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INSECTS CuRCULlONIDit {continued) Orchestes rusci, Herbst. In woods, on hazel, birch, etc. ; not uncommon — stigma, Germ. On sallows, willows, alders, etc. ; not uncommon — salicis, L. On willows and sallows ; local, but not uncommon. Chatham^ Sheerness, Darenth Wood — saliceti, Payk. On willows and sal- lows ; very local, and not common as a rule. ChaUenden (not rare), Smdland Rhamphus flavicornis, Clairv. On willows, etc. ; locally common and widely distributed Orthocastes setiger, Beck. Sandy and chalky places, in moss and at roots of low plants, especially ragwort and sorrel ; local, but not uncommon in many places. Blue Bell and Darland Hills (scarce), Chatham, Sheerness, Faversham, Kingsgate, Dover, Deal Pseudostyphlus pilumnus,Gyll. On Matri- caria chamomilla ; very local. Dar- land Hill (rare), Chatham, Lee, Sheer- ness Procas armillatus, F. Very rare ; a single specimen was taken by Mr. J. J. Walker in a dry tuft of grass at Darland Hill on II March, 1897 Grypidius equiseti, F. On Equisetum ; not common. Chattenden, Hythe Erirrhinus scirpi, F. Marshy places, on Scirpus ; not common. Gravesend — bimaculatus, F. Near river banks, on sallows, etc. ; not common. Banks of Medway, Gravesend — acridulus, L. Marshy places, in moss, flood refuse, etc. ; very common Thryogenes festucae, Herbst. Marshy places, on Scirpus and Carex ; not common. Gravesend, JVhitstable — nereis, Payk. Marshy places, in tufts of grass, on reeds, etc. ; locally com- mon. Rainham Marshes, Sheerness, JVhitstable, Gravesend, Faversham, Birchington, Sandivich, Deal — scirrhosus, Gyll. Marshy places, on water plants ; not common. Sheer- ness, Eltham, Pegivell Bay Dorytomus vorax, F. On poplars and aspens, often in chinks of the bark ; very local. Dover — tremulae. On young aspens (Populus tremula), also on P. alba, end of June ; rare. Birch Wood, Siuans- comhe Wood (near Gravesend), West Wickham — tortrix, L. On aspens and willows ; very local. Darenth Wood, Svjans- CuRCULiONiD^ [continued) combe Wood, St. Peter s [Isle of Thanet) Dorytomus maculatus. Marsh. On willows and sallows ; common and generally distributed var. costirostris, Gyll. On young aspens and sallows ; rare. Darenth and Sivanscombe JVoods, Chatten- den var. silbermanni, Wenck. On wil- lows and aspens ; very local. Sheerness, Darenth Wood — melanophthalmus, Payk., var. agnathus, Boh. On sallows ; very local. Sydenham, Darenth Wood — pectoralis, Gyll. On sallows ; local. Chattenden Roughs (rather scarce), Darenth Wood, Sydenham, Whit- stable, Sevenoaks, Dover Smicronyx reichei, Gyll. On dodder (Cuscuta europasa and C. epithy- mum) ; rare. Holly Hill and Cuxton Downs, Birch Wood var. championis, Fowler. Rare; Folkestone (E. A. Waterhouse), between Folkestone and Dover (Champion) — jungermannias, Reich. On Cuscuta epithymum. Rare, but sometimes locally common. Hailing Downs near Rochester Tanysphyrus lemnas, F. In ponds and ditches, on Lemna ; common and widely distributed Bagous alismatis. Marsh. In ditches and stagnant ponds, on Alisma plantago (the water-plantain) ; local, but not uncommon. Smdland, Lee, Rams- gate, Deal, Dover — cylindrus, Payk. In ditches, on aquatic plants ; rare. Lee, Gravesend, Sheppey, Whitstable — binodulus, Herbst. In ditches ; very rare. Sandwich (Sharp and Saunders) — nodulosus, Gyll. In ditches ; very rare. Pegwell Bay — argillaceus, Gyll. (inceratus, Brit. Coll.). Brackish ditches ; very local and usually rare. Gravesend, Sheerness — limosus, Gyll. In brackish ditches ; very local and usually rare. St. Mary's Island and Cuxton, Sheerness, Gravesend (in numbers, 19 April, 1867, Power) — tempestivus, Herbst. In ditches ; very local. Sheerness, Gravesend, Whit- stable, Maidstone — subcarinatus, Brit. Coll. In ditches ; rare. Sheerness 173