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A HISTORY OF KENT CuRCULlONID^ {continued) Ceuthorrhynchus quadridens, Panz. On various Crucifers ; common — geographicus, Goeze (echii, F.). On Echium vulgare ; local. Hailing Doxuns, TVhitstable^ Deal, Dover, Sandgate — pollinarius, Forst. On nettles ; com- mon everywhere — viduatus, Gyll. On Stachys arvensis ; rare. Sheerness — picitarsis, Gyll. On various Crucifers ; local, and as a rule rare. Erith, Darenth Wood, Belvedere (in plenty), Chatham Hill, St. Marys Hand, Saltwood, Beanted, Sheerness, Folke- stone, Hythe — pleurostigma. Marsh. On Crucifera ; common everyw^here — alliarias, Bris. On Erysimum alliaria ; local. Wigmore Wood, Snodland, Cobham Park, Chatham, Maidstone, St. Mary Cray, Folkestone — rapx, Gyll. On Sisymbrium offici- nale ; rare. Lee, Lewisham, Belve- dere — resedx, Marsh. On Reseda luteola and R. lutea ; very local, and as a rule rare. Chatham, Strood, Green- hithe, Gravesend, Dover, Deal — punctiger, Gyll. On the dandelion, mostly on the chalk ; rare. Snodland, Darenth, Deal, Hythe — marginatus, Payk. By sweeping ; the larva lives in the heads of Hypo- chaeris ; local, but found in a large number of places, and not uncommon in the county — urticae, Boh. On nettles and Stachys ; rare. Snodland, Maidstone — rugulosus, Herbst. Marshy places, on Corymbiferas ; not uncommon, and widely distributed — melanostictus. Marsh. On species of Labiatas ; not common. Lee, Bear- sted, Folkestone — asperifoliarum, Gyll. On various Boraginaceae (Echium, Cynoglossum, etc.) ; not uncommon — euphorbise, Bris. By sweeping ; food plant somewhat doubtful ; rare. Darenth (Power), Dartford and Deal (Champion). Mr. S. Stevens found it on Veronica — chrysanthemi, Germ. On Chrysanthe- mum leucanthemum (ox-eye daisy) ; local. Chattenden Roughs, Lee, Maid- stone, Dover, Folkestone — triangulum. Boh. On Achillea mille- folium ; rare. Birch Wood (S. CuRCULiONiD^ {continued) Stevens), Deal (Champion and Garneys), Folkestone (Power) Ceuthorrhynchus litura, F. On thistles ; common and widely distributed — trimaculatus, F. On thistles ; local, and much less common than the preceding. Rochester district, not rare ; Dover, Folkestone, etc. Ceuthorrhynchidius floralis, Payk. On various species of Cruciferas (Capsella, Erysimum, etc.) ; common and generally distributed — hepaticus, Gyll. On Brassica cheiran- thus and other Cruciferx ; rare. Darland Hill and Faversham (Wal- ker), Eastry and IVingham (Gorham) — pyrrorhynchus. Marsh. On Sisym- brium officinale ; local, but not un- common — nigrinus, Marsh. By sweeping, chiefly on the chalk ; local. Rochester dis- trict, general ; Dartford, Faversham, Maidstone — melanarius, Steph. In marshy places, on Nasturtium officinale ; local. Snodland, Lee, Staple, Sandwich, Hythe — terminatus, Herbst. On Daucus maritimus ; local. Rochester district, rare ; Whitstable, Dover, Folkestone, Hythe — horridus, F. On thistles ; very local. Rochester district, not uncommon ; Sheerness, Whitstable, Dover, Folke- stone — distinctus, Bris. By sweeping ; rare. Dover — quercicola, Payk. By sweeping ; local and seldom abundant, but somewhat widely distributed — troglodytes, F. On plantain ; common everywhere — chevrolati, Bris. On Achillea mille- folium ; very local. St. Marys Island (in plenty in 1898), Blue Bell Hill, Lee, Birch Wood, Deal, Dover, Hythe — rufulus, Duf. (frontalis, Bris.). On Achillea millefolium and Plantago lanceolata ; very local. Darland Hill, Sheerness, Whitstable, Kings- gate — dawsoni, Bris. On Plantago coro- nopus, and perhaps P. maritima ; also at roots of Reseda with the preceding species ; very local. Dar- land Hili, Strood, Dover, Folkestone Amalus haemorrhous, Herbst. In moss and by sweeping ; generally distributed 170