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INSECTS CuRCULIONIDit {continued) Rhinoncus pericarpius, F. On Polygonum, dock, thistles, etc. ; common and generally distributed — gramineus, F. Marshy places ; on Polygonum ; very local. Snodland, West Wickham, Deal, Sandgate — perpendicularis, Reich. In damp places ; on species of Polygonum ; rather common and widely distri- buted — castor, F. In sandy places ; at roots of docks, etc.; generally distributed and common — denticollis, Gyll. Chalky and sandy places, by sweeping ; also in grass tufts in winter ; rare. Borland Hill, Blue Bell Hill, Chattenden, Cobham Park, Hythe Eubrychius velatus. In stagnant or slowly moving water ; on Potamogeton, etc. ; rare. Whitstahle Litodactylus leucogaster, Marsh. As the preceding ; local, but not uncommon and widely distributed Phytobius waltoni, Boh. Very scarce ; sparingly in a dried up ditch at Snodland (J. J. W.) — quadrituberculatus, F. Marshy places ; not uncommon and widely distri- buted — canaliculatus, Fahr. Marshy places, on aquatic plants ; also by sweeping ; very local. Blue Bell Hill and Cob- ham Park, rare ; Sheerness — quadricornis, Gyll. On aquatic plants, especially Polygonum lapathifolium ; rare. Sheerness (Walker) — quadrinodosus, Gyll. On aquatic plants, especially Polygonum am- phibium ; very rare. Lee (Power and Champion) Limnobaris T-album, L. In damp mea- dows ; not uncommon. Rochester district, common ; Faversham, Maid- stone Baris laticoUis, Marsh. On Cruciferae ; as a rule rare. Charlton, Deal, Folkestone (common) — picicornis. Marsh. On Reseda lutea ; local, but sometimes abundant, and widely distributed — lepidii. Germ. Marshy places, especially on the sandy banks of rivers ; also in grass, at roots of Tanacetum, etc.; very local, but not uncommon. Cobham Park, Snodland, Shooters Hill, Lewisham, Bearsted, Dover — scolopacea. Germ. Salt marshes ; by sweeping the sea purslane (Atriplex 177 CuRCULIONlD^ {continued) portulacoides) and other plants ; extremely local and usually very rare. Sheerness (Champion and Walker) Balaninus venosus, Grav. On oaks, in woods and hedges ; not uncommon — nucum, L. On hazel ; common — turbatus, Gyll. On oak, hazel, etc. ; not common. Rochester district, widely distributed but scarce ; Darenth and Birch Woods, Wester- ham, Sheerness — betulae, Steph. On birch ; very rare. Plumstead (S. Stevens) — villosus, F. On oaks and hazels, also on hawthorn blossom ; local. Chat- tenden, St. Mary Cray, Darenth and Birch Woods, Whitstahle — salicivorus, Payk. On willows ; com- mon — pyrrhoceras. Marsh. On oak, hazel, willow, etc. ; much less common than the preceding. Chattenden, Lee, Greenwich, Darenth Wood, and prob- ably widely distributed Calandra granaria, L. In granaries, bakers' shops, etc. ; only too common — oryza, L. With the preceding ; plenti- ful in granaries in Rochester, Strood, Rainham, etc. Cossonus ferrugineus, Clairv. In decaying willows, elms, oaks, etc. ; not com- mon. Greenwich Rhyncolus lignarius. Marsh. In decaying elms, oaks, ivy, etc. ; common — ater, L. In decaying fir, also in elm ; rare. Darland Hill, Sittingbourne Caulotrypis aeneopiceus. Boh. In old posts, old wine casks, etc. ; very scarce. 5/. Margaret's Bay, Deal Codiosoma spadix, Herbst. In old posts on the seashore and on the banks at the mouths of large rivers ; locally com- mon. Gravesend, Sheerness, Pegwell Bay Magdalis armigera, Fourc. (atramentaria, Marsh.). By beating dead hedges ; also on elms ; not uncommon. Chattenden (in profusion, 24 May, 1894, J. J. W.), Lee, Darenth Wood, Belvedere, Plumstead, Sheerness, Whit stable, etc. — cerasi, L. In dead hedges and by sweeping ; not uncommon — pruni, L. As the preceding ; common — barbicornis, Latr. By beating hedges and by sweeping ; rare. Lee, Lewis- ham, Darenth Wood, Ashford, Chat- tenden 23