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INSECTS Cryptophagid^ {continued) Ephistemus gyrinoides, Marsh. In haystack refuse ; common everywhere — globulus, Payk. As the preceding ; rare. Sheerness ; perhaps a variety of E. gyrinoides SCAPHIDIID^ Scaphidium quadrimaculatum, Ol. In rot- ten stumps, logs, fungi, etc. ; not uncommon. Cobham Park, Darenth Wood Scaphisoma agaricinum, L. As the pre- ceding ; not uncommon. Chatham, Sheerness, Whhstable, Darenth and Birch Woods, etc. — boleti, Panz. As the preceding ; not common. Snodland, Whit stable. Birch Wood, Bishop's Wood Mycetophagid^ Typhsea fumata, L. In haystack refuse and granaries ; common every- where Triphyllus suturalis, F. In fungi on old trees ; not common. Sheerness — punctatus, F. As the preceding ; common Litargus bifasciatus, F, Under bark of beech and other trees ; local. Dar- land Hill, Boxley, Westerham, Maid- stone Mycetophagus quadripustulatus, L. In fungi, rotten wood, etc. ; common and generally distributed — piceus, F. In fungi on old trees and in damp logs ; very rare. Cobham Park, Lee — atomarius, F. Under loose dry beech bark ; locally common. Chatham, ^eendown Warren, Holly Hill, Wigmore Wood, Brasted, Sevenoaks, Westerham, Farnborough, etc. — quadriguttatus, Mull. In decayed ash, cut grass, haystack bottoms, granary refuse, etc. ; rare. Cobham Park, Dartford, Sheerness — multipunctatus, Hellw. In fungi on trees, under bark, etc. ; very local. Sheerness, Darenth Wood, Sandwich (abundant, Gorham) Dermestid^ Dermestes vulpinus, F. In hides, furs, etc. ; only too common — frischii, Kug. In dead animals, etc. ; rare. Greenwich, Deal — murinus, L. In small dry carcases (birds, mice, moles, etc.) ; common — undulatus, Brahm. In dead birds, fish, etc. ; usually on the coast ; local, but widely distributed — lardarius, L. In skins, bacon, dead Dermestid^ {continued) animals, etc. ; far too common in houses and warehouses, rarer out of doors Attagenus pellio, L. In skins, furs, natural history specimens, etc. ; common Megatoma undata, Er. In skins and furs, also on palings, under bark, and even in flowers ; very local and usually rare. Lewisham, Lee, Darenth Tiresias serra, F. Under dry bark ; rare. Greenwich, Cobham Park, Sheerness Anthrenus varius, F. In natural history specimens, also on flowers ; not com- mon. Lee, Cowley, Dover, etc. — musaeorum, L. As the preceding; too common — claviger, Er. On flowers ; local. Sheerness, Chatham district, Darenth Wood Byrrhid^ Syncalypta spinosa, Rossi. In chalky places, at roots of grass, in moss, etc. ; locally common at times, but as a rule rare. Darland Hill, Cuxton, Snowledge Bottom, Sheerness, Faversham, Deal, Folkestone — hirsuta. Sharp. As the preceding ; locally common. Darland Hill, New Brompton, Higham, Cuxton, Faversham, Farnborough, Deal, Folke- stone Byrrhus pilula, L. At roots of grass, in moss, etc. ; generally common var. dennyi, Steph. Sandy and chalky places ; at roots of Teucrium scoro- donia; rare. Tunbridge Wells, Cow- ley — fasciatus, F. Sandy places ; not un- common, but very local. Chattenden, Whitstable, Sheerness — dorsalis, F. Sandy places ; rare. Plum- stead, Cowley, West Wickham, Belve- dere, Dover — murinus, F. At roots of heath, in moss, etc. ; rare. Plumstead Cytilus varius, F. Damp places, in moss, at roots of grass ; local. Chatten- den, Wigmore Wood, Sheerness Simplocaria semistriata, F. In flood re- fuse, moss, etc. ; common. Limnichus pygmaeus, Sturm. Sandy and chalky places, in moss, etc. ; rare. Higham, Sheerness, Sheppey, Deal Aspidiphorus orbiculatus, Gyll. In brown powdery fungus or rotten wood ; rare. Cobham Park, Wigmore Wood, Bishop's Wood, Darenth Wood, Faver- sham 151