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A HISTORY OF KENT NlTIDULID^ {continued) Cychramus fungicola, Heer. In fungi ; not uncommon Cryptarcha strigata, F. At exuding sap of Cossus infested oaks, also under bark ; rare. Cobham Park, Weiterham, Belvedere — imperialis, F. With the preceding, but more scarce. Cobham Park [As far as I know no species of Ips has been recorded from Kent, but I. quadripunctata pro- bably occurs, as it is not rare in Surrey at sap and under bark.] Rhizophagus cribratus, Gyll. Under bark and at roots of trees, especially oak ; rare. Birch Wood — depressus, F. Under bark of oak, fir, etc. ; local. Chatham, Borland Hill — perforatus, Er. Under bark and at sap ; not common as a rule. Cob- ham Park, Borland Hill, frequent (J. J. W.); Sheerness, Barenth, St. Peter's {Isle of Thanet) — parallelocollis, Er. Under bark, at sap, in fungoid growth, etc. ; not com- mon. Cobham Park — ferrugineus, Payk. Under bark, at fir sap, etc. ; local. Borland Hill, scarce ; Sevenoaks, Barenth Wood — bipustulatus, F. Under bark, at sap, etc. ; very common — politus, Hellw. Under bark of pines, etc. ; very rare. Lee, one specimen (Douglas) TrOGOSITIDjE Nemosoma elongatum, L. Under bark, parasitic on Hylesinus vittatus ; very rare. Barenth Wood (Stephens) Tenebrioides mauritanicus, L. In granaries, etc. ; not uncommon — an imported species Thymalus limbatus, F. Under bark ; very rare. Westcrham (Stephens) MoNOTOMIDi^ Monotoma conicicollis, Aube. In nests or Formica rufa ; local, but not uncom- mon where it occurs. Plumstead, Wigmore Wood — formicetorum, Thoms. With the pre- ceding ; perhaps less common — spinicoUis, Aube. In cut grass, hot- beds, haystack bottoms, etc. ; not common. Chatham, Barenth Wood, Maidstone, Forest Hill, Kingsgate, etc. — brevicollis, Payk. As the preceding ; rare. Gravesend, Sheerness, Barenth Wood, Maidstone — picipes, Herbst. As the preceding ; very common MoNOTOMID^ {continued) Monotoma quadricollis, Aube. In hay- stack bottoms, dungheaps, etc. ; local, but not uncommon — rufa, Redt. In haystack refuse, cut grass, etc., sometimes in granaries ; locally common. Lee, Sheerness, El- thom. New Brompton — sub-4-foveolata, Wat. As the preced- ing ; very rare. Strood and Sheer- ness (J. J. W.) — longicollis, Gyll. As the preceding ; not common. Sheerness, St. Peter s {Isle of Thanet) Lathridhdj^ Anommatus i2-striatus, Wesm. In de- caying wood, refuse, rotten seed potatoes underground, etc. ; rare. Sheerness (Walker), St. Peter's {Isle of Thanet) and Kingsgate (T. Wood) Lathridius lardarius, De G. In moss, vege- table refuse, etc. ; generally dis- tributed — angulatus, Humm. As the preceding ; common Coninomus nodifer, Westw. In vegetable refuse, woodstacks, faggots, etc. ; very common — carinatus, Gyll. Under bark, in dead twigs, moss, etc. ; very rare. Syden- ham Enicmus minutus, L. In stacks, vegetable refuse, etc. ; abundant everywhere — transversus, Ol. As the preceding; abundant everywhere — testaceus, Steph. In powdery fungus on decaying wood ; as a rule rare, but occasionally in numbers. Barenth Wood, Cobham Park Cartodere ruficollis. Marsh. In haystack and other refuse, fungi, etc. ; locally common. Cobham Park, Lee, Plum- stead, Sheerness — elongata. Curt. As the preceding. Cobham Park, plentiful in dry leaves under a log, October, 1889 (J.J. W.), Greenwich, Gravesend, Bishop's Wood, Barenth Wood, Bearsted Corticaria pubescens, Gyll. (punctulata. Marsh.). In haystack refuse, moss, decaying seaweed, etc. ; not uncom- mon — crenulata, Gyll. As the preceding ; not uncommon on the coast, rare inland — denticulata, Gyll. As the preceding ; rather local, but not uncommon — serrata, Payk. In refuse, under bark, also in ants' nests ; not common. Borland Hill, Chatham 148