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A HISTORY OF KENT CEdemerid^ {continued) ham, Darenth Wood, Tunhridge JVells, IVeiterham, Dover Nacerdes melanura, Schmidt. On old posts and timber on the sea shore and at the mouths of large rivers ; rather common locally and widely- distributed Ischnomera coerulea, L. In rotten wood of ivy, willow, etc., also on haw- thorn blossom ; local, but widely distributed Pyrochroid^ Pyrochroa coccinea, L. Under bark of decaying oak ; very local, but some- times found in numbers where it occurs. Darenth and Birch TVoods — serraticornis, Scop. On flowers and herbage ; very common MoRDELLID^ Mordella fasciata, F. On flowers of Um- belliferas in woods ; local, but some- times very common. Chattenden, Cuxton, Strood, Maidstone, Sitting- bourne, Canterbury, Dover — aculeata, L. On flowers and herbage; very rare. Cobham Park, one speci- men, June, 1897 (J. J. W.), Wester- ham (Gorham) Mordellistena abdominalis, F. On flowers of hawthorn and Umbelliferae, in and near woods ; rare. Chattenden Roughs, Chatham, Strood, Darenth Wood, Sevenoaks, Bearsted, Folkestone — humeralis, L. On Umbelliferae ; rare. Cobham Park, Hailing, Sevenoaks, Maidstone var. lateralis, Ol. Less uncommon than the type form. Lee, Darenth Wood, Chatham, Sevenoaks, Bear- sted — brunnea, F. On flowers of Umbelli- ferae, by beating hawthorn hedges, etc. ; local, and as a rule scarce. Chattenden, Chatham, Eltham,Darenth Wood — pumila, Gyll. On flowers, especially on the chalk ; locally common — brevicauda, Boh. Chiefly on butter- cups and Hieracium ; very local. Rochester district (not rare), Maidstone, Folkestone — parvula, Gyll., var. inaqualis, Muls. On Artemisia ; local, but sometimes abundant. Sheerness (in numbers). Deal, Folkestone ; the type form does not apparently occur in Britain Anaspis frontalis, L. On hawthorn blos- som and on herbage ; common everywhere MoRDELLiD^ [continued) Anaspis garneysi, Fowler. On hawthorn blossom ; rare. Cobham Park — pulicaria, Costa (forcipata, Muls.). On flowers, etc. ; locally common — rufilabris, Gyll. On flowers and in dead twigs, etc. ; local, perhaps over- looked. Darenth Wood — melanostoma, Costa (monilicornis, Muls.). On flowers ; very rare. Darenth Wood, one specimen (Power) — geoffroyi. Mull. On flowers, especially hawthorn blossom ; local, but not uncommon — ruficollis, F. On hawthorn blossom, Umbelliferze, etc. ; very common — flava, L., var. thoracica, L. (? costas, Emery). On hawthorn blossom ; not common. Cobham Park, Darenth Wood — subtestacea, Steph. On hawthorn blossom, etc.; local. Chattenden, Sevenoaks, Darenth Wood, West Wick- ham, Birch Wood, etc. — maculata, Fourc. On hawthorn blos- som, etc.; common everywhere Anthicid^ Notoxus monoceros, L. Sandy places, in- land and on the coast ; not uncom- mon and widely distributed Anthicus humilis. Germ. Salt marshes on wet mud ; not uncommon locally and widely distributed — salinus. Crotch. Salt marshes ; rare. Gravesend, Strood — floralis, L. In hotbeds, haystack refuse, etc.; very common var. quisquilius, Thoms. With the type form and equally common — instabilis, Schmidt. Salt marshes ; locally common — angustatus, Curt. Salt marshes and on the beach under seaweed ; rare. Gravesend — antherinus, L. In moss, haystack and vegetable refuse, etc. ; common and generally distributed Xylophilid^ Xylophilus populneus, F. In old trees, dead hedges, on flowers, etc.; rare. Darenth Wood, Lee, Lewisham, Birch Wood, Sheerness - — oculatus, Gyll. In decaying oak, white- thorn, etc. ; rare. Lee (Douglas and Scott), Birch Wood (Power) MeloS; proscarabxus, L, Found crawling on heaths, meadows, roads, etc., in early spring ; common