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A HISTORY OF KENT StaphyliniDj« {continued) Ischnoglossa prolixa, Grav. (rufopicea, Kr.). Local. Chatham, Cobham Park, Darenth Wood, Tonhridge — corticina, Er. Rare. Bromley Ocyusa incrassata, Kr. Rare. Sheerness, Cobham Park — maura, Er. Common — picina, Aube. Rare. Maidstone, Bear- sted, Tonbridge Phloeopora reptans, Grav. Under bark ; not common Ocalea castanea, Er. Rare. Cobham Park — latipennis, Sharp. Rare. Tonhridge — badia, Er. Usually common. Rochester district, scarce Ilyobates nigricollis, Payk. Rare. Snodland, Birch Wood, Folkestone — propinquus, Aube. Very rare. West Wickham — forticornis, Lac. Very rare. Snodland, Rare. Shooters Hill, one specimen Calodera riparia, Er. Tonbridge — asthiops, Grav. Local. Darenth Wood, Lee, Gravesend, Sheerness — rubens, Er. Very local ; occasionally found in abundance in flood refuse in early spring. Lee (Power) — umbrosa, Er. Not common. Darland Hill, Bromley, Darenth, Chatham, Charlton, Deal Chilopora longitarsis, Er. Common Dinarda markeli, Kies. In nests of For- mica rufa ; not uncommon Atemeles emarginatus, Grav. In nests of Formica fusca, Myrmica scabrinodis, M. ruginodis and M. Ijevinodis. Not uncommon — paradoxus, Grav. In nests of Myrmica laevinodis and Formica fusca. Very rare. Charlton, Folkestone Myrmedonia limbata, Payk. In association vv'ith Formica flava, F. fusca and F. fuliginosa ; not uncommon ^ — humeralis, Grav. In nests of Formica rufa ; rather common — cognata, Mark. In nests of Formica fuliginosa ; scarce. Tonbridge — laticollis, Mark. In nests of Formica fuliginosa. Locally common. Chat- ham, Upnor Astilbus canaliculatus, F. Very common everywhere • I cannot find an actual Kent record for Myrmedonia funesta, Grav., but it almost cer- tainly occurs in the nests of Formica fuliginosa, as it is common in Surrey and the London district generally. M. lugens, Grav., also probably occurs in Kent.— W. W. F. StaphylinidvI: [continued) Callicerus obscurus, Grav. Local, but widely distributed — rigidicornis, Er. Rare. Chatham, Cob- ham Park, Upnor, Lewisham, Esher, etc. Thamiaraea cinnamomea, Er. At the exuding frass of Cossus infected trees. Local. Sittingbcurne, Cobham Park — hospita, Er. At frass as the preceding. Local. Sheerness, Sittingbourne, Cob- ham Park Notothecta flavipes, Grav. In nests of Formica rufa. Common — confusa, Mark. In nests of Formica fuliginosa. Rare. Charlton — anceps, Er. In nests of Formica rufa. Common Alianta incana, Er. Local, but widely distributed — plumbea, Wat. On the coast ; locally common. Dover, Folkestone Homalota planifrons, Wat. Very rare. Charlton Pit — gregaria, Er. Very common — eximia, Sharp. Very rare. Tonbridge (Horner) — longula, Heer. Rare. Tonbridge — littorea, Sharp. On the coast ; local. Sheerness, Deal — imbecilla, Wat. On or near the coast ; local — luteipes, Er. Rare. Sheerness, Ton- bridge — luridipennis, Mann. Local. Chatham, Darland Hill — gyllenhali, Thoms (londinensis. Sharp). Local. Lee — hygrotopora, Kr. Local. Tonbridge — elongatula, Grav. Very common — volans, Scriba. Common — vestita, Grav. Abundant on the coast — silvicola, Fuss. Rare. Bexley, Darenth Wood, Esher, Tonbridge — vicina, Steph. Very common — pagana, Er. Local and not common. Cobham Park, Darenth, Tonbridge — graminicola, Gyll. Common — halobrectha. Sharp. On or near the coast ; not uncommon — algae. Hardy (puncticeps, Thoms.). On the coast ; not uncommon — occulta, Er. Rare ; Gravesena — fungivora, Thoms. Not uncommon — nigella, Er. Not uncommon. Lee, Sheerness, Strood — aquata, Er. Rather common under bark of various trees — angustula, Gyll. Locally common 132