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INSECTS MELOIDiS {continued) Meloe violaceus, Marsh. As the preceding but much less common. Cuxton, Queendown JFarren, Blue Bell Hill, Strood, Dover — autumnalis, Ol. On grassy banks, pathways, etc., near the coast ; very rare. Dartford (Stephens), Ramsgate (Newman) — cicatricosus, Leach. As the preceding ; extremely local, but sometimes in numbers. Margate and St. Peter s, Thanct (T. Wood), Ramsgate in great profusion (Champion), Deal (Syme), Dover (Hall) — variegatus, Don. As the preceding ; very rare. Isle of Thanet, between Broadstairs and Ramsgate (Stephens), Ramsgate (T. Wood), Margate (T. Wood), Dover (Hall) — rugosus. Marsh. Grassy banks, etc., in the vicinity of nests of Antho- phora; very rare. Afflr^(7/^ (Stephens), Broadstairs (T. Wood) — brevicoUis, Panz. Sandy heaths ; very rare. Dartford (Spiers), Faversham (Power) Sitaris muralis, Forst. Parasitic on Antho- phora, and found in and near the nests ; very rare. ' Kent ' (Ste- phens) PLATYRRHINIDi^ Brachytarsus fasciatus, Forst. In decaying hawthorn, elm, furze, etc., also by sweeping; local. Lee, Darland Hill^ Chattenden, Dover — varius, F. In decaying hawthorn, and also on firs and hazels ; rare. Darenth Wood Macrocephalus (Anthribus) albinus, L. In decaying trees, especially oaks, wil- lows and birches ; rare. Elthatn, Gravesend and Darenth IVood (Stephens), Ashford, Chattenden^ Ab- bots Wood, Folkestone Tropideres niveirostris, F. In dead wood of birch, oak, etc., also in dead hedges and faggot stacks ; very r-are. Darenth Wood (Champion), West Wick ham (Power) Choragus sheppardi, Kirby In dead twigs, also sitting at the roots of trees ; rare. Wigmore Wood, Chat- tenden, Chatham, Sevenoaks, St. Peter's, Isle of Thanet (where I have found several specimens), Deal CURCULIONID^ Apoderus coryli, L. On the hazel ; local. Rochester district, Sheppey, Darenth CuRCULIONlDi^ {continued) Attelabus curculionoides, L. On young oaks ; local but widely distributed and not uncommon Byctiscus betuleti, F. In woods on young birch and hazel ; very local. Darenth Wood, Wesierham — populi, L. On young aspens ; very local. Darenth and Lee Woods, Blenden Rhynchites auratus. Scop. On Prunus spinosa in hedges ; very rare and doubtful ; recorded by Marsham as ' taken in numbers at Crayford in Kent' — bacchus, L. On the apple and vine and Prunus spinosa ; very rare. Crawford and Birch Wood (Stephens); Birch Wood, taken in 1795 by Lady Maryon Wilson (Power) — cupreus, L. On the flowers of the mountain ash and other trees ; very rare. Darenth Wood (Stephens) — aquatus, L. On hawthorn blossom ; common and generally distributed — aeneovirens. Marsh. In woods and hedges, on oaks, hazels, etc. ; not uncommon — cceruleus, De G. On various fruit trees, apple, plum and pear, etc., also on hawthorn blossom ; local. Chat- tenden Roughs, Darenth Wood, Sheer- ness. Shooters Hill, Maidstone — minutus, Herbst. On young trees in woods, especially oaks, also on herb- age ; common and widely distributed ■ — interpunctatus, Steph. On young trees; not common. Darenth and Birch Woods — pauxillus, Germ. On young oaks, hazels, etc., in woods ; rare. Darenth Wood — nanus, Payk. On young birches in woods ; local and not uncommon — uncinatus, Thoms. On aspens, sal- lows, oaks, hazels, etc.; local. Chat- tenden Roughs, scarce ; Darenth Wood, Maidstone — sericeus, Herbst. On young birch and hazel in woods ; very local. Chat- tenden Roughs, rare ; Darenth Wood — pubescens, F. On young birch, hazel, oak, etc., in woods ; not common. S^ieendown Warren, Darenth Wood, Westerham Deporaus megacephalus. Germ. On young birches ; local. Shorne, Darenth Wood, Birch Wood, West Wickham — betula;, L. On various young trees, but chiefly birches ; common 167