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INSECTS Venilia maculata, L. Generally common Angerona prunaria, L. Chattenden, Green- hithe, Dartford^ IVateringbury^ Folke- stone Metrocampa margaritata, L. Generally com- mon Ellopia fasciaria, Schiff. In most of the fir woods in the county Eurymene dolabraria, L. Lee, Greenhtthc, Bexley, Eltham, Dartford, Wateringbury^ IVeit IVickham, Pembury, Folkestone Pericallia syringaria, L. Eltham, Lee, Dart- ford, Talding, Pembury, Folkestone, Dover Selenia illunaria, Hb. Generally common, sometimes abundant — lunaria, SchifF. Dartford, Bexley, Lee, Eltham, Water'inghury, Talding, Pem- bury, Folkestone — illustraria, Hb. Eltham, Dartford, Cobham, Wateringbury Odontopera bidentata, Clerck. Generally common. Mr. Webb says that the Dover specimens often have a distinct black band on the wings Crocallis elinguaria, L. Generally common Ennomos alniaria, Esp. Deal, Dover, Folke- stone, Margate — tiliaria, Bork. Lee, Eltham, Charlton, Dartford, Deal, Folkestone — fuscantaria, Haw. Lee, Eltham, Green- hithe, Charlton, Talding, Deal, Folke- stone — erosaria, Bork. Bexley, Eltham, Lee, Talding, Chattenden, West Wickham, Tenterden — angularia, Bork. Lee, Eltham, Bexley, Chislehurst ; generally common Hemera pennaria, L. Generally common Phigalia pilosaria, Hb. „ „ Nyssia hispidaria, Fb. Bexley, Shooters Hill, West Wickham ; very local Biston hirtaria, Clerck. Generally abundant Amphidasis prodromaria, Schiff. Lee, Bromley, Eltham — betularia, L. Generally common Hemerophila abruptaria, Thnb. Common in and near London and about Talding and West Wickham Clcora lichenaria, Hufn. Deal, Dartford, Talding, Dover Boarmia repandata, L. Generally distributed and not uncommon — rhomboidaria, Hb. Generally abundant — abietaria/ Hb. Pembury and Shepherds- well 1 Mr. Stainton gives Pembury as a locality for this species in his Manual. I have no other record of its occurrence in Kent except Shepherdswell. — H. G. Boarmia roboraria, Schiff. Maidstone, Talding, Wateringbury, West Wickham, Tenter- den — consortaria, Fb. Dartford, Talding, Wateringbury, West Wickham, Folke- stone Tephrosia consonaria, Hb. Talding, Water- ingbury, Sevenoaks, West Wickham, Pem- bury, Folkestone — crepuscularia, Hb. Eltham, Wateringbury, Farnborough, West Wickham, Folkestone — biundularia, Bork. Generally distributed — extersaria, Hb. Bexley, Dartford, JVater- ingbury. West Wickham, Folkestone — punctulata, Hb. Generally common Gnophos obscurata, Hb. Shoreham, Otford, Deal, Dover, Folkestone Boletobia fuliginaria. Has been taken near Deptford, and at Greenhithe by Mr. Farn ; very rare Pseudoterpna cytisaria, Schiff. Erith, Bexley, Abbey Wood, Chislehurst Geometra papilionaria, L. Eltham, Bexley, Greenhithe, Talding, Wateringbury, Chislehurst, Dartford, West Wickham, Pembury, Tenterden, Folkestone — smaragdaria,^ Fb. Sheppey ; very rare lodis vernaria, Hb. Generally distributed on the chalk — lactasaria, L. Generally common Phorodesma bajularia, Schiff. Bexley, Eltham Erith, Chislehurst, Chattenden, Water- ingbury, West Wickham, Folkestone Hemithea thymiaria, Gn. Generally common Ephyra porata, Fb. Dartford, Chattenden Bexley, Talding, West Wickham, Folke- stone — punctaria, L. Dartford, Chattenden Bexley, Talding, West Wickham, Folke- stone — trilinearia, Bork. Sevenoaks, Talding^ West Wickham — omicronaria, Hb. Bexley, Chattenden Dartford, Wateringbury, Pembury, Folke- stone — orbicularia, Hb. Once at Blackheath. West Wickham — pendularia, Clerck. Common at Pembury Tenterden, and many other places Hjria auroraria, Bork. Ham Ponds, Sand- wich Asthena luteata, Schiff. Bexley, Chattenden, Talding, Dartford, Folkestone — candidata, Schiff. Generally common — sylvata, Hb. Greenhithe, Eltham, Water- ingbury, Tenterden, Folkestone ^ Mr. Farn says this species has been found in Sheppey. I am not aware of its occurrence ex- cept on the Essex coast. — H. G. 189