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INSECTS Hydrophilid.*; [continued) Sphaeridium bipustulatum, F. Very com- mon var. marginatum, F. Not uncommon Cercyon littoralis, Gyll. Abundant all along the coast, on the shore — depressus, Steph. Not uncommon with the preceding — hsmorrhous, Gyll. Local. Snodland, Sheerness — hamorrhoidalis, Herbst. Common — obsoletus, Gyll. Local, and as a rule not common — aquaticus, Muls. Scarce. Sheppey, Sheerness — flavipes, F. Common — lateralis, Marsh. Local. Darenth Wood, Blue Bell Hill, Strood, Lee — melanocephalus, L. Very common — unipunctatus, L. Common — quisquilius, L. „ — nigriceps, Marsh. Not common. Greenwich, Rochester district — pygmaeus. 111. Not uncommon — terminatus. Marsh. Local and not common. IVhitstahle, Cobham, Green- wich — analis, Payk. Common — lugubris, Payk. Local. Lee, Sheerness — minutus, Muls. Not common. Black- heath Megasternum boletophagum, Marsh. Com- mon Cryptopleurum atomarium, Muls. Com- mon STAPHYLINIDi€ Homoeusa acuminata, Mark. In the runs of Formica fuliginosa and F. fusca. Rare. Chatham, Upnor, Bromley, Tonbridge Aleochara ruficornis, Grav. Near nests of Formica rufa and F. fusca. Very rare. Charlton — fuscipes, F. Very common everywhere — lata, Grav. Much less common than the preceding — brevipennis, Grav. Rare. Whitstable, Snodland — tristis, Grav. Common — bipunctata, Ol. Generally distributed, and as a rule common — cuniculorum, Kr. Rare. Maidstone, West Wickham, Birch Wood, Darenth Wood, Bearsted — lanuginosa, Grav. Very common — lygaea, Kr. Rare. Eltham, Tonbridge — mcesta, Grav. Common — mycetophaga, Kr. Rare. Birch JVood — maerens, Gyll. Rare. Sheerness, Birch Wood Staphvlinid^ {continued) Aleochara brunneipennis, Kr. Very rare : Frindsbury near Rochester (J. J. W.) ; St. Mary Cray (Sharp) — nitida, Grav. Very common var. bilineata, Gyll. Not nearly as common as the type form — morion, Grav. Common — grisea, Kr. Not uncommon on the shore in decaying seaweed. Heme Bay, IVhitstahle, Broadstairs — algarum, Fauv. Rather common in decaying seaweed — obscurella, Er. Not uncommon in decaying seaweed. Sheerness, Margate Microglossa suturalis, Sahl. Common — pulla, Gyll. In holes of the sand martin ; not uncommon, but local — nidicola, Fairm. In holes of the sand martin, etc.; not uncommon. Chisle- hurst, Sevenoaks, Sheerness Oxypoda spectabilis, Mark. Rare. Wig- more Wood, New Brompton, Darenth Wood — lividipennis, Mann.* Common — opaca, Grav. Common — alternans, Grav. Very common in decaying fungi — exoleta, Er. Rare. Gravesend, Sheer- ness, Tonbridge — lentula, Er. Locally common. Leey Darenth, Eltham, Tonbridge, etc. — umbrata, Gyll. Common — pectita, Sharp. Not common. Eltham, Tonbridge — nigrina, Wat. Local — exigua, Er. Rare. Deal — longiuscula, Er. Common — formiceticola, Mark. Common in nests of Formica rufa — hasmorrhoa, Mann. Common ; often in nests of Formica rufa — amcena, Fairm. Very rare. Eltham — waterhousei. Rye. Rare. Sheerness — annularis, Sahl., var. pallidula, Mann. Scarce. Tonbridge — brachyptera, Steph. Cobham Park (G. C. C.) — misella, Kr. Rare. Wickham Thiasophila angulata, Er. In nests of Formica rufa ; common — inquilina, Mark. In nests of Formica fuliginosa ; rare. Charlton, Darenth, Maidstone 1 I have omitted O. vittata, Mark., as I can find no actual record for Kent, but it is sure to occur, as it is locally common in Surrey and the London district generally, in nests of Formica fuliginosa.— "f^ . W. F. 131