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A HISTORY OF KENT Hadena pisi, L. Generally common in the larval state — thalassina, Rett. Generally common — contigua, Veil. Darenth, Greenhithe, Taldlng, JVest IVickham, Folkestone — genistae, Bork. Lee, Greenwich, Dartford, Talding, Wateringbury, Folkeitone Xylocampa lithoriza, Bork. Generally com- mon Calocampa vetusta, Hb. Dartford, Deal, Folkestone — exoleta, L. fVateringbury, Folkestone ; scarce Xylina zinckenii, Tr. Belvedere ; one at Erith, one at Darenth ; very rare — semibrunnea, Haw. Erith, Dartford, Hythe, JVatertngbury, Talding, Folkes- tone — petrificata, Fb. Folkestone — rhizolitha, s.v. West Wickham CucuUia verbasci, L. Dartford, Greenhithe, Eltham, Talding, Wateringbury, West Wickham — scrophulariae, Esp. Dartford — asteris, Schiff. Bexley, Eltham, Dartford, Talding, Wateringbury, West Wickham, Folkestone — gnaphalii/ Hb. Greenhithe, Dartford, Wilmington, Sevenoaks — chamomills, SchifF. Lee, Eltham, Bexley, Dartford ; sometimes abundant — umbratica, L. Lee, Eltham, Bexley, Dart- ford, Talding, Wateringbury, West Wick- ham, Folkestone Heliothis marginata, Fb. Dartford, Deal, Folkestone — dipsacea,^ L. Folkestone — peltigera, SchifF. Lee, Deal, Folkestone — armigera,^ Hb. Folkestone ; Mr. Webb says ' common at Dover in 1879 ' Anarta myrtilli, L, Generally common on heaths Heliodes arbuti, Fb. Common in many places in meadows Agrophila sulphuralis,* L. Z)(7r//or(/, formerly ; Folkestone, Dover, Walmer, Shepherdswell, Canterbury 1 Mr. Goodwin states that he has taken the larvae of this rare insect very sparingly in the Sevenoaks district. — H. G. 2 Mr. Ullyett includes both H. armigera and H. dipsacea in his list of Folkestone Lepidoptera. — H. G. 8 This species is abundant in the Brecksand dis- trict of south-west Norfolk and west Suffolk, but casual specimens have been taken in Kent. Mr. Webb says it was formerly called ' the Margate Beauty,' and within the last ten years he has known of the capture of individual specimens at Walmer, Dover, Shepherdswell and Canterbury. — H. G. 196 Acontia luctuosa, Esp. Lee, Dartford, Tald- ing, Wateringbury, Folkestone — Solaris, s.v. Shepherdswell, Adisham Erastria fuscula, Bork. Dartford, Greenhithe, Chattenden, West Wickham, Folkestone Hydrelia unca, SchifF. Ham Marshes near Sandwich Brephos parthenias, L. West Wickham, Chislchurst, Wateringbury, Talding, Folkestone Habrostola urticae, Hb. Lee, Eltham, Water- ingbury, JVest Wickham — triplasia, L. Lee, Eltham, Erith, West Wickham Plusia chryson, E. (orichalcea, Hb.). Formerly at Deal and Folkestone — moneta.* Greenhithe, Eltham, Deal, Water- ingbury, Bexley, Talding ; occurring now nearly everywhere. First taken at Dover and doubtless an immigrant from the continent — chrysitis, L. Generally common — festucas, L. Greenwich, Deal, Folkestone — iota, L. Dartford, Eltham, Talding, Wateringbury, West Wickham — v-aureum, Gn. Dartford, Talding, Water- ingbury, Folkestone — gamma, L. Generally abundant Gonoptera libatrix, L. Generally distri- buted Amphipyra pyramidea, L. Bexley, Dartford, Chislehurst, Wateringbury, West Wick- ham, Folkestone — tragopogonis, L. Generally common Mania typica, L. „ „ — maura, L. „ „ Toxocampa pastinum, Tr. Gravesend, Chat- tenden, Folkestone Catocala fraxini, L. Has occurred at Farn- borough and Folkestone ; very rare — nupta,^ L. Generally common — sponsa, L. Mr. Webb states that it has been taken at Dover Ophiodes lunaris,* SchifF Folkestone ; Mr. Barrett says it was once taken at West Wickham Euclidia mi, Clerck. Generally common — glyphica, L. „ „ Phytometra asnea, Hb. Folkestone, Watering- bury, etc. ; common in many places

  • Captain Savile Reid records the capture of

two specimens at dusk in 1896 and one at ' light ' in 1 90 1. — H. G. ^ Mr. Ullyett includes Catocala promissa in his list of Folkestone Lepidoptera. I have no other record of the occurrence of this species in the county. — H. G. 8 Inserted on the authority of Mr. Ullyett's list.— H. G.