C.). Known also under the name Neriene. PHOLCID^E Spiders with more or less slender bodies and very long slender legs. The eyes are situ- 170