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INSECTS DELTOIDES Madopa sallcalis, Schiff. Shooters Hill, West Wickham, Tenterden, formerly near Bexley Hypena proboscidalis, L. Generally common — rostralis, L. Greenhithe, Talding, Tenter- den ; not uncommon — crassalis, Fb. Sevenoaks, Seal, etc. Hypenodes albistrigalis, Haw. Greenhithe, Chislehurst, Tenterden, Folkestone — costaestrigalis, St. Chislehurst, Pembury, Folkestone Rivula sericealis, Scop. Bexley, Greenhithe, Lee, Talding, Tenterden, Deal, Folkestone^ Sevenoaks Herminia derivalis, Hb. Tenterden near Canterbury, Folkestone — barbalis, Clerck. Dartford, Greenhithe, Chattenden, Tenterden ; very common in some places — tarsipennalis, Tr. Generally abundant — grisealis, Hb. Generally common — cribralis, Hb. Greenhithe, Dartford, Deal Aventia flexula, Schiff. Sevenoaks PYRALIDES Odontia dentalis, Schiff. Deal, Dover, Folkestone Pyralis fimbrialis, Schiff. Generally common — farinalis, L. „ „ — glaucinalis, L. Greenhithe, Lee, Eltham, Deal, Tenterden, Folkestone Aglossa pinguinalis, L. Generally common Cledeobia angustalis, Schiff. Deal, Shoreham, Folkestone, etc. Pyrausta punicealis, Schiff. Common on the downs everywhere — purpuralis, L. Common on the downs everywhere — ostrinalis, Hb. Common on the downs everywhere Herbula cespitalis, Schiff. Common on the downs everywhere Ennychia anguinalis, Hb. Common on the chalk downs — cingulalis, Schiff. Chalk downs — octomaculalis, Fb. Blean Woods, Folke- stone, Darenth formerly Agrotera nemoralis,"^ Scop. Near Sturry commonly, and formerly near Folke- stone Endotricha flammealis, Schiff. Generally 1 Mr. Farn refers to this as a Kentish species. I do not know of any localities, but Dr. H. G. Knaggs informs me that this species has occurred commonly near Sturry. Mr. Ullyett includes it in his list of Folkestone Lepidoptera. — H. G. Cataclysta lemnalis, Schiff. Generally com- mon Paraponyx stratiotalis, Schiff. Greenhithe, Talding, Gravesend, Lee Hydrocampa nymphasalis, Schiff. Generally common — stagnalis, Gn. Greenhithe, Deal, Lee ; common Botys pandalis, Hb. Dartford, Talding, Pern- bury, Folkestone — flavalis, Schiff. Folkestone — hyalinalis, Hb. Deal, Greenhithe, Seven- oaks, Folkestone — verticalis, Schiff. Generally common, often abundant — lancealis, Schiff. Greenhithe, Abbey Wood, Eltham, Tenterden, Folkestone — fuscalis, Schiff. Greenhithe, Dartford, Chattenden, Folkestone — urticalis, Schiff. Generally common Ebulea crocealis, Hb. Greenhithe, Deal, Bex- ley, Dartford, Folkestone — verbascalis, Schiff. Greenhithe, Chatham, Bexley, Erith, Chattenden ; often abun- dant — sambucalis, Schiff. Generally common — stachydalis, Zinc. Greenhithe, Talding, Chattenden, Dover Pionea forficalis, L. Generally common — stramentalis, Hb. Greenhithe, Otford, Shoreham, Talding, Sevenoaks, Watering- bury, Folkestone Spilodes sticticalis, L. Deal, Pembury, Folke- stone ; rare — palealis, Schiff. Greenhithe, Maidstone, Deal, Dover, Folkestone ; rare — cinctalis, Tr. Greenhithe, Dartford, Folke- stone Scopula lutealis, Hb. Greenhithe, Dartford, Deal — olivalis, Schiff. Generally common — prunalis, Schiff. „ „ — ferrugalis, Hb. Generally distributed Lemodes pulveralis, Hb. Folkestone; Mr, Webb states that it has not been taken for ten years or more Stenopteryx hybridalis, Hb. Generally com- mon Margarodes unionalis, Hb. Near Dover Diasemia ramburialis, Dup. Folkestone, St. Margaret's, Ashford Scoparia ambigualis, Tr. Generally common — basistrigalis, Knaggs. Dartford, Bexley — cembrae, Haw. Generally distributed — dubitalis, Hb. Generally common — ingratella, Zell. St. Margaret's ^oy, Folkestone — lineola, Curt. Deal, Folkestone — mercurella, L. Generally common — cratasgella, Hb. Bexley, Folkestone