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BOTANY FRESHWATER ALGM. The freshwater algae of Kent have never been carefully worked out, except in the im- mediate neighbourhood of Tunbridge Wells. The most complete list that has been pub- lished is that given in Jenner's Flora of Tunbridge Wells. To this list is now added a number of species collected by the writer in the neighbourhood of Sevenoaks, and some diatoms col- lected by the late Dr. E. Capron at Northfleet and Folkestone. But there are many localities in Kent that would probably yield a large number of species not yet detected in the county, such as the marsh ditches near the estuaries of the Thames and Medway, and those around Minster and Grove Ferry, and on the coast near Deal and Reculver. Others would unquestionably be found in the ponds scattered throughout the county. The following list must therefore not be regarded as a fully representative one. CYANOPHYCE^ Chroococcace^ Glaeocapsa arenaria, Rabenh. Tunbridge Wells Merismopsdia punctata, Meyen. Tunbridge Wells OSCILLATORIACE^ Arthrospira Jenneri, Stiz. Tonbridge Lyngbya vermicularis, Hass. Rusthall Common. Oscillatoria nigra, Vauch. Sevenoaks — tenuis, C. Ag. Tunbridge Wells — terebriformis, C. Ag. Tun- bridge Wells Phormidium autumnale, Gom. Tunbridge Wells RlVULARIACE^ Rivularia haematites, C. Ag. Riverhead NoSTOCACEjE Anabsena spiralis, Thomps. Tunbridge Wells Nostoc commune, Vauch. Kemsing, Westerham BACILLARIACE^ Naviculaceje Amphipleura pellucida, Kiitz. Shoreham, Tunbridge Wells Navicula viridis, Kiitz. Tun- bridge Wells Pleurosigma Hippocampus, W. Sm. Shoreham Scoliopleura Westii, Grun. Northfleet CyMBELLACEjE Cymbella Cistula, Hempr. Westerham — lanceolatum, Ehr. Shore- ham Encyonema prostratum, Ralfs. Sandhurst GoMPHONEMACE^ Gomphonema acuminatum, Ehr. Tunbridge Wells — augur, Ehr. Shoreham — constrictum, Ehr. Sfeld- hurst, Shoreham — exiguum, Kiitz. Westerhav Achnanthace;e Achnanthes minutissima, Kiitz. Westerham, Shoreham, Sevenoaks NlTZSCHIACE^ Nitzschia acuminata, Grun. Tilbury — circumsuta, Grun. North- fleet — navicularis, Grun. North- fleet — sigmoidea, W. Sm. Otford, Shoreham SURIRELLACE* Suriraya biseriata, Breb. North- fleet — striatula, Turp. Otford, Shoreham Campylodiscus bicostatus, W. Sm. Northfleet — echeneis, Ehr. Folkestone — Thuretii, Breb. Folkestone DlATOMACE^ Diatoma elongatum, C. Ag. Tunbridge Wells — vulgare, Bory. Otford, Shoreham,Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks MeRIDIONACEjE Meridion circulare, Ralfs. Shoreham, Tunbridge Wells — constrictum, Ralfs. Tun- bridge Wells Fragilariace.i Fragilaria capucina, Desmaz. Shoreham — gibba, Ehr. Tunbridge Wells — pectinalis, Lyngb. Tun- bridge Wells — virescens, Ralfs. Tunbridge Wells Synedra affinis, Kiitz. Pem- bury - Ulna, Ehr. Shoreham, Speld hurst Striatellaceje Tabellaria fenestrata, Kiitz. Tunbridge Wells — flocculosa, Kiitz. Tun- bridge Wells 73 EuNOTIACEjE Pseudeunotia lunaris, Grun. Lamberhurst, Goudhurst Biddulphiace.'e DenticeUa rhombus, Ehr. Folke- stone Triceratium alternans, Breb. Folkestone — favus, Ehr. Folkestone — spinosum. Bail. Folkestone — striolatum, Ehr. Folkestone MeLOSIRACEjE Lysigonium varians, De Toni. Shoreham, Tunbridge Wells Melosira arenaria, Moore. Shoreham, Westerham DESMIDIACE^ Arthrodesmus convergens, Ehr. Rusthall Common Closterium Leibleinii, Kiitz. Rusthall Common — Lunula, Nitzsch. Rust- hall Common — Ralfsii, Breb. Rusthall Common — striolatum, Ehr. Kent Cosmarium Botrytis, Menegh. Tunbridge Wells — margaritiferum, Menegh. Rusthall Common — pyramidatum, Breb. Rust- hall Common Desmidium Svvartzii, C. Ag. Rusthall Common Disphynctium quadratum, Hansg. Rusthall Common Euastrum oblongum, Ralfs. Rusthall Common — verrucosum, Ehr. Rusthall Common Hyalotheca dissiliens, Breb. Tunbridge Wells — mucosa, Ehr. Tunbridge Wells Pleurotaenium TrabecuIa,Naeg. Rusthall Common Pleurotaeniopsis Cucumis, Lagerh. Rusthall Com- mon Sphaeroszosma vertebratum, Ralfs. Rusthall Common lO