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INSECTS Staphylinid^ {continued) Homalota linearis, Grav. Under bark and in moss on trunks ; locally common — debilis, Er. Local. Lee, Darenth Wood, Tonhridge — fallaciosa, Sharp. Rare. Lee — deformis, Kr. Rare. Eltham, Tun- br'tdge Wells — cassula, Er. Rare. Shcernas, Deal — circellaris, Grav. Very common every- where — elegantula, Bris. Rare. Chatham, Sheer- ness, Wigmore Wood — splendens, Kr. Very rare. Lee, Charl- ton, Tonhridge — immersa, Er. Not common. Cobham, Sevenoaks, Tonhridge — cuspidata, Er. Under bark ; local. Cobham Park — gemina, Er. Rare. Lee — vilis, Er. Very rare. Eltham (Sharp), Lee (Champion), Tonhridge (Hor- ner) — laticeps, Thoms. (difficilis, Bris.). Very rare. Lee (Champion) — analis, Grav. Abundant everywhere — decipiens, Sharp. Rare. Lee, Chat- ham, Charlton, Tonhridge — soror, Kr. Rare. Lee, Tonhridge — exilis, Er. Very local. Lee, Higham, Tonhridge — palleola, Er. Rare. Wigmore Wood, Birch Wood, Darenth Wood, Chat- ham — depressa, Gyll. Widely distributed and not uncommon — hepatica, Er. Widely distributed, but always rare. Cohham Park, Wigmore Wood, Greenhithe, Chatham, St. Alary Cray, Darenth Wood — aquatica, Thoms. Local. Chatham, Lee, Higham, Sevenoaks, Darenth Wood — jeneicollis. Sharp. Widely distributed and not uncommon — xanthoptera, Steph. Common — euryptera, Steph. (succicola, Thoms.). Rather common — trinotata, Kr. Very common every- where — xanthopus, Thoms. Rare. Cohham, Charlton, St. Mary Cray, Hythe — triangulum, Kr. Widely distributed — fungicola, Thoms. Common every- where — ignobilis. Sharp. Rare. Lee, Sevenoaks, St. Mary Cray, Darenth Wood, Ton- bridge — boletobia, Thoms. Not uncommon — liturata, Steph. Tonhridge (Horner) 133 StaphyliniDjT [continued) Homalota coriaria, Kr. Not common. Darenth and West Wickham Woods, Sittinghourne — sodalis, Er. Local. Darenth Wood, Chatham, Rochester district — clancula, Er. (atrata, Kr.) Very rare. Lee (Champion) — gagatina, Baudi. Generally distributed — divisa, Mark. Rare. Darenth Wood, St. Mary Cray, Gravesend, Tonhridge, Deal — nigricornis, Thoms. Local. Darenth Wood, Tonhridge — ravilla, Er. Chatham, Rochester district, Bexley — palustris, Kies. Not uncommon — corvina, Thoms. Very local. Ton- bridge — perexigua, Sharp. Very rare. Sheer- ness (J. J. W.), Tonhridge (Horner) — scapularis, Sahb. Not common. Darenth Wood, Chattenden, St rood, Chatham, Folkestone — testaceipes, Heer. Rare. Chatham, Faversham, Wigmore Wood — oblita, Er. Local, but occasionally common. Darenth Wood, Chatham, Sheerness, Deal, Tonhridge — autumnalis, Er. At the exuding sap of Cossus infected trees ; also under bark ; rare. Hawkhurst, Tonhridge — sericea, Muls. Common — indubia, Sharp. Rare. Sheerness, Birch Wood, Tonhridge — mortuorum, Thoms. Rare. Birch Wood ; perhaps recorded in error — atricolor. Sharp. Rather common, but local — inquinula, Grav. Local, but not un- common — nigra, Kr. Very common everywhere — germana. Sharp. Not common. Lee, Chatham — celata, Er. Rare. Darenth JFood — sordidula, Er. Not uncommon — canescens. Sharp. Local and not com- mon ; perhaps overlooked. Lee, Eltham, Tonhridge — cauta, Er. (parva. Sahib. ?). Common — villosula, Kr. Not common. Lee, Darenth Wood, Upnor, Chatham, Ton- bridge — setigera. Sharp. Scarce. — laevana, Muls. Rare. bridge — cinnamoptera, Thoms. ness, Tonhridge — atramentaria, Gyll. Very everywhere Tonhridge Bexley, Ton- Rare. Sheer- common