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A HISTORY OF KENT Desmidiaceje (continued) Staurastrum alternans, Breb. Rnsthdl Common — dilatatum, Ehr. Rusthall Common — orbiculare, Ralfs. Tun- bridge Wells Xanthidium aculeatum, Ehr. Tunbridge Jf'ells — armatum, Breb. Tunbridge Wells — fasciculatum, Ehr. Tun- bridge Wells MoUCEOTIACE^ Mougeotia genuflexa, C. Ag. Tonbridge — recurva, De Toni. Rusthall Common Spirogyra arcta, Kiitz. var. catenseformis, Kirchn. Rackham Common — decimina, Kiitz. Westerham — elongata, Kiitz. Pembury — gracilis, Kutz. Tunbridge Wells — Hassallii, Petit. Sandhurst — inflata, Rabenh. Rusthall Common — mirabilis, Kutz. Tunbridge Wells — neglecta, Kiitz. Rusthall Common — nitida, Link. Sevenoaks — porticaEs, Cleve. Kemsing — tenuissima, Kutz. Hawk- hurst — varians, Kutz. Speldhurst PaLMELLACEjE Palmella hyalina, Rabenh. Tunbridge Wells Pediastrum Boryanum, Menegh. Tunbridge Wells Scenedesmus quadricaudatus, Breb. Shoreham Tetraspora lubrica, C. Ag. Stone Street Ulvace^e Enteromorpha intestinalis, Link. Tonbridge Monostroma buUosum, With. Tonbridge, Kemsing Prasiola crispa, C. Ag. Tun- bridge Wells Confervace.s: Draparnaldia plumosa, C. Ag. Chipstead Ch-btophoraceje Chaetophora endiviEfolia,C.Ag. Riverhead — tuberculosa, Hook. Tun- bridge Wells Chroolepidace^ Trentepohlia aurea, Mart. Chipstead CEdogoniace^ Bulbochsete setigera, C. Ag. Tunbridge Wells, Goud- hurst Qidogonium sequale, Kiitz. Rusthall Common — Boscii, Breb. Rusthall Common — cardiacum, Kiitz. Hook Green CEdogoniace^ {continued) CEdogonium concatenatum, Wittr. Lamberhurst — inasquale, Kiitz. Rusthall Common — Mulleri, Kutz. Rusthall Common — Rothii, Wittr. Rusthall Common — vernale, Wittr. Rusthall Common Cladophorace.ii Cladophora crispat.i, Kiitz. Riverhead — glomerata, Kiitz. Wester- ham, Shoreham BOTRYDIACE^ Botrydium granulatum, Grev. Ash Vaucheriace^ Vaucheria dichotoma, C. Ag. Sevenoaks — sessilis, DC. Rusthall Com- mon — terrestris, Lyngb. Seven- oaks RHODOPHYCE^ Bangiace^ Porphyridium cruentum, Nsg. Sevenoaks HeLMINTHOCLADIACEjE Batrachospermum moniliforme, Roth. Keston, Kemsing, Riverhead, Maidstone — pvramidale, Sirod. Tun- bridge Wells MARINE ALG^ The coast of Kent, owing to the geological character of the cliffs, is not remarkable for rock pools, and consequently a large number of species of marine algse found on the rocky western coast of England in much the same latitude have not been found in this county. But only a comparatively small portion of the coast has been explored by algologists, with the exception of the neighbourhood of Deal by Mr. J. T. Neeve. His search was rewarded by the discovery of three species, new not only to the British Isles, but to science, viz. Neevea repens, Batt. Erythropeltis discigera, Schm. var. Flustres, Batt. and Gonimophyllum Bu-ffhami, Batt. Rhodynienia corallicola, Ardiss., aiiother species new to this country, has as yet only been found in Kent. The neighbourhood of Folkestone has been examined at intervals by Mr. J. Cosmo Melvill, that of Sandgate by Mr. E. M. Holmes, that of Chatham by Dr. J. W. S. Meiklejohn, and that of Margate by the late Mr. T. H. Buffham. The list at present includes rather less than one-third of the known British species, but it is quite probable that a careful search near the mouth of the rivers Thames and Medway, and on the coast of Romney Marsh might add considerably to the number, especially of the Cyanophycece and Chlorophycecs. CYANOPHYCE^ Cham.ssiphonace«  Dermocarpa violacea, Crn. Deal (E. B.) — prasina, Born. Folkestone and Sandgate (on Geli- dium crinale, J. Ag.) ; Deal, on Gigartina mam- millosa and on Laurencia pinnatifida OsCILLATORIACEjE Lyngbya Agardhii,Gom. Mar- gate (E. B.) Hydrocoleum, lyngbyaceum, Kiitz. 'ar. rupestre, Kiitz. Folkestone (E. B.) Calothrix confervicola, C. Ag. Dover ■ — scopulorum, C. Ag. Dover 74 N0STOCACE.5; Nostoc Linckia, Born. Graves- end CHLOROPHYCE.E Palmellace.^; Gloeocystis adnata. Nag. Dover Ulvace^ Pringsheimia scutata, Reinke. Margate