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INSECTS Hyponomeuta plumbellus, Schiff., Sta. Gene- rally distributed — padellus, L., Sta. Generally distributed — cagnagellus, Hb. „ „ Anesychia bipunctella, Fb., Sta. Dover — decemguttella, Hb. Sta. Darenth, Folke- stone — funerella. Dover Prays curtisellus, Don. Generally distributed PLUTELLID.E, Sta. Eidophasia messingiella, Fisch. Eltham^Dart- fordy Pembury Plutella maculipennis, Curt. Generally dis- tributed — porrectella, L., Sta. Lee, Lewisham, Alk- ham, etc. Cerostoma sequella, Clerck, L., Sta. Shore- ham — vittella, L., Sta. Generally distributed — radiatella, Don., Sta. „ „ — costella, Fb., Sta. „ „ — sylvella, L., Sta. Chis/ehurst, Bex/ey, E/tham, Petnbury, etc. — alpella, SchifF., Sta. Lewisham, Pembury — lucella, Fb., Sta. Lee, etc. Harpipteryx scabrella, L., St., Sta. Beckenham, Bromley, Chislehunt, Eltham, Bexley — nemorella, L., St., Sta. Bexley, etc. — xylostella, L., Sta. Generally distributed Theristis mucronella, Scop. Eltham, Bexley, Darenth, Swanky GELECHIIDiE, Sta. Lee, etc. Smu' Orthotelia sparganella, Thnb., Sta. Henicostoma lobelia, SchifF., Sta. Kidbrooke, Lee, etc. Phibalocera quercana, Fb., Sta. Generally distributed Depressaria costosa, Haw., Sta. Generally distributed — flavella, Hb. Dover, Lee, Bexley, Eltham, etc. — pallorella, Zell., Sta. Dover — assimilella, Tr., Sta. Lee, Bexley, Chatten- den, Tenterden, etc. — nanatella, Sta., Zell. Dover, Birch Wood, Shoreham, Charlton, etc. — scopariella, Hein. Lee, etc. — atomella, Hb. Charlton, etc. — arenella, SchifF., Sta. Generally distri- buted — propinquella, Tr., Sta. Generally distri- buted — subpropinquella, Sta. Folkestone, Darenth, Falkham, Swanky — rhodochrella, H.S. Folkestone, Darenth — alstroemeriana, Clerck. Generally distri- buted 203 Depressaria purpurea, Haw., Sta. Alkham, Darenth, Falkham, Green Street Green, Swanky, Tenterden — liturella, Hb. Lee, Lewisham, West Wick- ham — conterminella, Zell., Sta. Generally dis- tributed — angelicella, Hb., Sta. Tenterden — carduella, Hb., Sta. Bexley, Pembury, Dartford Heath — ocellana, Fb., Sta. Eltham, Bexley — applana, Fb., Haw., Sta. Generally dis- tributed — zephyrella, Hb. Deal — rotundella, Dougl., Sta. Folkestone, Shore- ham — depressella, Hb., Sta. Folkestone — discipunctella, H.S. „ — douglasella, Sta. Folkestone, Darenth — weirella, Sta. Eltham, Lewisham — cha;rophylli, Zell. Generally distributed — ultimella, Sta. Folkestone — nervosa. Haw., Sta. Alkham — badiella, Hb., Sta. Dartford Heath, near Foot's Cray — heracleana, De Geer. Generally distri- buted Psoricoptera gibbosella, Zell. Chiskhurst Gelechia vilella, Zell. Folkestone — nigra, Haw. Lee, Bexley, Alkham — hippophaslla, Schr. Deal, Folkestone — malvella, Hb. Lee, Chiskhurst — lentiginosella, Zell. Tunbridge Wells — ericetella, Hb. Generally distributed — mulinella, Zell. „ „ — sororculella, Hb. Bexley, Eltham, Shooters Hill, Lee, Chiskhurst, etc. — diffinis. Haw., Sta. Bexley, Chiskhurst — rhombella, SchifF. Lee, Eltham, Grove Park — distinctella, Zell., Sta. Bexley — scalella. Scop. Swanscombe, Chattenden, Chiskhurst, Bexley, Shooters Hill, Dar- enth Brachmia moufFetella, Schiff. Lee, Pembury, Eltham, Bexley, Chiskhurst Bryotropha terrella, Hb., Sta. Generally dis- tributed — desertella, Dougl., Sta. Deal — senectella, Zell., Sta. Lee, Stone, Shore- ham, Chiskhurst, etc. — similis, Dougl. Lee, Charlton — affinis, Dougl. Mottington, Cliffe, Charl- ton, Bexley, Lee, Lewisham — basaltinella, Zell., Sta. Swanscombe, Chat- tenden — domestica. Haw., Sta. Bexley, Lee, Ten- terden, Dartford, Chiskhurst Lita acuminatella, Sircom. Dover, Bexley, Shoreham