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A HISTORY OF KENT Bucculatrix boyerella, Dup. Eltham^ Bexley, Grcenhlthe, Sidcup, Mottingham, Pembury — frangulella, Goze. Darenth, Tenterden, Pemlmry — thoracella, Thnb. Bexiey — cristatella, Fisch. Lee, Black Fen NEPTICULID^ Nepticula atricapitella, Haw. Lewlsham, Eltham, Beckenham, Chattenden, JVeit JVlckham — ruficapitella, Haw. Chattenden, Becken- ham, Ehham, TVest JFickham, Lewisham — basiguttella, Hein. TVest Wickham — anomalella, Goze. Tenterden, Beckenham, Lee, Leivisham — pygmaeella, Haw. Lewisham, Mottingham — pomella, Vaughan. Lewisham — oxyacanthella, Sta. Lewisham, Charlton, Dartford Heath, Mottingham — aucuparias, Frey. (?) West Wickham — viscerella, Dougl. Lewisham, Norwood, Woodside, West Wickham — catharticella, Sta. Alkham, Darenth, Lee, Leivisham — septembrella, Sta. Chattenden, Darenth, Beckenham, Lewisham, West Wickham — intimella, Zell., Sta. Dartford Heath — subbimaculella, Haw. Chattenden, Chisle- hurst, Lewisham, Northfleet, Pembury — argyropeza, Zell. Beckenham — subapicella, Sta. „ — trimaculella, Haw. Eltham, Lee, Lewisham — quinquella, Bedell., Sta. Beckenham, West Wickham — sericopeza, Zell. Dartford Heath, Lewis- ham — floslactella, Haw. Bexley, Chattenden, Darenth, Eltham, Lewisham, Pembury, Tenter den — salicis, Sta. Chattenden, Eltham, Lewis- ham, Southhorough — microtheriella, Wing. Beckenham, Chat- ham, Darenth, Lewisham, Plumstead — betulicola, St. Chislehurst, Darenth, West Wickham — ignobilella, Sta. Beckenham, Lewisham — argentipedella, Zell. Bexley, Chislehurst, Darenth, Eltham, Dartford Heath, West Wickham — plagicolella, Sta. Darenth, Dartford Heath, Eltham, Lewisham — turicella, H.S. Bexley — basalella, H.S. Lewisham — malella, Sta. „ — angulifasciella, Sta. Beckenham, Lewisham — atricollis, Sta. Lewisham — arcuatella, H.S. West Wickham — gratiosella, Sta. Lewisham, Beckenham — poterii. Folkestone Warren Nepticula acetosa. Folkestone Warren — ulmivora, Hein. West Wickham — marginicolella, Sta. Beckenham, Lewisham, West Wickham — alnetella, Sta. Beckenham, Eltham, Leivis- ham — glutinosae, Sta. Eltham — continuella, Sta. Lewisham — aenofasciella, H.S. Folkestone — aurella, Fb. Lewisham, West Wickham, Tenter den — gei, Wk. Chislehurst — splendidissimella, H.S. — luteella, Sta. Dartford Heath, Lewisham, West Wickham — regiella, H.S. Darenth, Dartford Heath Trifurcula atrifrontella, Sta. Bexley, Lewisham — squamatella, Sta. Charlton — immundella, Zell., Sta. Charlton, Lee — pulverosella, Sta. Lewisham, Eltham PTEROPHORI Agdistes bennettii, Curt. Gravesend, Sheerness Cncemidorphus rhododactylus, Fb. Chattenden, Lewisham, Plumstead Platyptilia bertrami, Hb. Dover, Alkham, Pembury — gonodactyla, SchifF. Generally distributed — zetterstedtii. Sydenham, Dover Amblyptilia acanthodactyla, Hb. Generally distributed — cosmodactyla, Hb. Pembury, Dover — parvidactylus. Alkham, Charlton, Cuxton, Pembury, Shoreham — teucrii. Greening. Shoreham, Dover — laetus, Zell. Dover, St. Margaret's Bay — pilosellae, Zell. Dover, Folkestone Mimoeseoptilus phaeodactylus, Hb. Alkham, Bexley, Cuxton, Lee, Shoreham — bipunctidactylus. Haw. Chattenden, Dover, Pembury, Alkham — plagiodactyla, Stn. Chattenden, Shoreham — pterodactylus, L. Generally distributed CEdematophorus lithodactylus, Tr, Chatten- den, Dover Pterophorus monodactylus, L. Generally distributed Leioptilus lienigianus, Zell. Deal, Dover, Eltham, Lee, Bexley, Mottingham — tephradactylus, Hb. Pembury, Dover — osteodactylus, Zell. Darenth, Dover — microdactylus, Hb. Alkham, Dover, Pem- bury Aciptilia galactodactyla, Hb. Bexley, Ightham, Darenth, Shoreham, Pembury, Tcnterden — baliodactyla, Zell. Dover — tetradactyla, L. Shoreham, Dover, Alkham, Pembury — pciitadactyla, L. Generally distributed Alucita polydactyla. „ „ 208