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A HISTORY OF KENT Lita artemisiella, Tr. Bexley^ Alkham, Shore- ham — costella, Westw., Sta. Lee^ Petnhury, Leiuhham — maculea, Haw., St. Lewisham, Tenter- den, Lee, Chislehurst, Eltham, etc. — blandulella, Tutt. Deal — tricolorella, Haw., Sta. Generally distri- buted — fraternella, Dougl. Lee, Leivisham, Eltham, Chislehurst — maculiferella, Dougl. Lewlsham, Lee, Eltham — semidecandrella, Sta. & Thelf. Deal — marmorea. Haw., Sta. Deal — obsoletella, Fisch., Sta. Lee — salicorniae, Hernig. — atriplicella, Fisch., Sta. Generally distri- buted Teleia proximella, Hb., Sta. Generally dis- tributed — notatella, Hb., Sta, Chislehurst, Pemhury, Darenth, Eltham — vulgella, Hb., Sta. Generally distributed — luculella, Hb. — scriptella, Hb., Sta. Lewisham, Pembury, Eltham, Kidbrooke, Lee — fugitivella, Zell., Sta. Generally distri- buted — sequax, Haw., Sta. Dover, Alkhain, Shoreham, Stone, Bexley, etc. — dodecella, L., Sta. Generally distributed — triparella, Zell., Sta. JVest Wickham, Lee, Kidbrooke, Darenth, etc. Recurvaria leucatella, Clerck, L. Generally distributed — nanella, Hb. Bexley, Lee, Pembury, Charl- ton, Eltham, etc. Pcecilia nivea, Haw. Darenth, Bexley, Eltham — albiceps, Zell., Sta. Eltham, Lee, Lewis- ham, Bexley, etc. Argyritis pictella, Zell., Sta. Deal, Dover Nannodia stipella, Hb. Bexley, Alkham, Lee, Chislehurst, Pembury — hermannella, Fb., Sta. Eltham, Lee, Chislehurst, Bexley, Greenwich Apodia bifractella, Mann., Sta. Shoreham, Dover, Stone Ptocheuusa inopella, Zell., Sta. Folkestone, Northjleet, Shoreham, Chattenden, Lewis- ham, Pembury — osseella, Sta. Deal, Chattenden — subocellea, St. Alkham, Dover, Shoreham, Pembury Ergatis ericinella, Dup., Sta. Dartford Heath, West Wickham Doryphora palustrella, Dougl. Deal — arundinetella, Zell. Lee — lutulentella, Zell., Sta. Dartford Heath — servella, Hb. Shooters Hill Monochroa tenebrella, Hb., St. Generally distributed Lamprotes atrella. Haw., Sta. Lee, Perry Street, Bexley Anacampsis albipalpella, H.S. — ligulella, Zell., Sta. Alkham, Chattenden, Pembury — vorticella, Scop. Pembury — tasniolella, Tr. Generally distributed — immaculatella, Dougl. West Wickham — anthyllidella, Hb., Sta. Generally dis- tributed Acanthopila alacella, Dup. Bexley Tachyptilia populella, Clerck. Generally distributed Brachycrossata cinerella, Clerck. Darenth, Shoreham, Pembury, Bexley, Chattenden Ceratophora rufescens. Haw. Generally dis- tributed Cladodes gerronella, Zell. Chislehurst, Lee, Bexley, Tunbridge Wells Parasia lappella, L. Shoreham, Folkestone, Dover, Bexley — metzneriella, Sta. Chattenden, Alkham, Charlton — carlinella, Dougl. Shoreham, Folkestone — neuropterella, Fisch. Deal, Dover, Stone Cleodora cytisella. Curt. Bexley, Lee, Chisle- hurst, Pembury — striatella, Hb. Lewisham Cheleria hiibnerella, Don. Bexley, Eltham, West Wickham, Shoreham, Perry Street Anarsia spartiella, Schr. Dover, Chislehurst, Pemhury, Alkham — genistae, Sta. Lee, Alkham, Pemhury Hypsilophus schmidiellus. Dover, Greenhithe — marginellus, Fb. Shoreham Sophronia parenthesella, L. Bexley, Shoreham, West Wickham, Alkham, Lewisham Pleurota bicostella, Clerck. Chislehurst, Pem- bury Harpella geoffrella, L. Generally distributed Hypercallia citrinalis, Scop. Shoreham, Darenth, Kemsing, Greenhithe, Sevenoaks Dasycera sulphurella, Fb. Generally dis- tributed — olivierella, Fb. Tenterden, Lee, Chatten- den, Darenth, Pembury, Eltham, Bexley, Stone CEcophora minutella, L. Bexley, Swanscombe, Chattenden, Darenth, Pemhury — fulviguttella, Zell. Pembury, Lee — tripuncta. Haw. Greenhithe, Tenterden, Pembury — augustella, Hb. Bexley, Mottingham — lunaris. Haw. Lewisham, Bexley, Eltham, Pembury, Chislehurst, Lee, Darenth — lambdella, Don. Charlton — tinctella, Hb. West Wickham, Chattenden, Pembury