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A HISTORY OF KENT Carabid^e {continued) Callistus lunatus, F. Very local. Canter- bury, Folkestone, Dover, Rochester district (one specimen only), ^leen- down Warren Chlaenius vestitus, Payk. Widely distri- buted — nigricornis, F. Generally distributed Oodes helopioides, F. Not common. Banks of Medwax above Rochester, Chatham, Tonbr'idge Stenolophus teutonus, Schr. Very local. Greenwich — skrimshiranus, Steph. Not common. Sheerness — elegans, Dej. Salt marshes; rare. Banks of Thames, towards Sheerness and Sheppey, Sheerness, Deal — vespertinus, Panz. Local. Sheerness, Chatham, Lee, Higham Acupalpus flavicollis, Sturm. Rare. Higham, Chatham, Deal — dorsalis, F. (gyllenhali, Thoms.). Local. Higham, Chatham, Deal — exiguus, Dej. Very local. Ramsgate „ var. luridus, Dej. Widely dis- tributed and common — meridianus, L. Very common — consputus, Duft. Rochester district, rare ; Lee, Chatham and Sheerness, rather comrr.on [ — derelictus, Daws. One specimen re- corded as taken by Mr. F. Smith at Plumstead, Kent ; probably a variety of A. dorsalis] Bradycellus verbasci, Duft. Common — harpalinus, Dej. Common — similis, Dej. Widely distributed Harpalus sabulicola, Panz. Very local and rather scarce. Brcdhurst, Gravesend, Folkestone, Deal — rotundicollis, Fairm. Rather common — punctatulus, Duft. Not common. Chatham, Dartford, Darland Hill, Folkestone — azureus, F. Locally common var. similis, Dej. With the preced- ing, but much scarcer. Bredhurst — cordatus, Duft. Rare. Deal — rupicola, Sturm. Not common. Sheer- ness, Deal, Dover, Hythe — puncticollis, Payk. Common — rufibarbis, F. Chattenden, Cobham Park, etc., occasional — parallelus, Dej. Rare. Rochester district, Sheerness — ruficornis, F. Very common — aeneus, F. „ ,, — consentaneus, Dej. Local, but often abundant on the coast ; rare inland 126 Carabid^ {continued) Harpalus tenebrosus, Dej. Very rare. Margate — rubripes, Duft. Rather common — discoideus, F. Very rare. Gravesend — caspius, Stev. Not uncommon, but local — latus, L. Generally distributed and common as a rule — melancholicus, Dej. Very rare. Plum- stead, one specimen taken by myself between Broadstairs and Margate, Deal — tardus, Panz. Common as a rule ; rare in the Rochester district — servus, Duft. Rare. Deal, Romney Sands and Covert Wood, Sandivich, Folke- stone ; always on or near the coast — anxius, Duft. Locally abundant on the coast — serripes, SchOn. Not uncommon on the coast. Sheerness, Margate, Deal — ignavuSjDuft. Local. Plumstead, Hythe Dichirotrichus obsoletus, Dej. Local ; salt marshes. Rainham, Whitstable, Sheerness — pubescens, Payk. Very common in the salt marshes Anisodactylus binotatus, F. Not uncom- mon ; not recorded, however, from the Rochester district — poeciloides. Very local but not uncom- mon. Gravesend, Sheppey, Sheerness, Dover, Deal Diachromus germanus, Er. Very rare and doubtfully indigenous ; a few specimens were taken many years ago at Deal Zabrus gibbus, F. Very local, but occa- sionally common in cornfields Stomis pumicatus, Panz. Common Platyderus ruficollis. Marsh. Local. Black- heath, Tonbr'idge, Sheerness, Margate, Folkestone Pterostichus cupreus, L. Very common — versicolor, Sturm. Generally distributed — dimidiatus, Ol. Very rare. Folkestone — lepidus, F. Rare. Dartford and Charlton — madidus, F. Very common — niger, Schall. Common — vulgaris, L. Very common — anthracinus, 111. Not uncommon. Tonbridge, Sheerness, Hythe, Dover — nigrita, F. Common — minor, Gyll. „ — strenuus, Panz. „ — diligens, Sturm. „ — picimanus, Duft. Local. Sheerness, Chattenden — inaequalis. Marsh. Local. Tonbridge — vernalis, Gyll. Common