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A HISTORY OF KENT Eupisteria heparata, Haw. Eltham, Bexley^ Chattenden, Chidehunt, TVest Wickham Acidalia ochrata, Scop. Sandwich ; formerly abundant — perochraria, Fisch. Hezr Dartford ; very rare. Doubtful if ever taken. — H. G. — scutulata, Hb. Generally common, often abundant — bisetata, Hufn. Generally common — trigeminata, Haw. Lee, Greenhithe, Dart- ford — rusticata, Fb. Greenhlthe, near Chattenden, Folkestone — osseata, Haw. Locally abundant. Deal — dilutaria. Common — incanaria, Hb. Generally abundant — ornata. Scop. Shoreham, Greenhlthe, Ot- ford, Taldlng, Deal, Folkestone — promutata, Gn. Deal, Lee, Folkestone — straminata, Tr. Chislehurst, Yalding, etc. — subsericeata, Haw. Chattenden, Yalding, Eltham, Dartford, West Wickham — immutata, L. Dartford, Gravesend, Deal, West Wickham — remutata, Hb. Generally common — strigillata, Hb. Folkestone Warren. Mr. Webb states that it is now nearly extinct — imitaria, Hb. Deal, Lee, Bexley, Eltham, Dartford, Yalding, West Wickham — emutaria, Hb. Dartford, Deal, Graves- end, Sandwich, New Romney — aversata, L. Generally abundant — inornata, Haw. Lee, Eltham, Chislehurst, Bexley, Folkestone — emarginata, L. Lee, Eltham, Bexley, Yalding, Folkestone Timandra amataria, L. Lee, Eltham, Water- ingbury, Yalding, Dartford, Pembury ; common in many places Cabera pusaria, L. Generally common „ var. rotundaria. Haw. Folkestone — exanthemata, Scop. Generally common Corycia temerata, Hb. Chattenden, Dartford, Yalding, Eltham, West Wickham, Folke- stone — taminata, Hb. Plumstead, Chattenden, Yalding, Dartford, West Wickham, Folke- stone Aleucis pictaria. Curt. Formerly on Dartford Heath Macaria notata,* L. Chislehurst, West Wick- ham, Dartford, Wateringbury, Yalding, Greenhlthe, Pembury, Tenterden — alternata, L. Folkestone, Dover, Shepherds- well. Sometimes commoner than the preceding species, according to Mr. Sydney Webb Macaria liturata, Clerck. Sevenoaks, Plumstead, West Wickham, Greenhithe Halia wavaria, Fb. Generally abundant Strenia clathrata, L. Lee, Eltham, Bexley, Chattenden, Dartford, Deal, etc. Panagra petraria, Hb. Generally common Numeria pulveraria, L. Eltham, Bexley, Farningham, Dartford, Folkestone Scodiona belgiaria, Hb. Chislehurst, Green- hithe Fidonia atomaria, L. Generally abundant — piniaria, L. Generally common amongst fir trees — conspicuata, s.v. Formerly abundant at Greenhithe, but now extinct according to Mr. Webb Minoa euphorbiata, Scop. Blean, Dartford, Abbey Wood, West Wickham Scoria dealbata, L. Chattenden, common ; near Wateringbury, very local ; IVest- well Downs near Wye, abundant ; Charing, near Faversham Sterrha sacraria, L. Folkestone, Dover, etc. ; very rare Aplasta ononaria,^ Fues. Folkestone. Mr. Webb says ' Formerly near Folkestone ; a few specimens taken prior to 1880.' Very rare Aspilates strigillaria, Hb, Blean, Chattenden, Folkestone — citraria, Hb. Dartford, Eltham, Deal, Folkestone — gilvaria, Fb. Shoreham, Deal, Dover, Folkestone ; common on the chalk hills Abraxas grossulariata, L. Generally abun- dant — ulmata, Fb. Abbey Wood, Folkestone ; rare in the county since i860, according to Mr. Webb Ligdia adustata, SchifF. Locally common Lomaspilis marginata, L. Generally abun- dant Pachycnemia hippocastanaria, Hb. Chislehurst, West Wickham Hybernia rupicapraria, Hb. Generally com- mon — leucophearia, SchifF. Generally com- mon — aurantiaria, Esp. Deal, Eltham, Chisle- hurst, West Wickham — progemmaria, Hb. Generally common — defoliaria, Clerck. „ „ Anisopteryx aescularia, SchifF. Generally common 1 Colonel Irby informed me that this species is, or was abundant at West Wickham. — H. G. ' Mr. Ullyett includes this species in his list of Folkestone Lepidoptera. — H. G.