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INSECTS CuRCULIONlD^ {continued) and others; it is found on Gnaphalium (Filago) gallicum, the larva living in a gall on the terminal bud of the plant Apion flavimanum, Gyll. Chalky districts on Teucrium scorodonia ; very local. Rochester district, not rare ; Graves- end, Faversham, Bearsted — annulipes, Wenck. Chalky hillsides ; very rare. Chattenden, one specimen (Champion) — vicinum, Kirby. On Thymus ser- pyllum, Mentha aquatica, etc. ; rare. Pegivell Bay (T. Wood) — atomarium, Kirby. Chalky places on Thymus serpyllum ; very local. Cohham Park, Cuxton Downs, Dar- land Hill, Birch Wood, Dover — minimum, Herbst. On various species of Salix ; very local, and as a rule rare. Maidstone, Dover — virens, Herbst. On species of clover ; common and generally distributed — punctigerum, Payk. On Vicia sepium and V. cracca ; local, but widely distributed — pisi, F. On clovers and vetches ; one of our most abundant species — a;thiops, Herbst. On Vicia sepium and V. sativa ; rather common — ebeninum, Kirby. On Lotus corni- culatus, L. major, etc. ; local, but not uncommon — filirostre, Kirby. Chalky and sandy places ; scarce. Rochester district, Dartford, Birch JVood, Charlton, Sheerness, JVhitstahle, Maidstone — striatum, Kirby. On Ulex and Saro- thamnus ; common and generally distributed — immune, Kirby. On Sarothamnus ; local, but not uncommon where found. Charlton, Chatham, Birch Wood, Bearsted, Dover — ononis, Kirby. On Ononis spinosa ; locally common. Whitstable, Dover, Folkestone — spencei, Kirby. On Vicia cracca ; rare. Margate — ervi, Kirby. On Lathyrus pratensis, etc. Common — vorax, Herbst. On Vicia cracca and other Leguminosae ; rather common and widely distributed — gyllenhali, Kirby. On Vicia cracca ; also on trees ; rare. Whitstable -'- imicolor, Kirby. On Vicia cracca and other Leguminosne ; rare. Chat- tenden, Chatham, etc. CuRCULIONlD^ {continued) Apion meliloti, Kirby. On Melilotus officin- alis ; locally abundant. Charlton, Bearsted, Frindshury chalk pits, Snod- land — scutellare, Kirby. On furze (Ulex europseus and U. nanus) ; very local. Charlton — livescerum, Gyll. On the sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa) ; local. Rochester district, JVhitstahle, Darenth Wood, Dartford, Birchington — waltoni, Steph. Chalky places, on Thymus serpyllum, etc. ; very local. Rochester district, Sevenoaks, Dartford, Faversham — loti, Kirby. On Lotus corniculatus ; common — seniculum, Kirby. On Trifolium pra- tense and other low plants ; rather common and widely distributed — tenue, Kirby. On Melilotus and Medicago ; not so common as the preceding, but generally distributed — simile, Kirby. On birch ; local. Birch Wood, Gravesend, Whitstable — pubescens, Kirby. On willows and by sweeping ; very local. Rochester district, rare ; Birch Wood, Sheerness, Kingsgate, Deal — curtisi, Walt. On the Coast, by sweeping ; very local. Deal — limonii, Kirby. Salt marshes on the decaying leaves and at old roots of Statice limonium (the sea lavender) ; very local. Gravesend, Strood, Sheer- ness, Sheppey, Whitstable, Dover, Folke- stone, Hythe — sedi, Germ. Sandy places on species of Sedum ; very local, and as a rule rare. Deal — marchicum, Herbst. On dock, wood- sage, etc. ; local. Bromley, Deal, Dover — affine, Kirby. Under Sarothamnus scoparius and by sweeping ; not common. Lee, Bearsted — violaceum,' Kirby. On species of dock ; very common — hydrolapathi, Kirby. On the great water dock (Rumex hydrolapathum), and also on R. obtusifolius ; local. Snodland, St. Mary Cray, Chatham, Lee, Sheerness, Dartford — humile. Germ. On the dock and on herbage generally ; very common everywhere Otiorrh)nchus tenebricosus, Herbst. By beating hedges, in moss, etc. ; not uncommon on the chalk 169