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INSECTS NlTIDULID.^ (continued) Nitidula bipustulata, L. Under bones, carcases of birds and animals, etc. ; Rather common — quadripustulata, F. As the preceding ; not common. Darenth TVood^ Black- heathy Chatham^ Sheerness, Whitstable — rufipes, L. As the preceding ; rare. Darenth Woody Gravesend, Chatham, Sheerness * Soronia punctatissima, 111. At exuding sap, near burrows of Cossus ; not common. Darenth Wood, Chatham Dockyard, Cobham Park, etc. — grisea, L. As the preceding, but much commoner Amphotis marginata, Er. Old beech trees, in runs of Formica fuliginosa ; rare. Birch Wood, Maidstone Omosita colon, L. Under bones, etc. ; very common — discoidea, F. Under bones, etc. ; very common Thalycra sericea, Sturm. At exuding sap ; near Cossus burrows ; rare. Cob- ham Park, Chattenden, Bromley, Birch Wood, Sandwich Pocadius ferrugineus, F. In decaying Lycoperdons and other fungi ; local. Cobham Great Wood, scarce ; Dover Pria dulcamarae. 111. On Solanum dulca- mara ; not uncommon, but rather local. Cobham and surrounding dis- trict, Sheerness, Lee, Darenth Wood Meligethes rufipes, Gyll. On various flowers, especially hawthorn ; very common — lumbaris, Sturm. On Umbelliferas, broom and other flowers ; local. Rochester district, not rare on haw- thorn ; Snodland, Darenth Wood — fulvipes, Bris. In marshy places on Cruciferae and other flowers ; rare. Strood, Chattenden, Darenth Wood — coracinus, Sturm. On the flowers of Galium and Prunus spinosa ; very rare. Darenth Wood (Rye) — aeneus, F. On flowers, especially Cruci- fers and Ranunculaceje ; very abun- dant everywhere — viridescens, F. With the preceding and nearly as abundant — difficilis, Heer. On Labiatae, especially Lamium album ; locally common. Darland Hill, Chatham, Sheerness, St. Mary Cray, Darenth Wood, Maidstone 1 This and the preceding species were taken plentifully by Com. Walker in Chatham Dockyard in 1897 and 1898 in a bone laid down for a trap. NiTiDULlD.ffi {continued) Meligethes kunzei, Er. On Agraphis nutans, Lamium album, etc. ; rare. Chat- ham — memnonius, Er. On Labiatae, especially Lamium album and Stachys sylvatica ; not uncommon — brunnicornis, Sturm. As the preceding ; not uncommon — pedicularius, Gyll. On Lamium al- bum and Salvia pratensis ; local. Chatham, Darenth Wood — bidens, Bris. On Teucrium scorodo- nia ; local. Chatham, Birch Wood — umbrosus, Sturm. On Labiatae, Genis- tae, Hieracium, etc. ; very local, but not uncommon. Chatham, Seven- oaks, Darenth Wood, Bearsted, Bra- sted, etc. — incanus, Sturm. On Echium vulgare ; very rare. Darenth Wood, one speci- men (G. R. Waterhouse) — ovatus, Sturm. On Labiatae ; not uncommon in several localities. Rochester district, rare (J. J. W.) — flavipes, Sturm. On Labiatae, etc. ; locally common — picipes, Sturm. On various flowers ; abundant everywhere — rotundicollis, Bris. On Trifolium and Genista ; very rare. Chatham — symphyti, Heer. On Agraphis nutans ; rare. Darenth Wood, St. Mary Cray, Chatham — serripes, Gyll. On Echium vulgare, etc. ; not common. Darenth Wood, Faversham — murinus, Er. (seniculus, Er.). On Cynoglossum and Echium vulgare ; locally common. Chatham, Maidstone var. planiusculus,Er. Very rare. Birch Wood (Power) — lugubris, Sturm. On Thymus ser- pyllum, Helianthemum, etc. ; very local. Chattenden, Wigmore Wood, Sheerness, Bearsted, Maidstone — obscurus, Er. (distinctus, W. C). On Mentha, Teucrium, Cynoglossum, etc. ; local and widely distributed — erythropus, Gyll. On Helianthemum vulgare, Potentilla tormentilla, etc. ; locally common — solidus, Sturm. On Helianthemum vulgare, chiefly in chalky places ; local, but not uncommon. Darenth Wood, Chatham, Dart ford. Birch Wood, Bearsted, Faversham, etc. Cychramus luteus, F. On flowers of whitethorn and also in fungi ; not uncommon 147