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A HISTORY OF KENT CurculioniDj^: {continued) Apion pomonas, F. On Vicia sepium, Lathyrus pratensis, etc. ; common — craccae, L. On Vicia cracca, etc. ; local. Darenth Wood, Chattenden Roughs, Dover, Hythe — subulatum, Kirby. On Vicia, Lathy- rus and Lotus ; local. Chattenden Roughs, Chatham, Tonbridge, Maid- stone, Heme Bay, Dover — ulicis, Fcirst. On Ulex europasus (common furze) and U. nanus ; very common everywhere — genista, Kirby. On Genista ; rare. Bearsted near Maidstone — fuscirostre, F. On Genista and Saro- thamnus ; very local. Chattenden, JVhitstable, Plumstead, Birch Wood, Charlton — malvas, F. On species of Malva ; common and generally distributed — urticarium, Herbst. On Urtica dioica (the common stinging nettle) ; locally common. Darenth Wood, Gravesend, Dartford, Sheer ness. Belvedere, Sitting- bourne, Deal — miniatum, Germ. On the dock (Rumex obtusifolius, etc.) ; common and generally distributed — cruentatum, Walt. On the sorrel (Rumex acetosella), and also on sal- lows ; not common. Sydenham, Cohham Park, Chatham, Birch Wood, Deal — hamatodes, Kirby. Sandy places, chiefly on the wood sage (Teucrium scorodonia) ; local but not uncom- mon. Rochester district, Deal — rubens, Steph. Sandy places on sorrel and wood sage ; not common. Cob- ham Park, West Wickham — pallipes, Kirby. On Mercurialis pe- rennis and Allium, chiefly in chalky districts ; very local. Birch Wood, Scvenoaks, St. Mary Cray, Birching- ton, Maidstone — semivittatum, Gyll. On Mercurialis annua; very rare ; found many years asjo by Mr. Walton in the Tivoli gardens, Margate ; there is no other British record — rufirostre, F. On mallows ; common everywhere — viciae, Payk. On Vicia cracca ; locally common. Chattenden, Chatham, Birch Wood, Deal — difForme, Germ. Marshy places, on Polygonum hydropiper, etc. ; not uncommon locally and widely dis- tributed CuRCULlONlD^ {continued) Apion dissimile. Germ. On Trifolium ar- vense ; very local. Sevenoaks, Birch Wood, Deal, Sandwich — varipes, Germ. On the red clover ; very local. Birch Wood, Dartford, Maidstone, Birchington, Pegviell Bay, Dover — lasvicolle, Kirby. Sandy and chalky places, in stack refuse, etc. ; local. Rainham Marshes, Darenth, Graves- end, Sheerness, Dartford, Deal, Dover — schonherri, Boh. Probably on Tri- folium ; very local. Sheerness {G.C.C and J. J. W.) — apricans, Herbst. On the red clover (Trifolium pratense) and occasionally on trees ; generally distributed and common — bohemani, Thoms. On the rest- harrow (Ononis) ; common and generally distributed, but found chiefly on the coast — trifolii, L. On the red clover ; gener- ally distributed and common — dichroum. Bedel. On the white clover (Trifolium repens). Spiraea, etc. ; generally distributed and common — iiigritarse, Kirby. On various species of clover ; common — confluens, Kirby. On Matricaria chamomilla and Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (ox-eye daisy); locally common and widely distributed — stolidum. Germ. On the ox-eye daisy ; not common. Chattenden, Hailing Downs, Birch Wood, Sheer- ness, Birchington, Folkestone, Deal — sorbi, F. On Matricaria, Anthemis, the wild cherry, the blackthorn, etc.; female very rare, male extremely rare. Tunbridge JVells (male) — hookeri, Kirby. On Matricaria cha- momilla, Hieracium, red clover, etc. ; not uncommon and widely distri- buted — seneum, F. On various species of mallow ; very common — radiolus, F. With the preceding and equally common — onopordi, Kirby. On Onopordon acanthium and other thistles ; very common — carduorum, Kirby. On thistles; gener- ally distributed and common — laevigatum, Kirby. By sweeping low plants in August and September ; extremely rare ; a few specimens have been captured in Birch Wood many years ago by Mr. S. Stevens 1 68