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A HISTORY OF KENT CuRCULiONiD^ [continued) C Bagous claudicans, Boh. (frit, Brit. Coll.). Rare, but more common than the preceding, and sometimes found in numbers. Sheerness Anoplus plantaris, Naez. On young trees in woods ; common Elleschus bipunctatus, L. On sallows and poplars ; very local. Day-enth Wood Tychius venustus, F. On broom ; ex- tremely local. Darenth Wood, Birch Wood, Sittingiourne — squamulatus, Gyll. On the chalk, by sweeping ; the larva feeds in pods of Lotus corniculatus ; local. Darland Hill, Smdland, Charlton — schneideri, Herbst. On the chalk, on Anthyllis vulneraria ; very local. Rochester district, Charlton, Kingsgate Folkestone — meIiIoti,Steph. On Melilotus officinalis. Locally common. Rochester district, Charlton, Maidstone, Dover — lineatulus, Bris. On the chalk, on Anthyllis vulneraria ; local and not common. Blue Bell Hill, Chatham, Darenth Wood, Heme Bay — junceus, Reich. By sweeping vetch and clover, chiefly on the chalk ; local. Rochester district, Charlton, West JFickham — tomentosus, Herbst. Chalky and sandy places, on vetches, etc. ; local. Rochester district, Tonbridge — tibialis, Boh. Sandy places, by sweeping ; rare. Deal — pygmaeus, Bris. On broom and other plants ; not common. Rochester dis- trict, Gravesend, Hawkhurst, Maid- stone, Deal Miccotrogus picirostris, F. By sweeping, in haystack refuse, perhaps attached more particularly to the red clover ; common and widely distributed Sibinia potentillae. Germ. Sandy places ; on Spergula arvensis, etc. ; very local. Belvedere, Birch Wood — arenariae, Steph. Sandy places near the coast ; on Arenaria maritima ; locally common. Sheerness — primita, Herbst. On Spergula arvensis and other low plants ; local. Roches- ter district. Birch Wood, Chatham, Sheerness, Maidstone, Dartford, Dover Miarus graminis, Gyll. Chalky hill- sides, in flowers of Campanula glomerata ; very local and not com- mon. Cuxton Downs — plantarum. Germ. On Linaria vul- 174 URCULIONID^ [continued) garis, Lotus, etc. ; very local and not common. Darland Hill, Chat- tenden, Darenth, Greenhithe, Dart- ford Gymnetron villosulus, Gyll. Marshy places, on Veronica anagallis ; rare. Snodland, Deal — beccabungae, L. Marshy places, on Veronica beccabunga and Scrophu- laria aquatica ; very local. Snodland, Eastry, Dartford, Maidstone, Dover — melanarius, Germ. On Veronica, in woods, lanes, etc. ; local. Darenth and Birch Woods, Chatham, Faver- sham, Sevenoaks, Folkestone — rostellum, Herbst. Damp places by sweeping, Matricaria, Achillea, etc. ; rare. Darland Hill and Wigmore Wood (rarely by sweeping under fir trees, J. J. W.), Birch Wood, Lee, Faversham — pascuorum, Gyll. Chalky and sandy places, by sweeping ; local, but not uncommon. Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells, Pegwell Bay, Deal, Folkestone — labilis, Herbst. On the chalk, by sweeping ; very local. Chattenden, Chatham, Folkestone — antirrhini, Payk. (noctis, Brit. Coll.). On Linaria vulgaris ; local. Roches- ter district, common ; Dartford, Birchington, Deal — collinus, Gyll. On Linaria vulgaris ; very rare. Charlton pits (S. Stevens) — linaria, Panz. Rare. Charlton pits (S. Stevens) Mecinus pyraster, Herbst. On species of Plantago ; common everywhere — circulatus. Marsh. On species of Plantago ; rare. Darland Hill, Chatham, Sheerness — collaris. Germ. Salt marshes, on Plantago coronopus and P. mari- tima ; rare. Rochester district, Gravesend, Sheerness Anthonomus ulmi, De G. On and under elms ; not common. Chattenden, St. Mary Cray, Lee — rosinse, Des Gozis. On the hawthorn ; rare. Chattenden Roughs — pedicularius, L. On hawthorn ; gene- rally common • — chevrolati, Desb. On the hawthorn and the service tree ; rare. Syden- ham and Darenth Wood (Power), Chat- tenden Roughs (Walker), Deal (Hall) — rubi, Herbst. On various species of Rubus and Rosa ; common and generally distributed