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INSECTS DIPTERA Flies In consequence of the paucity of collectors of this order, especially in Kent, I am only able to supply the following meagre list of Diptera. It contains the names of such species as are known by me to occur in Kent, supplemented by the names of species whose occurrence in the county has been recorded by Walker, Curtis, Haliday, Verrall and others. A large number of species are recorded by Verrall in his British Flies, vol. viii., and in his ' List of British Tipulidse' {E.M.M. vol. xxiii. 1888), with indefinite localities, such as ' Penzance to Tongue.' Probably all these occur in the county, but they have not been collated where a definite Kentish locality cannot be assigned to them. Many common species, e.g. Ciilex pipiens, Musca domestica, etc., etc., must occur, but as they have not been recorded, nor are specimens of them in local collections, they are omitted. A list of Diptera taken in the neighbourhood of Maidstone has been sent me by Mr. H. Elgar, and thirty-one species therefrom have been added to my list. Mr. Elgar has also sent many additional localities, which are also enumerated, for species already recorded. After all the total number of species for the county does not reach 350, a poor proportion out of the 2,800 named in Verrall's 'List' ed. 2. PULICIDit Hystrichopsylla talps, Curt. Halstow Cecidomyid^ Cecidomyia reaumurii, Brein. JVye (galls only) Diplosis botularia, Wim. Kent (Theobald) Mycetophilid^ Empheria pictipennis, Hal. Kent (Walker) Platyura marginata,* Mg. Barming {Eg2.r) Macrocera vittata, Mg. Bearsted — stigma, Curtis. „ BlBIONID^ Scatopsc notata, Linn. Maidstone — incompleta, Verr. Abbey Wood — brevicornis, Mg. Folkestone Dilophus febrilis, Linn. „ Bibio venosus, Mg. Birch Wood, ? St. Mary Cray (Curtis) — laniger, Mg. Folkestone — varipes, Mg. Bexley (Haliday) — marci, Linn. Common (Elgar) — hortulanus, Linn. „ „ — johannis, Linn. Folkestone — sp. inc near hortulanus. Bearsted Note. — Of species marked with an * either the record is doubtful, or doubts exist as to whether the locality is within the boundaries of the county. —J. w. y. I 209 Chironomid^ Chironomus viridis, Mcq. Folkestone Ceratopogon pictus, Mg. Kent (Walker) CULICID^ Anopheles maculipennis, Mg. Wye — nigripes, Stasg. Wye (Nuttall) Culex diversus, Theob. Tunbridge Wells (Theobald) — dorsalis, Mg. Lewisham TiPULIDit Ptychoptera contaminata, Linn. Graves- end — paludosa, Mg. Bearsted Limnobia nubeculosa, Mg. Folkestone — analis, Mg., Verr. Plumstead — nigropunctata, Schum. Darenth — macrostigma, Schum. Tunbridge Wells Dicranomyia sericata, Mg. Kent (Verrall, E.M.M. vol. xxiii.) — pilipennis,Egg. KentiVtrtzW, E.M.M. vol. xxiii.) Rhamphidia longirostris, Mg. Tunbridge Wells Molophilus appendiculatus, Staeg. Kent (Verrall, E.M.M. vol. xxiii.) — propinquus, Egg. Kent (Verrall, E.M.M. vol.^xxiii.) Erioptera macropthalma, Lw. Tunbridge Wells 27