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INSECTS CiCINDELIDii; Cicindela campestris, L. Abundant in sandy places — hybrida, L., var. maritima, Dej. Rare. On the coast from Deal to Romsgate. There appears to be no record of the capture of C. sylvatica, L., in Kent, but it probably occurs, as it is locally common in several localities in Surrey Carabid^ Cychrus rostratus, L. In moss, at roots of heather, under dead leaves, in rotten wood, etc. ; not common. Chisle- hurst, Hayes, Cohham Park, Bexley, Brcdhunt Carabus catenulatus. Scop. Widely dis- tributed and generally common. Mr. J. J. Walker, however, records it from the Rochester district as

  • occasional ; Cohham Park, under

logs' — nemoralis, Miill. Generally common ; recorded however by Mr. Walker as found ' in moss, etc., near Strood : rare ' — violaceus, L. Common — auratus, L. Very rare. Folkestone : probably an importation. In 1863 a small colony was found by Dr. Power and Mr. Brewer between Hythe and Sandgate, but they may have sprung from a batch turned loose by Mr. Walker near Dover some years before — monilis, F. Generally common, but recorded by Mr. Walker as not common in the Rochester district var. consitus, Panz. Formerly taken at Beacon Court near Brompton Calosoma sycophanta, L. Very rare. Deal, Dover, Folkestone, Heme Bay and Gravesend — inquisitor, L. On oaks, in woods, sometimes at ' sugar ' ; very local. Darenth I Food Notiophilus biguttatus, F. Common — substriatus, Wat. Not so common as the preceding, but generally distri- buted — quadripunctatus, Dej. Sandy places. Rare, but probably overlooked. Tun- bridge Wells, West IVlckham — aquaticus, L. Common — palustris, Duft. ,, — rufipes, Curt. Sandy and graelly places, under dead leaves, etc. ; not common. Gravesend, Darenth [Food, Cohham Park, under logs, rare Leistus spinibarbis, F. Common Carabid^ {continued) Leistus fulvibarbis, Dej. Scarce. Snodland, Higham, Cohham Park, etc. — ferrugineus, L. Generally distri- buted — rufescens, F. Damp places, at roots of grass, in moss, etc. ; not common. Darenth IFood, Lewisham, Chatten- den, Snodland, etc. Nebria brevicollis, F. Very common everywhere Elaphrus cupreus, Duft. Generally distri- buted and common — riparius, L. Generally distributed Loricera pilicornis, F. Very common Clivina fossor, L. Comracn — coUaris, Herbst. Not uncommon. Lee (G. C. C), Snodland, under old board in a marshy place ; rare (J- J- w.) Dyschirius thoracicus, Rossi. Sandy places on the coast ; not common. Deal — impunctipennis. Daws. Sandy places on the coast ; rare. Deal — politus, Dej. Sandy and clayey places, inland and maritime ; not common. Sheppey, Sheerness, West Wickham, Deal — extensus, Putz. On the coast only ; very rare. Deal and near Folkestone — salinus, Schaum. Salt marshes on the coast and on the banks of tidal rivers ; common. Rochester district, St. Marys Island, Gravesend, Sheer- ness, Whitstahle, Heme Bay, Deal — aeneus, Dej. Sandy banks of ponds and ditches, inland and maritime ; not uncommon. Gravesend, Sheerness, Snodland, Lee, Darenth Wood — globosus, Herbst. Inland and maritime ; local but not uncommon Broscus cephalotes, L. Widely distributed ; omitted however by Mr. Walker from his Rochester list Panasjsus crux-major, L. Marshy places ; rare. Shooters Hill — quadripustulatus, Sturm. On chalky hillsides and in sandy places; not common. Cuxton, ^eendown War- ren, Doivn, Deal Badister unipustulatus, Bon. Not com- mon. Lewisham — bipustulatus, F. Common — sodalis. Not common. Darenth Wood, Tonhridge, Snodland — peltatus, Panz. Rare. Hythe Licinus silphoides, F. Not uncommon. — depressus, Payk. Widely distributed, but much less common than the pre- ceding species 125