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A HISTORY OF KENT Staphylinid^ {continued) Homalota marcida, Er. Local, but often found in abundance in fungi, leaves, etc., in the autumn — intermedia. Thorns. Not common. Bexley, T onhndge — longicornis, Grav. Common every- where — sordida. Marsh, (melanaria. Thorns.). Very common everywhere — testudinea, Er. Locally common — aterrima, Grav. Common as a rule — pygmaea, Grav. Local. Lee^ Chatham^ Sheerness, Tonhridge — muscorum, Bris. Widely distributed — pilosiventris. Thorns. Rare. Birch Wood^ Lee, Tonhridge, Deal — laticollis, Steph. (fusca, Sahl.). Com- mon — subsinuata, Er. Not common. Birch Wood — montivagans, Woll. (pulchra, Kr.). Rare. Sheer-ness, Charlton — orbata, Er. On the coast ; rare. Whltitahle, Deal — fungi, Grav. Very common every- where var. clientula, Er. Rather common — orphana, Er. Rare. Sheerness, Sheppey Gnypeta labilis, Er. Common Tachyusa constricta, Er. Very local. Ton- bridge — scitula, Er. Rare. IVest Wlckham — flavitarsis, Sahl. Local. Lee, Tonhridge, Bear St ed — umbratica, Er. Local. Lee, Tonhridge — atra, Grav. Local. Lee, Sheer-ness, Deal — concolor, Er. Rare. Lee, Eltham Myrmecopora uvida, Er. On the coast ; local. Whltstahle, Rochester, Sheer- ness, Hythe — sulcata, Kies. On the coast ; local. Whltstahle, Rochester Falagria sulcata, Payk. Very common — sulcatula, Grav. Local. Chatham, Sheerness, Deal — thoracica. Curt. Not common. Birch Wood, St. Peter's {Isle of Thanet), Dover — obscura, Grav. Common Autalia impressa, Ol. Generally distributed and common — rivularis, Grav. Local ; not uncom- mon Encephalus complicans, Westw. Not un- common. Upnor, Lee, Chatham, Sheerness Brachida notha, Er. Very rare. Only taken in Britain in two localities in Kent, viz. Chatham district, banks of Staphylinid^ {continued) Medway at Ralnham (Sharp and Brewer), Folkestone (Rye) Gyrophsena pulchella, Heer. Rare. West JVlckham — affinis, Mann. Common — gentilis, Er. Not rare — nana, Payk. Not common. Tonhridge — fasciata, Marsh, (congrua, Er.). Rather common — minima, Er. Occasionally abundant, but local. Birch JVood, Chatham — lasvipennis, Kr. Very local, but abun- dant where it occurs. Snodland, Ton- hridge — lucidula, Er. Very local. Lee, Eltham, Snodland — strictula, Er. Very local. Maidstone, Darenth Wood Agaricochara laevicollis, Kr. Very local. Chathatn Placusa pumilio, Er. Not uncommon. Lee, Tonhridge — infima, Er. Rare. West JVlckham Epipeda plana, Gyll. Local. Sheerness, Chatham Silusa rubiginosa, Er. At the exuding sap of the small black poplar infected with the larva of Cossus ; rare. Chatham Dockyard, Tonhridge Leptusa fumida, Er. Very common Sipalia ruficollis, Er. Local. Westerham, Cohham Park — testacea, Bris. One specimen taken by Mr. Champion at Whltstahle, 6 June, 1870, which was unique as British for many years until Mr. Blatch found the species at JVeymouth Bolitochara lucida, Grav. Not uncommon — lunulata, Payk. Rare. Cohham Park. — bella, Mark, (lunulata, Muls. et Rey.). Local, but not uncommon, and sometimes in great abundance Phytosus spinifer. Curt. On the shore below high-water mark ; not com- mon. Margate, Broadstalrs Diglossa mersa, Hal. Under shingle be- low high-water mark ; rare. Sheer- ness Hygronoma dimidiata, Grav. Local, but common Oligota inflata, Mann. Not uncommon. — pusillima, Grav. Generally common — atomaria, Er. Rare. Charlton, Ton- hridge, Deal — punctulata, Heer. (ruficornis, Sharp). Very common — apicata, Er. Rare. Cohham, Bexley Myllaena dubia, Grav. Local. Lee, Coh- ham, Strood, Tonhridge 134