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A HISTORY OF KENT HiSTERiDi^ {continued) Hister carbonarius, 111. Generally distri- buted and common — sinuatus, 111. Very rare. Dartford Heath (Stephens) ; doubtfully indi- genous — bissexstriatus, F. Not common, but occasionally in numbers. Blackheath, Deal ; Sheerness in profusion in flood refuse (J. J. W.) — i2-striatus, Schr. Local. Blackheath, . Chatham Dockyard, Sheerness, Deal — bimaculatus, L. Common and widely distributed Carcinops minima, Aube. Common and widely distributed Paromalus flavicornis, Herbst. Not un- common. Greenwich, Chatham, Cob- ham, Chilham Dendrophilus punctatus, 111. In nests of Formica fuliginosa, also in rotten wood and dead animals ; not com- mon. Greenwich, JFest Wickham — pygmaeus, L. In nests of Formica rufa ; local. Plumstead, IVigmore Wood Myrmetes piceus, Payk. In nests of Formica rufa ; local. Plumstead Gnathoncus nannetensis, Mars. In birds' nests, dead birds, haystack refuse, etc. ; not common. Cobham Park, Lee, Sheerness, Deal Saprinus nitidulus, Payk. Generally dis- tributed and common — aeneus, Gyll. Generally distributed and common — immundus, Gyll. On sandhills near the coast ; very local. Deal — virescens, Payk. In dung, sometimes on flowers of watercress feeding on the larvae of Phaedon cochlearise ; rare. Cobham Park, Sheerness, Darenth Wood, Maidstone, Sand- wich, Deal, Folkestone — metallicus, Herbst. On sandhills near the coast ; rare. Deal — rugifrons, Payk. On the coast ; rare. ^Deal — maritimus, Steph. On the coast ; rare. Margate Abraeus globosus, HofF. In rotten wood ; local. Cobham Park, Abbey Wood, West Wickham — granulum, Er. As a rule very rare, but taken in some numbers in 1889 in the rotten wood of an ash tree at Cobham Park Acritus minutus, Herbst. In manure heaps and hotbeds, etc. ; rather common. Sheerness, Greenwich, Whitstable HlSTERID.^ {continued) Onthophilus striatus, F. In dung, vege- table refuse, etc. ; not uncommon MlCROPEPLIDi€ Micropeplus porcatus, Payk. Local. Seven- oaks, Birch Wood — staphylinoides, Marsh. Local. Sheer- ness, Faversham — margaritae, Duv. Generally distributed NlTIDULlDi€ Brachypterus gravidus. 111. On Linaria vulgaris ; not uncommon and widely distributed — pubescens, Er. On nettles ; generally distributed — urticae, Kug. On nettles ; very com- mon everywhere Cercus pedicularius, L. On Spiraea ul- maria in marshy places ; not com- mon. Greenhithe, Maidstone — bipustulatus, Payk. On Spiraea, Epilo- bium, Carex, etc. ; local. Snodland, Maidstone, Wingham near Sandwich — rufilabris, Latr. Often on reeds and rushes and on other[plants ; common Carpophilus hemipterus, L. Chatham Dock- yard, one specimen at sap of a Cossus infected poplar (J. J. W.) Epuraea decemguttata, F. At sap of oaks, etc. ; rare. Tonbridge — diffusa, Bris. One specimen at sap of a Cossus infected poplar in Chatham Dockyard (J. J. W.) — asstiva, L. In hawthorn blossom in spring ; very abundant — melina, Er. With the preceding ; local. Chatham, Darenth Wood — florea, Er. Under bark, at sap and in flowers ; local but not uncommon — deleta, Er. Usually in fresh Boleti ; not uncommon. Snodland, Darenth Wood, Chatham — parvula, Sturm. In faggots ; very local. Darenth Wood — obsoleta, F. Under bark, at sap, in fungi, etc. Not uncommon — neglecta, Sturm. At sap of freshly cut trees, also in faggots ; very rare. Darenth Wood (Champion), West Wickham (Janson) — pusilla, Er. Under bark and at sap ; local. Darenth Wood Omosiphora limbata, F. In fungi, etc. ; local, sometimes plentiful. Chatham, Cobham Park, Sheerness, Dartford Micrurula melanocephala. Marsh. On flowers and trees in blossom in early summer ; local. Cobham Park, in pro- fusion on maple blossoms ; Sevenoaks, St. Mary Cray, Birch Wood, Dover 146