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A HISTORY OF KENT Cryptophagid^ (continued) Cryptophagus lycoperdi, Herbst. In Lyco- perdons ; locally common — setulosus, Sturm. In fungi, refuse, etc., also in nests of humble bees ; not uncommon and widely distributed — pilosus, Gyll. In haystack bottoms, cut grass, etc. ; often in hotbeds ; common — punctipennis, Bris. As the preceding ; local — ruficornis, Steph. In black fungus on old ash trees ; usually rare. Strood (Champion), Cobham Park. It has been taken in some numbers at Strood by Mr. J. J. Walker since Mr. Champion recorded it — populi, Payk. In fungi, rotten wood, etc., also about the burrows of bees' nests, especially CoUetes daviesiana ; local and usually rare. Sydenham, Margate — saginatus, Sturm. In fungi, refuse ; local. Sheerness, Gravesend — umbratus, Er. In haystack refuse, etc. ; rare. Plumstead, St. Peter's {hie oj Thanet) — scanicus, L. As the preceding ; com- mon everywhere var. patruelis, Sturm. With the type form, but much rarer — badius, Sturm. As the preceding ; not common. Sheerness, Darenth, Lee, Gravesend, Tonbridge, Folkestone — dentatus, Herbst. As the preceding ; very common — distinguendus, Sturm. As the preced- ing ; not uncommon, but local — acutangulus, Gyll. As the preceding ; local. Sheerness, Lee, Deal — fumatus, Gyll. In cellars, etc. ; very rare. Deal — cellaris. Scop. In refuse, haystack bottoms, etc. ; not uncommon. Cob- ham Park, Rochester, Sheerness, Graves- end — affinis, Sturm. As the preceding and also in fungi ; not uncommon in some localities. Cobham Park, scarce — pubescens, Sturm. In moss and hay- stack refuse ; local. Chatham, Cob- ham Park (attached to wasps' nests) — bicolor, Sturm. In haystack refuse, etc. ; not common. Sheerness, Strood Micrambe vini, Panz. On the flowers of gorse and broom, also in stable re- fuse ; common everywhere Paramecosoma melanocephalum, Herbst. On sallows, in flood refuse, etc. ; rare. Chatham Cryptophagid^ [continued) Caenoscelis pallida, Woll. Evening sweep- ing, also in runs of Formica fuliginosa; rare. Chatham, Cobham Park Atomaria barani, Bris. Marshy places, at roots of grass and in flood refuse ; rare. Eltham, Lee — nigriventris, Steph. (nana, Er.). Very common — umbrina, Er. In moss, dead leaves, refuse, etc. ; local. Lee, Darenth IVood — linearis, Steph. As the preceding ; common everywhere — badia, Er. In dead branches of Scotch fir ; rare. Gravesend (Power), Dover (Hall) — fuscipes, Gyll. In haystack refuse, manure heaps, and under seaweed near the coast ; local. Sheerness, Chatham, Deal — peltata, Kr. In haystack and vegetable refuse ; rare. Chatham, Cobham Park, Sheerness — munda, Er. As the preceding ; local. Strood, Sheerness, Lee, Cowley — impressa, Er. As the preceding ; very rare. Lee, one specimen (Sharp) — fuscata, Sch. As the preceding ; local. — atra, Herbst. Damp places, by sweep- ing ; very rare. Leigh, one speci- men (Miss Shepherd) — pusilla, Payk. In moss, haystack re- fuse, by evening sweeping, etc. ; local. Sheerness, Lee — atricapilla, Steph. As the preceding ; very common — berolinensis, Kr. As the preceding ; local. Sheerness, Lee, Sevenoaks, IVhit- stable. West Wickham, Tonbridge — basalis, Er. In vegetable refuse ; very scarce. Darenth Wood — mesomelinus, Herbst. Marshy places, in flood refuse and at roots of grass ; locally abundant. Sheerness, Higham, Snodland, Eltham — gutta, Steph. As the preceding ; locally abundant. Sheerness, Chat- ham, Rochester, Maidstone, Birchington — apicalis, Er. In haystack and other refuse, hotbeds, etc. ; local. Lee, Chatham — analis, Er. As the preceding ; locally common — ruficornis. Marsh. Very common — versicolor, Er. In sheep dung ; rare. Shooters Hill Ephistemus globosus, Waltl. In haystack refuse, in dung, under bark, etc. ; rare. Snodland, Lee, Cowley, Charl- 150